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Daniel Zellmer edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 1 revision

StyleLabz - Make Your Mark


Team Members

  • Hissah Alkhalaf
  • Mahith Edula
  • Nathan Maher
  • Shashank Shekhar
  • Daniel Zellmer

Elevator Pitch

StyleLabz is a mobile application designed to deliver personalized stylistic recommendations to customers. This is done by utilizing the swiping mechanic found in many mobile dating apps to give customers a quick and easy way to show which clothes they prefer and which clothes they would rather not wear.


The Problem

  • Buying vs. Wearing Clothes
  • Clothing sales up ~60% since 2000
  • Clothes are only worn ~7 times before discarded
  • US customers ignore up to 80% of their wardrobe
  • Current Solution - Fast Fashion
  • Emphasizes cheap materials
  • Not sustainably sourced
  • Promotes disposable clothing

Our Solution

  • Recommendation Engine for Clothing Articles and Outfits
  • Swipe-based Clothing Selection
  • Same mechanism as Tinder etc.
  • Initiated by entry survey for general preferences
  • Supplement Personal Preferences with Trend Data
  • Brand Partnerships for Additional Options

Our Implementtion Plan

  • Mobile App
  • Written using JavaScript + React Native
  • UI Toolkits - RNUI + React Native UI Kitten
  • Express Backend
  • Service frontend requests
  • Link to ElasticSearch index
  • “AI” Recommendation Engine
  • Clothing attributes stored in ElasticSearch index
  • Recommendations based on highest-scoring attributes
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