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sehoven edited this page Oct 14, 2016 · 12 revisions
User Terminology
Term Description
User An individual who is registered in our app with a unique username.
Rider Those who seek rides from Carrier. They make requests for rides from drivers and pay for their rides. A rider is a user.
Driver Those who provide rides within Carrier. They offer to fulfill requests from riders and bring them from source to destination. A driver is a user.
Offering Driver One of possibly many drivers who have offered to fulfill a rider's request.
Confirmed Driver The unique driver that a rider has confirmed to fulfill a request.
Profile All the information about a user. It has their username, password, email and phone number.
Request Terminology
Term Description
Request The ride that a rider requests that they are asking a driver to fulfill. The rider specifies the start and end locations, a fare that they are willing to pay, and an optional description. Drivers within a rider's vicinity can see their requests.
Open Request A request that has no offered drivers.
Pending (Offered) Request A request that one or more drivers has offered to fulfill.
Confirmed Request A request where the rider has confirmed a driver to fulfill the request.
Complete Request A request where the rider has been driven from the requested start to the requested end location by the confirmed driver.
Paid Request A complete request where the user has paid the driver. This is the most "finalized" form of a request and this request is only for historical and record keeping purposes.
Cancelled Request A request cancelled by a user before it is complete.
Available Request A request made by a rider that is available for a driver to view and accept. It is defined as the union of open requests and pending (offered) requests.
Fair Fare The price of a ride. It is a calculated value that is considered to be "fair" taking into account time and distance a ride will take. A rider includes a fare in their request; a fair fare is suggested.
Location Terminology
Term Description
Start The beginning location of a request. This is where the rider needs to be picked up.
End The finishing location of a request. This is where the rider needs to be dropped off.
Vicinity An appropriate distance that the driver will drive to complete a request. This distance is based on the start geo-location of a request and the driver's current location (or a different queried location). This is used when a driver is searching for requests.
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