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This tool provides a quick way to generate topic streams for a given corpus. JSON, Excel, and CSV files are accepted. However it is recommended to avoid CSV to limit ambiguous separators on large text fields. If the script is failing with a CSV file try with a JSON version.

See the latest changes here.


Quick Start

To run the script with the sample dataset:

  1. Install the script's requirements - it is recommended to do so in a virtual environment with Python 3.8 (confirmed to run with 3.8.12). You may also need to have Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installed.
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Execute You may need to wait up to an hour if running the tool for the first time on a large dataset (~1GB). Most sets should be done in minutes. If you encounter errors, check first that the encoding of your file is correct and you have specified the correct JSON orientation if using.
  2. Open the Output/LDA/{datasetName} folder to find your results.

Using custom datasets

  1. Move dataset to the Data folder.
    • This can be a single file, or a folder with multiple files with identical format.
  2. Update the topic_model.conf.yml file according to your dataset and needs, detailed description below. Typically, the first four parameters must be updated with each different dataset. The rest can be left as is and will run.
    datasetName: COVID_Misinfo
    dataSource: KnownMisinfo.xlsx - Table1.csv
    corpusFieldName: title
    dateFieldName: debunking_date
    # Advanced settings
    model_type: LDA
    optimize_model: True
    multithreading: True
    roundToDay: False
    numberTopics: 20
    numberWords: 10
    nbFigures: 5
    moving_average_size: 5
    reloadData: False                # Will re-read your input file and train a new model with the updated data
    retrainModel: True              # Will use the currently saved data and train a new model (useful to try different settings without processing the same corpus)
    minimumProbability: 0.00000001
    # topicGroups: [[2, 13, 15]]
    minimumProbability: 0.00000001
    distributionInWorksheet: False
    addLegend: True
            host: <server_ip>
            user: <your_login>
            password: <your_password>
            db: <your_database>
            query: query.sql
            encoding: utf-8

Using Engagement and Network nodes

Using the framework.yml config file will use cascading nodes starting with the basic topic streams node, and producing additional outputs based on engagement trends and network behaviors. The filtersoutnode parameter is used to indicate that the output is expected to be passed to another node, while the filtersouttopics array will inform which topic(s) to keep for the next node. Note the channel_ids must be identical for all nodes. This method is dependant on the VT database and still experimental.


You can find the result of the analysis in the Output folder, in the subfolder you specified in the 'datasetName' parameter. You will find a set of figures for the five most common topics, as well as an excel sheet containing the topic words and the total average topic distribution data for each day. Advanced users can use this data to plot graphs.

Text Field Text Field

Settings info

  • datasetName A recognizable name of your choice for your output.

  • dataSource (optional if using db_settings) The name of the dataset file or folder to be used - not the path. The file or folder must be in the Data folder. If a folder is used, the tool will attempt to aggregate all the files in that folder. All files must use the same column format.

  • corpusFieldName The name of the field the tool will use to create a model for analysis. Typically, this will be the most verbose field of your dataset.

Text Field

  • dateFieldName The name of the field the tool will use to identify each entry. This should be a date field in your dataset such as a date of publication.

Date Field

  • model_type Type of topic model to use. Options: LDA, LDA-Mallet, HDP, Biterm. Default is LDA (Recommended). With LDA, the model attempts to fit the corpus to the specified number of topics. HDP will attempt a best guess at the number of topics (with a maximum threshold of 150) and show the 'numberTopics' most represented topics. Biterm is ideal for smaller texts such as tweets.

  • mallet_path If the topic model is LDA-Mallet, you will need to provide the path to its home directory. You can download mallet here.

  • optimize_model Setting this parameter to True will train models using a range of topic numbers and select the one with the highest coherence. This will increase the length of the first run time.

  • multithreading Will attempt to use multithreading to accelerate training. Known to cause issues when generating plots, you may need to rerun the script after the model has been saved.

  • coherence_measure The type of measure to give coherence score. Accepted values are c_v(default) and u_mass. Details on coherence measures can be found here.

  • roundToDay If defined and True, rounds dates to the nearest day. Better for larger corpora spanning over multiple months.

  • numberWords The total number of words you would like to represent each topic. For example, if numberWords = 10 this will be the result: Words

  • nbFigures Number of figures generated to the output folder. Keep this number under the number of topics.

  • reloadData Make sure this is set to True is your data has changed. Otherwise the program will use stored information and the output will stay the same.

  • retrainModel Use the same data but retrain the modal. This is useful if you are an advanced user making changes to the model settings such as minimumProbability.

  • minimumProbability Topics with a probability lower than this threshold will be filtered out.

  • moving_average_size Percentile value, indicates what percentage of the dataset size to use as a moving average window to smooth the resulting figures. Values between 1 and 15 are recommended but you may need to experiment with different numbers. Note that larger values may make figures lose resolution. Depending on the composition of your dataset some dates may get lost if the value is too high. Set to 0 to forego using a moving average.

Optional Settings

  • numberTopics If not using optimize_model, the total number of topics you would like your corpus to be divided into. Experiment with this. Ten or 20 is usually a good number but larger datasets may obtain good results with 50 topics.

  • (JSON only) json_orientation Specifies the orientation of the json file. Needed for JSON files. See the documentation below (arguments for 'orient') for acceptable values:

  • db_settings If provided, this dictionary will override other data input settings and fetch data from the provided host. Adjust host address, login credentials, database, and encoding (optional, default = utf-8) accordingly. The query parameter can be either the name of a query file (txt or sql) located in the root of the project, or a simple string query as-is.

  • encoding Specifies the encoding of the file. Optional, UTF-8 is the default.

  • idFieldName Individual identifier such as a blog post ID, video ID, etc. If distributionInWorksheet is also set to true, this will generate an additional excel sheet in the form of an edge list. This is useful for analysts wishing to filter by individual topics to match particular items to a topic for further study.

ID Field

  • start_date While the model is trained on the entire corpus for performance, you may want to focus on a specific period when creating your topic distribution matrix. This will only select objects that start from this data in your specified id field. Example value: '2020-02-01'.

  • end_date Same as above for the end date. Example value: '2020-03-01'.

  • iterations Maximum number of iterations through the corpus when inferring the topic distribution of a corpus.

  • passes Number of passes through the corpus during training.

  • lang Optional tuple where the first item is the name of the language field and the second is the language to keep.

  • topicGroups Optional list of topics to print on one graph. First run on your dataset then check what resulting figures you would like to group up.

  • distributionInWorksheet If True, will append an excel sheet with the raw distribution data for each topic. If idFieldName is also defined, will append an additional sheet with id fields matched to topics.

  • addLegend Add a legend to any overlapping plot.

  • x_label Add label to the x axis.

  • y_label Add label to the y axis.

  • alternate_legend Set to True to display plot legends on the right.

  • removeEmptyVecs For Biterm only, True by default. This needs to be True for PyLDAVIS to run and produce an interactive visualization. However, some documents will seemingly disappear from the topic distribution, leading to inconsistent counts, i.e., you may input 100 documents and only see 50 in the output. This happens with short texts such as tweets, where the tweet contains no semantically meaningful tokens, e.g. 'RT', single emojis, etc. If you need to account for all documents, toggle to False.

Some useful references:


Topic Streams generation tool.






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