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Beta Testing
Beta Testing
This issue/PR is related to the third sprint (Beta Testing)
resolution: invalid
resolution: invalid
This is a duplicate of another issue/PR, or is otherwise invalid
scope: backend
scope: backend
This affects the database, web server, or other non-client functionality
scope: ci/cd
scope: ci/cd
This affects continuous integration/deployment tooling
scope: ui/ux
scope: ui/ux
This affects the user interface or user experience
Sprint 1
Sprint 1
This issue/PR is related to the first sprint
Sprint 2
Sprint 2
This issue/PR is related to the second sprint
status: backlog
status: backlog
This is ultra-low priority
status: BLOCKED
status: BLOCKED
This cannot yet be worked on until another issue/pr is resolved
status: in progress
status: in progress
This is currently being worked on
type: bug
type: bug
Something is not working as expected
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
New enhancement, optimization, or similar
type: feature
type: feature
New feature