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martlaak edited this page Aug 15, 2022 · 16 revisions


The goal of this project is to serve as an example for how you can use the OneWireIO library to read sensor values off of sensors using the 1-Wire protocol.

This is a preview of what the OneWireTemperatureSensor GUI looks like:

Connecting Sensors and Configuring the Application

OneWireIO uses the Raspberry Pi 1-WIRE bus interface. You need to enable the interface by adding the following line to Raspberry Pi /boot/config.txt file, before rebooting your Pi:


, where x is is GPIO number used to connect the sensors.

The OneWireTemperatureSensor app is can be read unlimited number of sensors from the Raspberry Pi 1-WIRE bus. Temperature sensors should be connected to Raspberry Pi like is shown in the following diagram:

Here you can see the photo example how the sensors are connected using test breadboard:

After all sensors connected and you should list the sensors that your Raspberry Pi has discovered via all 1-Wire buses, using command ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/, like is shown in the example screenshot:

Listed SensorId-s should be configured to the DashboardApp.OneWireIOServer component to OneWireSensor1 and OneWireSensor2, like is shown in the example screenshot:

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