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Releases: CDTbot/CDTbot

v0.1.1 Alpha 2

14 Feb 23:44
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v0.1.1 Alpha 2 Pre-release

Many changes since v0.1.1. Logo change, README changes, Github Pages integration, tutorial video creation and more!

PC only .exe application.


Bartho et al. (2020). CDTbot: Quickly analyze the 2f1-f2 cubic difference tone distortion product. CDTbot v0.1.1 Alpha 2. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3668354.

Alpha Release

05 Feb 17:32
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Alpha Release Pre-release

February 4th, 2020
Welcoming DPOAE Analyzer into the world!

This is the initial ALPHA release. Expect many breaking bugs and changes in the near future. This is the initial development stage, and anything may change at any time. Version 0.1.0 denotes the first release of alpha.

PC only .exe application.

Note: this is the first, and last, release under the moniker DPOAE Analyzer. All future releases will be named CDTbot. It is recommended to use the most recent CDTbot release.


Bartho et al. (2020). DPOAE Analyzer: An Automated DP Caller for TDT Systems. DPOAE Analyzer v0.1.0 Alpha Release. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3644404.