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File metadata and controls

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Project 3

Due Friday, November 10, 2017 - 5:00pm

The goal of this project is to implement a program that maintains a searchable database of cars. You will use the following features:

  • Interfaces
  • Inheritance
  • Arrays


For this assignment, you will build a database using the following CSV file: cars.csv. You will then implement a driver class that invokes methods to retrieve required information from the database.

Your grade will depend heavily on the design of your solution. Make sure that all of the requirements are followed and that the remaining components are well-designed and efficient.


For full credit, your solution must use the following design elements.

  1. You may not use ArrayList for any portion of this program.
  2. You may not use ArrayList for any portion of this program (REALLY!).
  3. You must implement a base class Car. The Car class cannot be instantiated.
  4. A Car must have at least the following properties: model (column Model), vehicleClass (column Veh Class), and pollutionScore (column Air Pollution Score).
  5. Car must also be Comparable. Car objects are sorted first by pollution score. If two Car objects have the same pollution score then they will be sorted by model.
  6. Car must have two subclasses: GasCar and GreenCar.
  7. A GasCar is any car that does not have a Fuel of Hydrogen or Electricity. Hybrid cars (e.g., Fuel Gasoline/Electricity) are considered type GasCar. GasCar must have at least the following properties: numberCylinders (column Cyl) and mpg (column Cmb MPG). For cars with two values for Cmb MPG the value used should be the first value (to the left of the "/").
  8. A GreenCar is a car with Fuel either Hydrogen or Electricity. GreenCar will have the property fuelType (column Fuel). This will either be "Hydrogen" or "Electricity".
  9. You must have a CarList that maintains a sorted array of Car objects. Use the compareTo method to sort Car objects. You may not use Arrays.sort in this method.
  10. CarList will have, at minimum, the following methods. You may add additional helper methods as appropriate.
  • addCar - this method takes as input a Car and inserts it into the array in sorted order. If the array is full it will be resized to accommodate a new item. If two Car objects are equal according to compareTo they will be sorted in the list in the reverse order in which they appear in the original data file.
  • toString - returns a String representation of the entire database. The representation of a GasCar will look as follows: Model: VOLVO XC 90 Class: standard SUV Pollution Score: 9 MPG: 25 Cylinders: 4 The representation of a GreenCar will look as follows: Model: FIAT 500e Class: small car Pollution Score: 10 Fuel Type: Electricity
  • toStringGreenCars - returns a String representation of the GreenCar objects in the list where the representation for each Car is of the following format: Model: BMW i3 BEV Fuel Type: Electricity. Note, the format for this method is different than that of the toString method.
  • avgMpg - takes no parameters and returns the average MPG across all GasCar objects.
  • avgMpgByPartialModel - takes as input a String with a partial model (for example, "Subaru") and returns the average MPG for all cars with a model containing the partial model query String. You may use the String contains method in your solution for this method.
  • findClassesByCylinders - takes as input an int specifying number of cylinders and returns a String[] containing the vehicle classes with models that have the specified number of cylinders. For full credit, the String[] will have no repeated elements (each class will only appear once) and the length must be large enough to accommodate only the number of valid elements. The resulting array will be sorted and you may use Arrays.sort for this purpose.
  • findModelsByClassAndMpg - takes as input a target vehicle class and a minimum MPG and returns a String[] containing the models of all vehicles of the specified class that have at least the specified combined MPG. The String[] may have repeated elements if the same model appears twice in the dataset, but the the length must be large enough to accommodate only the number of valid elements. The resulting array will be sorted and you may use Arrays.sort for this purpose.
  1. The main method will be in a class called CarDBDriver. The suggested algorithm for this method is as follows:
  • Build a CarList object from the file cars.csv.
  • Print "All Cars:" followed by a newline.
  • Print the result of calling toString on the CarList.
  • Print "Green Cars - Fuel Type:" followed by a newline.
  • Print the result of calling toStringGreenCars on the CarList.
  • Print "Average MPG All:" followed by the result of calling avgMpg on the CarList followed by a newline. The result should be displayed with exactly two digits after the decimal point.
  • Print "Average MPG Subaru:" followed by the result of calling avgMpgByPartialModel("SUBARU") on the CarList followed by a newline. The result should be displayed with exactly two digits after the decimal point.
  • Print "Average MPG Toyota:" followed by the result of calling avgMpgByPartialModel("TOYOTA") on the CarList followed by a newline. The result should be displayed with exactly two digits after the decimal point.
  • Print "Average MPG Ferrari:" followed by the result of calling avgMpgByPartialModel("FERRARI") on the CarList followed by a newline. The result should be displayed with exactly two digits after the decimal point.
  • Print "Vehicle Classes with 4-Cylinder Cars:" followed by a newline followed by the result of calling findClassesByCylinders(4) on the CarList. For each item in the list returned, print a tab followed by the item followed by a newline.
  • Print "Vehicle Classes with 6-Cylinder Cars:" followed by a newline followed by the result of calling findClassesByCylinders(6) on the CarList. For each item in the list returned, print a tab followed by the item followed by a newline.
  • Print "Small SUVs with MPG > 22:" followed by a newline followed by the result of calling findModelsByClassAndMpg("small SUV", 22) on the CarList. For each item in the list returned, print a tab followed by the item followed by a newline.
  • Print "Small Cars with MPG > 35:" followed by a newline followed by the result of calling findModelsByClassAndMpg("small car", 35) on the CarList. For each item in the list returned, print a tab followed by the item followed by a newline.
  1. Your output must exactly match the following: p3output.txt All spacing, indentation, and ordering must exactly match the result.
  2. You may implement classes in addition to those specified.

Submission Requirements

  1. For this assignment, you will submit all Java files you implemented for this program. Your main method must be in a file You must also submit,,, and It is expected you will have at least one additional Java file.

  2. Make sure your code follows all requirements in the Style Guidelines.

  3. Follow the instructions in the SVN Guide for submitting your solution by the deadline.

  4. Make sure you have submitted your work in an SVN directory:<username>/cs112/project3