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Bogotá - Colombia

Introduction to Android Applications

Introductory project to develop applications for Android.

The aim of this code lab will be to learn the basics about developing Android applications.

We will develop a calculator that works with reverse polish notation (RPN) as shown on the following image:

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Evaluation criteria

Basic Requirements

  • All basic functionalities of the calculator should work as expected (sum, subtract , multiply and divide).
  • Use the two ways of connection the the onClick event listener with the buttons (By using the XML and setting the onclicklistener directly to the button object).
  • Proper usage of packages to support the MVC architecture.
  • Lines of code used to developer the project (The less the better).
  • Proper usage of english language for naming methods and variables.
  • Code readability.
  • Proper usage of layouts


  • Add a new row with 2 buttons with the following functionalities AC +/-
  • Add a new row with 3 buttons with the following functionalities SIN COS TAN
  • Add a new row with 3 buttons with the additional functionalities (free choice)


  • Fully working App ---- grade >= 3,5
  • Fully working App + 1 challenge working ----- grade >= 4
  • Fully working App + 2 challenges working ----- grade >= 4


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