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Source code from the Z-INF project - OpenFOAM and python examples

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This repository contains examples on software quality, version control and research data management for the Z-INF sub-project of the CRC 1194 at TU Darmstadt.


Using pyFoam to prepare parameter variation studies in OpenFOAM

In order to use the example, an obvious requirement is the pyFoam package.

The 'pyFoam' package has an application that makes it easy to generate parameter variations in OpenFOAM, called ''. It requires a set of execution options, a template case and a parameter file and o execute properly.

Execution options

A list of execution options can be generated with ' --help'. The options that are related to parameter study definition are:

Which steps should be executed

--only-variables        Do nothing. Only read the variables
--no-clear              Do not clear the case
--no-templates          Do not rework the templates
--no-mesh-create        Do not execute a script to create a mesh
--no-copy               Do not copy original directories
--no-post-templates     Do not rework the post-templates
--no-case-setup         Do not execute a script to set initial conditions etc
--no-final-templates    Do not rework the final-templates
--no-template-clean     Do not clean template files from 0-directory
                        If the script that creates the mesh generates a
                        '0'-directory with data then this data will be
                        removed. Otherwise it is kept

Specification of scripts to be executed

                        Script that is executed after the template expansion
                        to create the mesh. If not specified then the utility
                        looks for and executes this. If this is
                        also not found blockMesh is executed if a
                        blockMeshDict is found
                        Script that is executed after the original files have
                        been copied to set initial conditions or similar. If
                        not specified then the utility looks for
                        and executes this.
                        If this script is found then it is executed after the
                        parameters are read. All variables set in this script
                        can then be used in the templates. Default:
                        Allow that the derived script changes existing values
                        Don't fail the whole process even if a script fails

Variables that are automatically defined

                        Value of the variable numberOfProcessors. Default: 1

Parameter variation
Parameters specific to the parameter variation

--inplace-execution     Do everything in the template case (preparation and
                        Clone to one case and do everything in that case
                        (preparation and execution)
                        Every variation gets its own case (that is not erased)
--no-execute-solver     Only prepare the cases but do not execute the solver
                        Prefix of the cloned cases. If unspecified the name of
                        parameter file is used
                        Postfix of the cloned cases. If unspecified an empty
                        string. Helps to distinguish different sets of
                        Directory to clone to. If unspecified use the
                        directory in which the original case resides
                        Single variation to run
                        Variation number to start with
                        Variation number to end with
--database=DATABASE     Path to the database. If unset the name of parameter-
                        file appended with '.results' will be used
--create-database       Create a new database file. Fail if it already exists
--auto-create-database  Create a new database file if it doesn't exist yet'
--list-variations       List the selected variations but don't do anything
--no-database-write     Do not write to the database


Out of all these options, a minimal set used for generating the parameter study can be used:  --no-execute-solver --no-case-setup --no-server-process \
                                --no-mesh-create --cloned-case-prefix=myStudy \
                                --every-variant-one-case-execution \
                                --create-database \
                                myTemplateCase myParameterFile

With this configuration, only the configuration (input) files will be generated. Mesh generation, initialization, and solver execution should be handled separately. This kind of configuration can be used on a high performance cluster, where the meshing, preprocessing and running should be executed and controlled separately, namely by the workload manager.

The minimal prepared in './pyFoamParameterStudyExample/' wraps above call of the '' into a python script that provides helpful information on the type of the study to be prepared and the required parameters.

Template case

An template case must contain:

1. *.template files where the substitution of values defined in the parameter file will take place. 
2. '' directory with initial field data.

An example template case is prepared in ./pyFoamParameterStudyExample/cavity'. An example of the template file is its 'system/blockMeshDict.template', where '@!N!@' 'pyFoam' syntax marks the point of substitution with the 'N' parameter from the parameter file:

    hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (@!N!@ @!N!@ 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

Same was done to the '' parameter file to vary the velocity of the moving wall.

Parameter file

This is the syntax of the parameter file:

    solver (icoFoam);

        4 8 16 32 64 

        1 2 3 4 5 6

It is simple, a solver is defined with a list of parameter study vectors.


