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Naming Recommendations

Mael Rouxel-Labbé edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 1 revision

Naming recommendation for feature branches

The name should be made of four optional strings separated by dashes:

  1. A common identifier used as prefix (e.g., gsoc2014) if applicable.
  2. The name of a significant package involved (an existing or a new one) if applicable.
  3. The name of the single component added or modified (e.g., class, function, concept, or enum) if applicable, or a description of the changes to see. Maybe prefixed with "fix" if it's a bugfix.
  4. The login username of the main developer or the name of a group (e.g., geometrica, vegas, mpi, eth, gf or forth) if applicable.


  • Assume Jenny would like to develop a fast implementation of the 2D convex hull, the recommended name would be:


  • Sandeep is a GSoC student in 2014. He works on the plane-sweep code in the Arrangement_on_surface_2 package. The recommended name is:


  • Adam is fixing a bug in the Mesh_3 package. The recommended name is


Notice that you will need to enter these names in places where you may not have automatic name-completion. For example, if you are involved in the development of several new features developed in different branches, you may need to switch between the different branches often. Switching between branches is a common routine for you that you would like to facilitate. For Git there exists tab completion of branch names and many programs with GUIs.

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