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hobranan edited this page Jul 17, 2023 · 50 revisions

Welcome to the IHuntWithJavalins wiki!

Team Members:

Github Name Full Name
hobranan Brandon Hoynick
hblow Harrison Low
VirajCommits Viraj Murab
amoghmpanhale Amogh Panhale
KShah10 Khushi Shah
TannerLH Tanner Heise

Project Deliverables:

  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3
    • *This project part focuses on a working prototype with about half of the requirements, BUT we should try to have all parts drafted so TA can give us feedback for everything. You must have some server connectivity working by this part.*
    • Addressing Feedback: Address any TA feedback on the previous project part.
    • Code Base of Prototype: Your source code will be inspected. The code should conform to some consistent coding convention. Your prototype should provide something tangible to the user, supporting about half the requirements. Maintain the source code in your source repository.
    • Code Documentation: For each source code file, you should have a brief introductory comment describing its purpose or role within the application or a design pattern, as well as any currently outstanding issues. Provide Javadoc interface documentation for your model classes and their public methods (at least).
    • Test Cases: Write runnable tests for your model and control classes. Provide intent tests for the requirements you have done. Deliver the test code to your source repository. If you have test data files, also include those. Test data should be realistic.
    • Object-Oriented Design: Document your object-oriented design using a UML class diagram (or diagrams), including details on key attributes and methods. Add notes as appropriate to clarify. The diagram(s) will likely evolve.
    • Product Backlog: Update the requirements as appropriate. Note which user stories are done at this checkpoint.
    • User Interface Mockups and Storyboard Sequences: Update these diagrams as appropriate.
    • Sprint Planning and Reviews: Maintain a record of what user stories are planned for each weekly sprint at its start, including who is to work on them. For each intermediate week, in the lab, have a sprint review with your TA mentor and all team members present to review the completed user stories.
    • Demonstration: During your team's assigned lab section after the due date (or possibly at a mutually arranged time), you must demo your working prototype to your TA mentor. All team members have to attend the demo.
    • Tool use: Regular and consistent use of GitHub by all team members to share files for the project deliverables, to effectively track issues, and to manage tasks.
  • Part 4
    • Same as part3, but project must be done. Demo will be done in front of teacher (1 minute setup, 4 minutes demo {run through important US in a skit-like-format with 2+ devices}, 1 minute questions)

Group Meeting Log