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Certservice-messages Project

This a project containing Java code to generate and parse various messages within other certservice projects.

It mainly consists of the following parts:

CS Message 2.0 (core message format) with a set of Payload Parsers (which also are generators).

  • Credential Management Payload Parser

  • Key Store Management Payload Parser

  • System Configuration Payload Parser

  • Assertion Payload Parser

  • Authorization Payload Parser

  • Encrypted CS Message Payload Parser

PKI Message generator (Older core message format) containing messages for credential management.

Framework for generating and parsing Receipt Messages (but no actual message implementation exists in this project. See org.certificateservices.messages.receipts package for details. To implement a custom kind of receipt message used by certservice-ejbcacomponents or certservice-ejbcaproviders implement a custom RecieptParser, add the jar to the main applications classpath and use settings defined in certservice-ejbcacomponents or certservice-ejbcaproviders to specify your implementation.

Framework for generating and parsing Heartbeat Messages (but no actual message implementation exists in this project. See org.certificateservices.messages.heartbeat package for details. To implement a custom kind of receipt message used by certservice-ejbcacomponents or certservice-ejbcaproviders implement a custom HeartBeatParser, add the jar to the main applications classpath and use settings defined in certservice-ejbcacomponents or certservice-ejbcaproviders to specify your implementation.

Updated Dependencies

In order to mitigate security vulnerabilties in XMLSEC 1.5.7 it has been upgraded to 2.2.3 which updated a few dependencies to the build of this library:

  • slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar

  • xmlsec-2.2.3.jar

Other dependencies are:

  • bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar

Message Specification Documentation

For detailed documentation of each available message and its content see directory src/site/resources.

Using CS Message 2.0 Framework to generate or parse messages.

Before you start generating or parsing a CS Message 2.0 you need to initialize it once using a call to org.certificateservices.messages.csmessages.initCSMessageParser(MessageSecurityProvider securityProvider, Properties config). You can later retrieve the CSMessageParser using the getCSMessageParser() metod. As security provider you can either implement your own of use the org.certificateservices.messages.SimpleMessageSecurityProvider.

Main Configuration Settings

By default is the DefaultCSMessageManager returned, but a custom implementation implementing CSMessageParser can be used as well

Settings for the configuration manager are:

Key Description Default value


Implementation of CS Message Parser that should be used.


DefaultCSMessageParser Settings

The default CS Message Parser have the following setting (pkimessage variants of the key is accepted for backward compability, see section for PKI Messages):

Key Description Default value


Source Id system sending messages, (Required)

No Default


If generated messages should be signed.



If parsed message has to have a valid signature.



If custom message name catalogue should be used.

See below

As default is Default Message Name Catalogue (setting the 'name' element in the message header), The default implementation takes the element name of the payload and sets it as message name. But specific organisations might have their own custom message names.

SimpleMessageSecurityProvider Settings.

The simple message security provider uses a set of JKS as backend storage of its keys and have the following settings.

Key Description Default value


Setting indicating the path to the signing JKS key store (Required)

No Default


Setting indicating the password to the signing key store (Required)

No Default


The alias of the certificate to use in the signing key store (Required)

No Default


The path to the decrypt JKS key store (optional, if not set is signing keystore used for both signing and encryption)

No Default


The password to the decrypt JKS key store (optional, if not set is signing keystore used for both signing and encryption)

No Default


the alias of the decryption key to use if no specific key is known. (optional, if not set is same as signing keystore alias used.)

No Default


Signature algorithm scheme to use, possible values are: RSAWithSHA256, RSAWithSHA512, ECDSAWithSHA256, ECDSAWithSHA512



Encryption algorithm scheme to use, possible values are: RSA_PKCS1_5_WITH_AES128, RSA_OAEP_WITH_AES128, RSA_PKCS1_5_WITH_AES192, RSA_OAEP_WITH_AES192, RSA_PKCS1_5_WITH_AES256, RSA_OAEP_WITH_AES256



The type of trust store used, can be either CA or ENDENTITY depending on trust policy used. If CA should the trust store contain the issuers (the entire chain) of a received signing certificate (from other parties) and if ENDENTITY it should contain the actual trusted signing certificates.

If CA is used should settings: simplesecurityprovider.trustkeystore.matchdnfield and simplesecurityprovider.trustkeystore.matchdnvalue is recommended be set to authorize who can send messages. (Optional)



The path to the trust JKS key store (Required)

No Default


The password to the trust JKS key store (Required)

No Default


Setting used if truststore type is CA and indicates that a subject DN check should be added to authorize the sender. If setting is false will all messages that is issued by any trusted CA by the configuration be accepted. (Optional)



Setting indicating which field in client certificate subject dn that should be matched. Example "OU","O" or "CN". (Required if truststore type is CA and matchsubject is true)

No Default


Setting indicating the value that should be matched (case-sensitive) in the subject dn. Example if set to "frontend" and matchdnfield is "OU" only systems that have a trusted client certificate with a subjectdn containing "OU=frontend" will be accepted. (Required if truststore type is CA and matchsubject is true)

No Default

Example Configuration using the truststore type CA

First make sure that you have a truststore JKS file that contains the complete chain of all CA certificates that should be trusted. CS message only contains the end entity certificate.

Then define a policy for your application that all certificate that should be trusted should have for example OU=FRONTEND.

To configure this use the following trust store settings

simplesecurityprovider.trustkeystore.path=<truststore jks path>

PKCS11MessageSecurityProvider Settings.

PKCS#11 message security provider supports the use of a hardware security module or smartcard to store cryptographic material and to perform cryptographic operations. The following settings can be used to configure the provider.

