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Merge pull request #136 from areinsvo/master
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merged assignment script
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vlimant committed Jun 6, 2016
2 parents 7da8620 + 19c8ad5 commit 632eca4
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#!/usr/bin/env python

# Combined with
# Author: Allie Reinsvold Hall
# May 2016

Quick request assignment, useful if you want to avoid assigning by
Web interface and is too unflexible.

import httplib
import re
import os
import sys
import json
import optparse
from dbs.apis.dbsClient import DbsApi
import reqMgrClient as reqMgr
from pprint import pprint
from random import choice
from utils import workflowInfo, siteInfo, global_SI

dbs3_url = r''

T1_SITES = [

T2_SITES = [


def getRandomDiskSite(site=T1_SITES):
Gets a random disk site and append _Disk
s = choice(site)
if s.startswith("T1"):
s += "_Disk"
return s

def assignRequest(url, workflow, team, sites, era, procversion, activity, lfn, procstring, trust_site=False, replica=False, verbose=False, taskchain=False):
Sends assignment request
params = {"action": "Assign",
"Team" + team: "checked",
"SiteWhitelist": sites,
"SiteBlacklist": [],
"MergedLFNBase": lfn,
"UnmergedLFNBase": "/store/unmerged",
"MinMergeSize": 2147483648,
"MaxMergeSize": 4294967296,
"MaxMergeEvents": 50000,
"MaxVSize": 4294967296,
# for task chains "MaxVSize": 20294967,
"SoftTimeout" : 159600,
"Dashboard": activity,
"ProcessingVersion": procversion,
"checkbox" + workflow: "checked",

if taskchain:
params["GracePeriod"] = 1000
params["BlockCloseMaxWaitTime"] = 64800
params["BlockCloseMaxFiles"] = 500
params["BlockCloseMaxEvents"] = 20000000
params["BlockCloseMaxSize"] = 5000000000000
params["MaxVSize"] = 20294967
params["CustodialSites"] = []

# add xrootd (trustSiteList)
if trust_site:
params['TrustSitelists'] = True
params['TrustPUSitelists'] = True

# if era is None, leave it out of the json
if era is not None:
params["AcquisitionEra"] = era
if procstring is not None:
params["ProcessingString"] = procstring

# if replica we add NonCustodial sites
if replica:
params["NonCustodialSites"] = getRandomDiskSite(),
params["NonCustodialSubType"] = "Replica"
if taskchain:
params['AutoApproveSubscriptionSites'] = [params["NonCustodialSites"]]

if verbose:

res = reqMgr.assignWorkflow(url, workflow, team, params)
if res:
print 'Assigned workflow:', workflow, 'to site:', sites, 'with processing version', procversion
print 'Could not assign workflow:', workflow, 'to site:', sites, 'with processing version', procversion
if verbose:
print res

def getRequestDict(url, workflow):
headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url, cert_file=os.getenv(
'X509_USER_PROXY'), key_file=os.getenv('X509_USER_PROXY'))
urn = "/reqmgr2/data/request/%s" % workflow
conn.request("GET", urn, headers=headers)
r2 = conn.getresponse()
request = json.loads(["result"][0]
return request[workflow]

def main():
url = ''
url_tb = ''

# Example: python -w amaltaro_RVZTT_120404_163607_6269
# -t testbed-relval -s T1_US_FNAL -e CMSSW_6_0_0_pre1_FS_TEST_WMA -p v1 -a
# relval -l /store/backfill/1
usage = "usage: %prog [options] [WORKFLOW]"

parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('-t', '--team', help='Type of Requests', dest='team')
parser.add_option('-s', '--sites', help=' "t1" for Tier-1\'s and "t2" for Tier-2\'s', dest='sites')
parser.add_option('--special', help='Use it for special workflows. You also have to change the code according to the type of WF', dest='special')
parser.add_option('-r', '--replica', action='store_true', dest='replica', default=False, help='Adds a _Disk Non-Custodial Replica parameter')
parser.add_option('-p', '--procversion', help='Processing Version, if empty it will leave the processing version that comes by default in the request', dest='procversion')
parser.add_option('-a', '--activity', help='Dashboard Activity (reprocessing, production or test), if empty will set reprocessing as default', dest='activity')
parser.add_option('-x', '--xrootd', help='Assign with trustSiteLocation=True (allows xrootd capabilities)',
action='store_true', default=False, dest='xrootd')
parser.add_option('-l', '--lfn', help='Merged LFN base', dest='lfn')
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='Verbose', action='store_true', default=False, dest='verbose')
parser.add_option('--testbed', help='Assign in testbed', action='store_true', default=False, dest='testbed')
parser.add_option('--test', action="store_true",help='Nothing is injected, only print infomation about workflow and Era', dest='test')
parser.add_option('-f', '--file', help='Text file with a list of wokflows. If this option is used, the same settings will be applied to all workflows', dest='file')
parser.add_option('-w', '--workflow', help='Workflow Name', dest='workflow')
parser.add_option('-e', '--era', help='Acquistion era', dest='era')
parser.add_option("--procstr", dest="procstring", help="Overrides Processing String with a single string")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if options.testbed:
url = url_tb

