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Install using pip:

pip install pytest-executable

Install using conda:

conda install pytest-executable -c conda-forge

Command line interface

The |pytest| command line shall be executed from the directory that contains the inputs root directory.

Plugin options

.. option:: --exe-runner PATH

    use the shell script at PATH to run the |exe|.

    This shell script may contain placeholders, such as *{{output_path}}* or
    others defined in the :ref:`yaml-runner` of a |yaml|. A final |runner|,
    with replaced placeholders, is written in the output directory of a test
    case (*{{output_path}}* is set to this path). This final script is then
    executed before any other test functions of a test case. See
    :ref:`fixture-runner` for further information.

    If this option is not defined then the |runner| will not be executed, but
    all the other test functions will.

    A typical |runner| for running the |exe| with MPI could be:

    .. literalinclude:: ../
      :language: bash

.. option:: --exe-output-root PATH

   use PATH as the root for the output directory tree, default: tests-output

.. option:: --exe-overwrite-output

   overwrite existing files in the output directories

.. option:: --exe-clean-output

   clean the output directories before executing the tests

.. option:: --exe-regression-root PATH

   use PATH as the root directory with the references for the regression
   testing, if omitted then the tests using the regression_path fixture will be

.. option:: --exe-default-settings PATH

   use PATH as the yaml file with the default test settings instead of the
   built-in ones

.. option:: --exe-test-module PATH

   use PATH as the default test module instead of the built-in one

.. option:: --exe-report-generator PATH

   use PATH as the script to generate the test report

   See :file:`` in the `report-conf`_ directory for an
   example of such a script.

   .. note::

      The report generator script may require to install additional
      dependencies, such as sphinx, which are not install by the |ptx| plugin.

Standard pytest options

You can get all the standard command line options of |pytest| by executing :command:`pytest -h`. In particular, to run only some of the test cases in the inputs tree, or to execute only some of the test functions, you may use one of the following ways:

Use multiple path patterns

Instead of providing the path to the root of the inputs tree, you may provide the path to one or more of its sub-directories, for instance:

:command:`pytest --exe-runner <path/to/runner> <path/to/tests/inputs/sub-directory1> <path/to/tests/inputs/sub/sub/sub-directory2>`

You may also use shell patterns (with * and ? characters) in the paths like:

:command:`pytest --exe-runner <path/to/runner> <path/to/tests/inputs/*/sub-directory?>`

Use marks

A test case could be assigned one or more marks in the |yaml| file, see :ref:`yaml-marks`. Use the :option:`-m` to execute only the test cases that match a given mark expression. A mark expression is a logical expression that combines marks and yields a truth value. For example, to run only the tests that have the mark1 mark but not the mark2 mark, use :option:`-m "mark1 and not mark2"`. The logical operator or could be used as well.

Use sub-string expression

Like the marks, any part (sub-string) of the name of a test case or of a test function can be used to filter what will be executed. For instance to only execute the tests that have the string transition anywhere in their name, use :option:`-k "transition"`. Or, to execute only the functions that have runner in their names, use :option:`-k "runner"`. Logical expressions could be used to combine more sub-strings as well.

Process last failed tests only

To only execute the tests that previously failed, use :option:`--last-failed`.

Show the markers

Use :option:`--markers` to show the available markers without executing the tests.

Show the tests to be executed

Use :option:`--collect-only` to show the test cases and the test events (functions) selected without executing them. You may combine this option with other options, like the one above to filter the test cases.