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=== Advanced Google Analytics Tracking for WordPress ===

Contributors: AramZS, robflaherty, cfo-publishing

Tags: analytics, Google Analytics, tracking, engagement, testing, scroll depth, time engaged, viewability

Requires at least: 2.7

Tested up to: 3.9.1

Stable tag: 1.0.2

License: GPL2

Creates user controls to allow tracking of detailed engagement metrics with Google Analytics.

== Description ==

The Advanced Google Analytics Tracking plugin allows users to set and track a variety of events that indicate engagement and send those metrics to Google Analytics.

  • Time user spends actively engaging the site (clicking, scrolling, using the keyboard).
  • Depth to which users scroll on a page, as either a percentage or a pixel value.
  • Viewability of individual elements, defined with your own number of seconds on element and percentage of element visible.
  • Clicks on individual elements on the page. Great for A/B testing!

You can contribute to this project at our GitHub.

This plugin rolls in the Rivited plugin and will not work if you are already running that plugin.

== Installation ==

Note: You must already have your Google Analytics code active on page.

This plugin is not yet compatible with Google's Universal Analytics, but soon will be.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Will this plugin transition all my selections to Google's Universal Analytics when that functionality is ready? =

Yes, that's the plan.

= Why are the menus on different pages? =

The two menus are due to two plugins rolled together. They will eventually be unified, while keeping your options in place.

= Why did my site crash when I tried to install this plugin? =

You probably had the Rivited plugin installed and active.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.1 =

  • Rolled in Rivited Plugin, with permission from Rob Flaherty.