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Ability to instantiate valves and grover valves in the same manner

No due date 0% complete

Regardless of what kind of a valve is used, the MINT syntax should always be VALVE x on channel1; or 3DVALVE x on channel1; TODO:

  1. Syntax which treats 3DVALVE like a module must be phased out
  2. The method for channel generation should change so as to break the path and insert the valves while maintaining that the same valves are being used.

Regardless of what kind of a valve is used, the MINT syntax should always be VALVE x on channel1; or 3DVALVE x on channel1; TODO:

  1. Syntax which treats 3DVALVE like a module must be phased out
  2. The method for channel generation should change so as to break the path and insert the valves while maintaining that the same valves are being used.

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