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Investigating the Plausibility of Explanations

This repository accompanies the publication: Katharina Hoedt*, Verena Praher*, Arthur Flexer, and Gerhard Widmer, "Constructing Adversarial Examples to Investigate the Plausibility of Explanations in Deep Audio and Image Classifiers", Neural Computing & Applications (2022).

(*) equal contribution.

This publication is an extension of our previous publication (pdf) extending our experiments previously conducted in the audio domain to the image domain. In this repository we focus on the experiments in the image domain. For the experiments in the audio domain, check out this repository.

This README is structured as follows:

If you want to have a step-by-step description on how to reproduce the figures and tables presented in the paper, check out this secondary readme, but make sure to first check out the setup below.

If you have any issues running our code, please let us know! We will try our best to help you with any problems you might have.


You can find required Python libraries in requirements.txt. If you want to use conda and pip, you can run:

conda create -n py38-pxai python==3.8 -y
conda activate py38-pxai
pip install -r requirements.txt

to set up an environment with which you should be able to run our experiments.

Audio Data & Experiments

For the experiments on musical data we use the Jamendo dataset [1]. If you want to use this data as well, you can download the data here by choosing the dataset called Jamendo-VAD.

To get more information on the experiments on audio data and the audio model (sections 4.2, 5), check out this repository.

Image Data & Models

Image Data

For image data experiments we use the ImageNet ILSVRC dataset [2]. You can obtain this data by downloading it from Kaggle. The experiments are mostly performed on the validation set (containing 50,000 samples).

Image Classifier(s)

For image classification, we use several pre-trained models available here. You can compute the accuracy on the validation data for each pre-trained model by using our script prep/, e.g.

python -m prep.clean_accuracies --data-path <your-path-to-ImageNet> --arch alexnet

by defining the data-path as the path pointing to your ImageNet folder, and as a second argument you can define one or multiple models you want to check (e.g. alexnet).

Adversarial Attacks

Hyper-parameter search

For subsequent attacks, you can use the hyper-parameters we state in the paper. Depending on the architecture, you can either use the default arguments of the script or you will have to adapt them accordingly.

If you do not want to use our hyper-parameters but instead tune your own hyper-parameters for the adversarial PDG attack on ImageNet, you can use the script in adversarial/ You need to pass the path pointing to the ImageNet data, and define the architecture of the model you want to attack, e.g.:

python -m prep.hyperparam_search --data-path <your-path-to-ImageNet> --arch alexnet

if you want to attack Alexnet.

This script will store a pickle file in which you can compare the number of adversaries that were found (out of a subset of 1000 validation samples) and the accumulated difference between original and adversarial samples of different hyper-parameters. You can also manually change the values of the hyper-parameters that you want to test.

ImageNet Attack

To compute the adversaries necessary for our experiments, you can use the prep/ script. You need to define the data-path pointing to ImageNet, a save-path (to store the adversaries), the architecture of the model you want to attack and attack parameters (self-tuned as described above or taken from the paper).

To perform the attack on AlexNet with our default parameters, call

python -m prep.compute_advs --data-path <your-path-to-ImageNet>

or read upon the remaining command line arguments to adapt the hyper-parameters / goal model accordingly.

Computing Adversarial Accuracy

After an attack, you can compute the accuracy of a particular network given the adversaries (or clean sample, if not available) as follows:

python -m prep.adv_accuracies --data-path <your-path-to-ImageNet> --adv-path <path-to-adversaries> --arch alexnet

You need to define the architecture for which adversaries were computed, the path pointing to ImageNet, and the directory in which you stored the adversaries of the defined architecture.

Investigating Explainers

After you computed adversarial examples (for the architecture you are interested in), we can compute label-flip rates for different settings, and see whether a particular explainer successfully detects potentially important parts of the input.

To compute label-flip rates for a fixed k (k=3), as well as for varying k (see sections 6.2 and 6.3), you can run experiments/ If, for example, you want to perform the experiment for AlexNet, LIME as an explainer and rectangular segments, run

python -m experiments.label_flip_exps --data-path <your-path-to-ImageNet> --arch alexnet --explainer lime 

This computes the label-flip rates for 10% of the ImageNet validation data. Note that if you modified the standard path where you previously stored adversaries, you will have to adapt the command line argument adv-path. If you prefer to run the experiments for SLIC segments instead of rectangles, first run

python -m prep.compute_masks --data-path <your-path-to-ImageNet> --adv-path <your-path-to-adversaries> --arch alexnet

and then call label_flip_exps with the additional command line argument --segment.

To perform the experiments with "localised" perturbations, where we investigate whether an explainer can recover a fixed number of modified segments that changed a prediction, you can use experiments/ For AlexNet and LIME as an Explainer, call

python -m experiments.localised_attack --data-path <your-path-to-ImageNet> --arch alexnet --explainer lime

If necessary, you will have to define the argument --adv-path again. You can also add --segment here, if you prefer to run the experiment with SLIC segments (if you computed them prior to that).


If you use this approach in your research, please cite the according paper:

  title     = {Constructing adversarial examples to investigate the plausibility of explanations in deep audio and image classifiers},
  author    = {Hoedt, Katharina and Praher, Verena and Flexer, Arthur and Widmer, Gerhard},
  journal   = {Neural Computing and Applications},
  volume    = {35},
  number    = {14},
  pages     = {10011--10029},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year      = {2023}}


Licensed under the MIT License.


[1] M. Ramona, G. Richard, and B. David, “Vocal Detection in Music with Support Vector Machines,” in Proc. of the IEEE Intern. Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. IEEE, 2008, pp.1885–1888.

[2] O. Russakovsky, J. Deng, H. Su, J. Krause, S. Satheesh, S. Ma, Z. Huang, A. Karpathy, A. Khosla, M. Bernstein, A. C. Berg and L. Fei-Fei, “ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge”. International Journal of Computer Vision 115, 211–252 (2015).

[3] J. Schlüter and B. Lehner, “Zero-Mean Convolutions for Level-Invariant Singing Voice Detection,” in Proc. of the 19th Intern. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2018, Paris, France, September 23-27, 2018, pp. 321–326.