Key Description Default value


Path to PKCS#11 library to use when communicating with the hardware token. (Required)

No default


PKCS#11 Slot to use when connecting to the token. (Required)

No default


Password that is used when logging in to token. (Required)

No default


Alias of key to use for signature operations. If not specified the first key found will be used.

No default


Alias of default key to use for decryption operations. If not specified the signing key will be used.

Sign key alias


Signature algorithm scheme to use, possible values are: RSAWithSHA256, RSAWithSHA512, ECDSAWithSHA256, ECDSAWithSHA512



Encryption algorithm scheme to use, possible values are: RSA_PKCS1_5_WITH_AES128, RSA_OAEP_WITH_AES128, RSA_PKCS1_5_WITH_AES192, RSA_OAEP_WITH_AES192, RSA_PKCS1_5_WITH_AES256, RSA_OAEP_WITH_AES256



The type of trust store used, can be either CA or ENDENTITY depending on trust policy used. If CA should the trust store contain the issuers (the entire chain) of a received signing certificate (from other parties) and if ENDENTITY it should contain the actual trusted signing certificates.

If CA is used should settings: simplesecurityprovider.trustkeystore.matchdnfield and simplesecurityprovider.trustkeystore.matchdnvalue is recommended be set to authorize who can send messages. (Optional)



The path to the trust JKS key store (Required)

No Default


The password to the trust JKS key store (Required)

No Default


Setting used if truststore type is CA and indicates that a subject DN check should be added to authorize the sender. If setting is false will all messages that is issued by any trusted CA by the configuration be accepted. (Optional)



Setting indicating which field in client certificate subject dn that should be matched. Example "OU","O" or "CN". (Required if truststore type is CA and matchsubject is true)

No Default


Setting indicating the value that should be matched (case-sensitive) in the subject dn. Example if set to "frontend" and matchdnfield is "OU" only systems that have a trusted client certificate with a subjectdn containing "OU=frontend" will be accepted. (Required if truststore type is CA and matchsubject is true)

No Default

Generating CS 2.0 Messages using payload parser.

After initializing the CS Message Parser it is possible to generate messages using a payload parser. Payload parser can be retrived from org.certificateservices.messages.csmessages.PayloadParserRegistry using the method getParser(String namespace). It is also possible to add your own implementations of a payload parser by using the register() method.

For examples on using the payload parser, especially on using it in combination with assertions. See work-flow examples in src/test/groovy/org/certificateservices/messages/csmessages/examples directory.

Available Payload Parsers.

The following build in pay load parser exists.

Credential Management Payload Parser, to generate credential management messages, See org.certificateservices.messages.credmanagement.CredManagementPayloadParser

Key Store Managment Payload Parser for generate key store management messages, see org.certificateservices.messages.keystoremgmt.KeystoreMgmtPayloadParser

System Configuration Payload Parser to generate system configuration messages, see org.certificateservices.messages.sysconfig.SysConfigPayloadParser

Assertion Payload Parser to generate assertions inserted into other payload messages, see org.certificateservices.messages.assertion.AssertionPayloadParser

Encrypted CS Message Payload Parser, not actually a payload but encrypts an entire CS Message into an Encrypted variant, see org.certificateservices.messages.encryptedcsmessage.EncryptedCSMessagePayloadParser

Generating older PKI Messages

PKI Message was the first generation messages sent between clients and CA, mainly for requesting certificates.

To start generating or parsing messages create a PKI Message Parser using the org.certificateservices.messages.pkimessages.PKIMessageParserFactory and instansiate a parser with the method genPKIMessageParser(MessageSecurityProvider securityProvider, Properties config). The MessageSecurityProvider is the same as for CS Message Parser but doens’t use any encryption functionality.

Main Configuration Settings

The following general setting exists for PKI Message Parsers:

Key Description Default value


Implementation of PKI Message Parser that should be used.


DefaultCSMessageParser Settings

For the DefaultPKIMessageParser also exists the following settings:

Key Description Default value


Source Id system sending messages, (Required)

No Default


If generated messages should be signed.



If parsed message has to have a valid signature.



If custom message name catalogue should be used.

See below

For Developers of this API

This is a maven project, just check-it out and build with mvn 2 and java 6 +:

Main command to build a binary distribution is:

Other commands:

To clean:

mvn clean

To compile:

mvn compile

To test:

mvn test

To package (This generates both a binary and source distribution):

mvn package

To build site:

mvn site

To build site with code coverage report (integration tests must have been setup first):

mvn clean verify site

How to generate JAXB Class from XSD and Episode files

All XSD and episode files is in src/main/resources, episode files is to link existing classes from imported schemas such as xmldsig without having to generate new classes. To generate use the following command (for multiple episode files use multible -b options)

xjc -d 'outputdir' 'xsd schema file' -p 'package name' -extension -b src/main/resources/'filename' -b src/main/resources/'filename' -disableXmlSecurity

For example:

xjc -d src/main/java src/main/resources/credmanagement_schema2_0.xsd -p org.certificateservices.messages.credmanagement.jaxb  -extension -b src/main/resources/csmessage-episode-jaxbbindings.xml -b src/main/resources/xmldsig-episode-jaxbbindings.xml -disableXmlSecurity

When generating jaxb code is usually not the correct xml prefixes set, this has to be configured manually in class. Remember that when regenerating the code using xjc is this information overwritten.

To save the result in a separate episode file for generation of dependencies add the parameter -episode 'filename'.

Eclipse notes

Import the project with a eclipse supporting maven 2 and almost everything should be set-up automatically, only add src/test/groovy as source folder and you should be ready to go.


Library to integrate with Certificate Services







No releases published
