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COSMIC release with CMC integration

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@katiebreivik katiebreivik released this 11 Jun 14:47
· 125 commits to develop since this release

Changes since v3.3

Minimum mass ratio - (qmin)
qmin can be set as a float which sets the minimum mass ratio or to -1 which assumes that the minimum mass ratio is set by the pre main sequence lifetime such that the lifetime of the primary star is not shorter than the secondary contraction onto the main sequence.

GR flag added (grflag)
Turns off/on GR

kick.f changes
Input to kick.f is not mean anomaly rather than eccentric anomaly
Angles in radians rather than degrees
Changed how omega angle is calculated (determinable)
bkick array added back in (for compatibility with CMC)

Mixing flag added (bhms_coll_flag)
When set to 1, doesn’t destroy star if Mstar > Mbh

keep_singles in ini file

Different binary fraction assignment for low-mass and high-mass stars

RLO mass transfer (don_lim, acc_lim)
We now allow several choices for how to treat Roche overflow mass transfer in addition to the standard model used in Hurley+2002.

; don_lim = -1: assumes standard BSE choice as outlined in Hurley+2002
; don_lim = -2: Follows Claeys+2014
default : don_lim = -1
; if acc_lim >= 0: this provides the fraction of mass accreted
; acc_lim = -1: assumes standard BSE choice as outlined in Hurley+2002 which limits to 10tkh_acc for MS/CHeB and no limit for non-MS/CHeB stars
; acc_lim = -2: assumes the accretion is limited to tkh_acc for MS/CHeB
; acc_lim = -3: assumes the accretion is limited by 10
tkh_acc for all fusing stars
; acc_lim = -4: assumes the accretion is limited by tkh_for all fusing stars
default : acc_lim = -1

‘grflag’, ‘don_lim’, ‘acc_lim’, ‘bhms_coll_flag’, (‘convergence_filter’ > ‘pop_select’), (‘bcm_bpp_initCond_filter’ > ‘apply_convergence_limits’), ‘keep_singles’