# parse input workflows and files. If both -w and -f options are used, then only the -w inputs are considered.
if not options.workflow:
if args:
wfs = args
elif options.file:
wfs = [l.strip() for l in open(options.file) if l.strip()]
parser.error("Input a workflow name or a file to read them")
wfs = [options.workflow]

#Default values
era = {}
procversion = 1
procstring = {}
replica = False
sites = ALL_SITES
specialStr = ''
taskchain = False
team = 'production'
trust_site = False

SI = global_SI
# Handling the parameters given in the command line
# parse site list
if options.sites:
if options.sites == "t1":
sites = T1_SITES
elif options.sites == "t2":
sites = T2_SITES
sites = SI.sites_ready
sites = SI.sites_ready
team =

if options.xrootd:
trust_site = True

if options.replica:
replica = True

for wf in wfs:
# Getting the original dictionary
schema = getRequestDict(url, wf)

wf = reqMgr.Workflow(wf, url=url)

# WF must be in assignment-approved in order to be assigned
if (schema["RequestStatus"] != "assignment-approved"):
print("The workflow '" + + "' you are trying to assign is not in assignment-approved")

#Check to see if the workflow is a task chain or an ACDC of a taskchain
taskchain = (schema["RequestType"] == "TaskChain") or ((schema["RequestType"] == "Resubmission") and "task" in schema["InitialTaskPath"].split("/")[1])
if taskchain:
# Setting the Era and ProcStr values per Task
for key, value in schema.items():
if type(value) is dict and key.startswith("Task"):
procstring[value['TaskName']] = value['ProcessingString'].replace("-", "_")
era[value['TaskName']] = value['AcquisitionEra']
except KeyError:
print("This taskchain request has no AcquisitionEra or ProcessingString defined into the Tasks, aborting...")

# Adding the special string - in case it was provided in the command line
if options.special:
specialStr = '_' + str(options.special)
for key, value in procstring.items():
procstring[key] = value + specialStr
# Override if a value is given using the procstring command
if options.procstring:
procstring = options.procstring
elif not taskchain:
procstring =['ProcessingString']
if options.era:
era = options.era
elif not taskchain:
era =['AcquisitionEra']

# Must use --lfn option, otherwise workflow won't be assigned
if options.lfn:
lfn = options.lfn
print "Can't assign the workflow! Please include workflow lfn using --lfn option."
# activity production by default for taskchains, reprocessing for default by workflows
if options.activity:
activity = options.activity
elif taskchain:
activity = 'production'
activity = 'reprocessing'

# given or default processing version
if options.procversion:
procversion = int(options.procversion)
procversion =["ProcessingVersion"]

# Check for output dataset existence, and abort if output datasets already exist!
# Don't perform this check for ACDC's
datasets = schema["OutputDatasets"]
i = 0
if not (schema["RequestType"] == "Resubmission" ):
exist = False
maxv = 1
for key, value in schema.items():
if type(value) is dict and key.startswith("Task"):
dbsapi = DbsApi(url=dbs3_url)

# list all datasets with same name but different version
# numbers
datasets = dbsapi.listDatasets(acquisition_era_name=value['AcquisitionEra'], primary_ds_name=value['PrimaryDataset'], detail=True, dataset_access_type='*')
processedName = value['AcquisitionEra'] + '-' + value['ProcessingString'] + "-v\\d+"
# see if any of the dataset names is a match
for ds in datasets:
if re.match(processedName, ds['processed_ds_name']):
print "Existing dset:", ds['dataset'], "(%s)" % ds['dataset_access_type']
maxv = max(maxv, ds['processing_version'])
exist = True
i += 1
# suggest max version
if exist and procversion <= maxv:
print "Some output datasets exist, its advised to assign with v ==", maxv + 1

#Check if we are dealing with a TAskChain resubmission
elif schema["RequestType"] == "Resubmission" and "task" in schema["InitialTaskPath"].split("/")[1]:
procstring =["ProcessingString"]
era =["AcquisitionEra"]

# If the --test argument was provided, then just print the information
# gathered so far and abort the assignment
if options.test:
print "%s \tEra: %s \tProcStr: %s \tProcVer: %s" % (, era, procstring, procversion)
print "LFN: %s \tTeam: %s \tSite: %s" % (lfn, team, sites)
print "Taskchain? " + str(taskchain)
print "Activity:" + activity

# Really assigning the workflow now
print, '\tEra:', era, '\tProcStr:', procstring, '\tProcVer:', procversion, '\tTeam:', team, '\tSite:', sites
assignRequest(url,, team, sites, era, procversion, activity, lfn, procstring, trust_site, options.replica, options.verbose, taskchain)


if __name__ == "__main__":

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