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Installation and Deployment Information

jrforest edited this page May 15, 2018 · 5 revisions

Installation Information

In order to run FSJAwards, you will need to install the software required by this program. Installation instructions are as follows.

Step 1) Install Python

Install Python3 with
sudo apt-get install python3
or install Python 2.7 with
sudo apt-get install python

Step 2) Install Pip

Install Pip for Python3 with
sudo apt install python3-pip
or Python 2.7 with
sudo apt install python-pip

Step 3) Install Django Filters

Install Django Filters for Python3 with
pip3 install django-filter
or for Python 2.7 with
pip install django-filter

Step 4) Install Widget Tweaks

Install Widget Tweaks for Python3 with
pip3 install django-widget-tweaks
or for Python 2.7 with
pip install django-widget-tweaks

Step 5) Install xlwt

Install xlwt for Python3 with
pip3 install xlwt
or for Python 2.7 with
pip install xlwt

Step 6) Setup Do Not Reply Email

Located in FSJ_django20_project/FSJ_django20project/
Navigate to the bottom of
Enter a gmail account into EMAIL_HOST_USER and the emails password into EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = examplepassword

Deployment Information

In order to deploy FSJAwards on a local or remote machine, please follow the steps below

Step 1) Make migrations

Use the included file to create a migration for the relational database. Navigate to the folder containing and run the following command from the terminal
python3 makemigrations
or if you are using Python 2.7, run
python makemigrations

Step 2) Migrate

Migrate the changes you made with the following command
python3 migrate
or if you are using Python 2.7, run
python migrate

Step 3) Create a superuser

Create a superuser account for the site with the following command
python3 createsuperuser
or if you are using Python 2.7, run
python createsuperuser
and follow the onscreen prompts to create a superuser account

Step 4) Start the server

Start the server with the following command
python3 runserver
or if you are using Python 2.7, run
python runserver

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