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Kijiji-Scraper 3.0.1


Track Kijiji ad information and sends out an email when a new ads are found.



git clone
cd Kijiji-Scraper
python3 install

Dependencies: requests, BeautifulSoup and PyYaml
Run pip install requests bs4 pyyaml to manually install all the dependencies

Try out

For instance kijiji --url


The script must read a configuration file to set mail server settings. Default config file config.yalm is located in ~/.kijiji_scraper/ (MacOS/Linux), %APPDATA%/.kijiji_scraper (Windows) or directly in the install folder.

  • Use kijiji --init to create config file and open with default text editor, set the sender, password and receiver fields in config file.
  • You can specify the Kijji URLs you wish to scrape at the bottom of the config file. There are a few examples in the config to show the syntax.
  • Alternatively you can use --url URLs to configure URLs to scrape and --email to set receivers addresses.

Note: If you're using gmail, you'll have to go to 'My Account>Sign in & security>Connected apps & sites' then turn "Allow less secure apps" to "On" to allow the script to sign into gmail.

For development and retro-compatibility You can also use default config.yalm file as the config file in the install folder but you must call ./ directly, not kijiji command.


To run the script execute kijiji command. You can always run python3 ./ from install folder.

% kijiji --help           
usage: kijiji [-h] [--init] [--conf File path] [--url URL [URL ...]]
               [--email Email [Email ...]] [--skipmail] [--all]
               [--ads File path] [--version]

Kijiji scraper: Track ad informations and sends out an email when a new ads
are found

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --init, --setup       Create config file if doesn't exist and open with
                        default text editor
  --conf File path, -c File path
                        The script * must read a configuration file to set
                        mail server settings *. Default config file
                        config.yalm is located in ~/.kijiji_scraper/
                        (MacOS/Linux), APPDATA/.kijiji_scraper (Windows) or
                        directly in the install folder.
  --url URL [URL ...], -u URL [URL ...]
                        Kijiji seacrh URLs to scrape
  --email Email [Email ...], -e Email [Email ...]
                        Email recepients
  --skipmail, -s        Do not send emails. This is useful for the first time
                        you scrape a Kijiji as the current ads will be indexed
                        and after removing the flag you will only be sent new
  --all, -a             Consider all ads as new, do not load ads.json file
  --ads File path       Load specific ads JSON file. Default file will be
                        store in the config folder
  --version, -V         Print Kijiji-Scraper version

Note: The script stores current ads in ads.json file located by default in the config folder ~/.kijiji_scraper/ or %APPDATA%/.kijiji_scraper. If a ./ads.json file exist, it will be loaded

How to run the script on set intervals


The windows Task Scheduler can be used to have the script run at set intervals.

  1. Create a new task

    • Fill in name and description
  2. Add a trigger

    • Under Settings select Daily
    • Set Repeat task every: to your desired interval i.e. 5 mins to run the script every 5 mins
    • Set for a duration of: to indefinitely
  3. Add an action

    • Action is Start a program
    • Set Program/script to the location of your python executable i.e. C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\pythonw.exe (use pythonw.exe to run quietly, no window)
    • Set Add arguments to
    • Set Start in to the location of the file i.e. C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Scripts\Kijiji-Scraper\
  4. Under Settings

    • Enable Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed

Linux and MacOS:

Crontab can be used on linux to easily run the script on a set interval.
To search for new ads every 5mn:

*/5 * * * * kijiji --url URL1 URL2 --email

Running several searches configurations

In order to avoid concurrent accesses to ads JSON file and corrupt the file, you'll need to dedicate one file per searches

*/5 * * * * kijiji --url URL1 URL2 --email --ads ~/our-ads.json
*/5 * * * * kijiji --url URL3 --email --ads ~/roberts-ads.json
*/5 * * * * kijiji --url URL4 --email --ads ~/lauras-ads.json


Python script to scrape Kijiji and find new ads.







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