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CIELab gamut volume calculation and visualisation in matlab/octave


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CIELab gamut volume calculation and visualisation in matlab/octave


Matlab / Octave

To use this code you need either Matlab or Octave installed. Matlab is commercial software and can be obtained from the Mathworks Website. GNU/Octave is free open source software which can be downloaded from the GNU website.


Optionally, if you would like to contribute to this project, you will also need a GIT client. For Linux or MacOS it will already be installed, for windows you can install the git-scm client. Other git clients are also available if preferred, a full list can be found here.


Using git

From a suitable containing folder:

git clone

Without using git

Download the zip file with the project from here and unzip it into a suitable folder. You may want to rename the unzipped folder from gamut-volume-m-master to gamut-volume-m to be consistant with the git instructions above.


This guide assumes some basic familiarity with Matlab. For the complete Matlab or Octave novice, please have a look at Getting Started with MATLAB and/or GNU Octave, Getting Started. Even if using Octave the Matlab link provides more help getting started with the language itself.

First we want to load up a sample gamut file. If CIELabGamut is called with no parameters then a file browser will be opened. To do this, and assign the returned result to a variable called gamut do the following:

gamut = CIELabGamut();

and then browse for lcd.txt cgats file in the samples folder. To make a Gamut Rings plot if this gamut:


It is usually the case that a reference gamut is also included in the plot. To generate an sRGB reference gamut:

srgb = SyntheticGamut('srgb');

and to include it as a reference in the rings plot:

legend('LCD gamut','sRGB gamut');

The GetVolume function can be used to return the gamut volumes of any gamut, but in this case, as we are comparing to a reference gamut it is better to calculate the gamut volume coverage, which is the percentage of the reference gamut covered by the test gamut. To do this we need the intersection:

gamutIntersection = IntersectGamuts(gamut,srgb);
coverage = GetVolume(gamutIntersection)/GetVolume(srgb);

Then display this on the plot title:

title(sprintf('LCD gamut, sRGB coverage = %.0f%%',coverage*100));

New Feature! Intersection ring plots are now supported. To git them a go supply the test and reference gamuts to the PlotRings function with the option 'IntersectionPlot' set to true. For example:


Function reference


The CIELabGamut function creates a gamut data structure from either supplied matrix data or from a CGATS data file. This gamut volume code is simplest to use with the standard ASCII CGATS.17 file format and this is recommended.

The CIELabGamut function does the following:

  • Loads the RGB and XYZ data.
  • Chromatically adapts the XYZ data to a D50 reference using Bradford chromatic adaptation.
  • Forms a standard surface tesselation of the RGB data
  • Calculates the CIELab data from the XYZ data.
  • Calculates a cylindrical representation of the CIELab data which is then used by all other included functions.

The following are examples of use of the CIELabGamut function

% Browse for a file
gamut = CIELabGamut();
% Browse for a file from a particular location
gamut = CIELabGamut('/path/to/folder','*.cgats');
% Load data from a particular file
gamut = CIELabGamut('sRGB.txt');
% Initialise data from supplied matrices
gamut = CIELabGamut(RGB, XYZ, 'simulated gamut');

see more detailed help within Matlab/Octave using help CIELabGamut or doc CIELabGamut (Matlab only) from within the project folder.


Creates a synthetic display gamut either from a standard reference or from supplied data.

% Compare the gamut volumes of BT2020 and sRGB
sRGBvol = GetVolume(SyntheticGamut('sRGB'));
BT2020vol = GetVolume(SyntheticGamut('BT.2020'));
r = BT2020vol/sRGBvol;
sprintf('The BT2020 gamut volume is %gx that of sRGB\n', r);

% Assess the impact of white point selection on a gamut volume
D50gmt = SyntheticGamut([.68,.32;.265,.69;.15,.06],'D50');
D65gmt = SyntheticGamut([.68,.32;.265,.69;.15,.06],'D65');
sprintf('Gamut assuming a D50 white point is %g\n',GetVolume(D50gmt));
sprintf('Gamut assuming a D65 white point is %g\n',GetVolume(D65gmt));

% Assess the impact on gamut volume of the use of a white boosted RGBW
for wb=0:0.25:1
  mapping = @(s) [s, wb*min(s,[],2)];
  gamut = SyntheticGamut([.64,.33;.3,.6;.15,.06], mapping);
  sprintf('Gamut volume with %g%% white boost is %g\n',...
    wb*100, GetVolume(gamut));

see more detailed help within Matlab/Octave using help SyntheticGamut or doc SyntheticGamut (Matlab only) from within the project folder.


Calculates and returns the gamut volume.

% Load reference gamut data
gamut = CIELabGamut('sRGB.txt');
% display the gamut volume
fprints('sRGB gamut volume = %g\n',GetVolume(gamut));

see more detailed help within Matlab/Octave using help GetVolume or doc GetVolume (Matlab only) from within the project folder.


Calculates the intersection of two gamut volumes. The resultant data can be used for volume calculation and plotting the gamut rings but not 3D gamut visualisation.

% Load test and reference gamut data
gamut = CIELabGamut('laser.txt');
ref = CIELabGamut('sRGB.txt');
% calculate the intersection
igamut = IntersectGamuts(gamut,ref);
% display the intersected gamut volume
fprints('sRGB gamut volume = %g\n',GetVolume(igamut));

see more detailed help within Matlab/Octave using help IntersectGamuts or doc IntersectGamuts (Matlab only) from within the project folder.


Creates a 3D surface plot of the CIELab gamut.

% Load gamut data
gamut = CIELabGamut('sRGB.txt');
% Plot the data

see more detailed help within Matlab/Octave using help PlotVolume or doc PlotVolume (Matlab only) from within the project folder.


Creates a gamut rings plot of the CIELab gamut.

% A simple rings plot with a reference
sRGB = CIELabGamut('sRGB.txt');
gamut = CIELabGamut('sampleGamut.txt');
PlotRings(gamut, sRGB);
% The same figure showing the difference in the primary colours
PlotRings(gamut, sRGB,... 
  'LLabelIndices',[], ... %Turn of the label indices
  'RingReference','intersection', ... %Show, per ring, the intersection
  'ChromaRing',1000, ... %Show a ring of constant chroma
  'Primaries','all', ... %Show all primaries - RGBCMY
  'RefPrimaries','all'); %And the reference primaries

see more detailed help within Matlab/Octave using help PlotRings or doc PlotRings (Matlab only) from within the project folder.


To run all unit tests contained in the +tests package folder, navigate to the project folder from within matlab, then:


There is still work needed to get the tests to work in Octave, so for the moment the unit tests are matlab only.


CIELab gamut volume calculation and visualisation in matlab/octave







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