To run the study with the 'cavity' example template case and the 'cavity.parameter' example parameter file, under the options wrapped in the '' script, execute:

    ./ -c cavity -p cavity.parameter  -s myStudy

This creates the parameter directories and the parameter database:

    > ls
    cavity                     myStudy_00002_cavity  myStudy_00007_cavity  myStudy_00012_cavity  myStudy_00017_cavity  myStudy_00022_cavity  myStudy_00027_cavity
    cavity.parameter           myStudy_00003_cavity  myStudy_00008_cavity  myStudy_00013_cavity  myStudy_00018_cavity  myStudy_00023_cavity  myStudy_00028_cavity
    cavity.parameter.database  myStudy_00004_cavity  myStudy_00009_cavity  myStudy_00014_cavity  myStudy_00019_cavity  myStudy_00024_cavity  myStudy_00029_cavity
    myStudy_00000_cavity       myStudy_00005_cavity  myStudy_00010_cavity  myStudy_00015_cavity  myStudy_00020_cavity  myStudy_00025_cavity
    myStudy_00001_cavity       myStudy_00006_cavity  myStudy_00011_cavity  myStudy_00016_cavity  myStudy_00021_cavity  myStudy_00026_cavity

To understand which variation belongs to which parameter vector, execute

    >  --list-variations cavity cavity.parameter

    30 variations with 2 parameters

    Listing variations

    Variation 0 : {'U': 1, 'N': 4}
    Variation 1 : {'U': 1, 'N': 8}
    Variation 2 : {'U': 1, 'N': 16}
    Variation 3 : {'U': 1, 'N': 32}
    Variation 4 : {'U': 1, 'N': 64}
    Variation 5 : {'U': 2, 'N': 4}
    Variation 6 : {'U': 2, 'N': 8}
    Variation 7 : {'U': 2, 'N': 16}
    Variation 8 : {'U': 2, 'N': 32}

Execution of each individual simulation on the Lichtenberg cluster can be managed easily with a one line for loop:

    for case in myStudy_00*; do cd $case; sbatch ../blockMesh.sbatch; cd ..; done

Of course, the 'blockMesh.sbatch' SLURM script should be prepared and available in the study directory, as well as other SLURM scripts responsible for starting your pre-processing and running applications (solvers).

The script can also be wrapped into a short SHELL script named for example 'bulkeval'

    #! /usr/bin/bash


    for dir in "$PATTERN"*; do cd $dir; eval "$CMD" && cd ..; done 

This can now be used as

    bulkeval myStudy_00 "sbatch ../blockMesh.sbatch"

Reducing the parameter set (trivially)

Execute --list-variations cavity cavity.parameter 

Choose the variations that are to be generated (manually in a trivial case, or processing the variation set based on some conditions), then execute the with the option to run an individual variation.

An example is available in 'pyFoamParameterStudyExample/'.

Parameterizing schemes (strings with spaces between them) using aliases

OF schemes will usually have multiple values for the same parameter value. The syntax may look like this for a convection scheme

Gauss limited vanLeer superScheme 0.7; 

The syntax can sometimes vary the number of elements. Example, for grad schemes:

Gauss linear; // Two strings 


pointCellsLeastSquares; // One string

If quotations are used in the parameter file:

    "Gauss linear" pointCellsLeastSquares

pyFoam complains. One way to avoid this is to rely on the macro preprocessor in OpenFOAM, and define a file with scheme aliases, for example 'pyFoamParameterStudyExample/schemeAlias':

// Grad schemes

Linear  Gauss linear;
PLSQ    pointCellsLeastSquares; 

This defines alias names for schemes, that will then all only have a single word. This file is then included and the aliases are used in an OpenFOAM configuration file. For example, in 'pyFoamParameterStudyExample/cavity/system/fvSchemes.template'

#include "../../schemeAlias"

    default         Euler;

    default         none;
    grad(p)         $|-gradScheme-|;  

The parameter file of the variation study now contains another vector for gradient schemes:

    solver (icoFoam);

        16 32 64 

        1 2 3 

        Linear PLSQ

Writing out points to VTK using existing OpenFOAM libraries

The minimal example for point to VTK output is implemented in the 'foamWritePointsToVtk' application and the code is self documenting.

To visualize the points, open the 'square.vtk' example data set in ParaView, select the 'Glyph' filter and choose 'Sphere' as 'Glypy Type'.


Source code from the Z-INF project - OpenFOAM and python examples






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