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Luc edited this page Jan 6, 2020 · 6 revisions
usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--dist_max DIST_MAX]
                          [--project_straight_line] --long_step LONG_STEP
                          (--lat_step LAT_STEP | --nb_pts_lat NB_PTS_LAT)
                          [--interp_constraint_lines {LINEAR,FINITE_DIFF,CARDINAL}]
                          [--infile_constraint_lines INFILE_CONSTRAINT_LINES]
                          [--attr_cross_sections ATTR_CROSS_SECTIONS]
                          infile_axis infile_cross_sections outfile_sections


Interpolate initial and intermediate cross-sections
Multiple variables are supported if input cross-sections file is a shapefile with POINTZ type.

~> Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v         increase output verbosity (default: False)
  --dist_max DIST_MAX   maximum search distance to rescue intersections for
                        limits (in m) (default: 0.01)

~> Input files arguments:
  infile_axis           hydraulic axis file (*.shp, *.i2s)
                        cross-sections file (*.shp, *.i3s)
  --infile_constraint_lines INFILE_CONSTRAINT_LINES
                        constraint lines file (*.shp, *.i2s) (default: None)
  --attr_cross_sections ATTR_CROSS_SECTIONS
                        attribute to identify cross-sections (default: None)

~> Mesher and interpolator arguments:
                        project cross-sections along a straight line (linking
                        cross-section bounds) (default: False)
  --long_step LONG_STEP
                        longitudinal space step (in m) (default: None)
  --lat_step LAT_STEP   lateral space step (in m) (default: None)
  --nb_pts_lat NB_PTS_LAT
                        number of nodes crosswise (default: None)
  --interp_constraint_lines {LINEAR,FINITE_DIFF,CARDINAL}
                        interpolation method for X and Y coordinates of
                        constraint lines (default: LINEAR)
                        interpolation method (crosswise for 1D or global 2D)
                        for values (default: LINEAR)

~> Output files arguments:
  outfile_sections      output file containing interpolated cross-sections
                        (*.i3s, *.georefC, *.shp)

Densifier illustration