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fuse back-end

Directory Structure

  • .githooks contains the githooks for enforcing style and testing
  • node_modules contains installed npm packages
  • prisma contains the prisma configs and generated typescript client
  • src contains the source code for the graphql server
    • resolvers contains the graphql resolvers for the app
    • constants.js contains some global constants
    • index.js is the main entry point of the server
    • schema.graphql defines the server API
    • utils.js holds useful helper functions
  • tests contains unit tests to verify queries and mutations are working correctly
  • .eslintrc.js defines the style guide
  • package.json defines the dependencies and scripts for the server
  • gives a description of the server and setup instructions
  • enables the githooks


Make sure you have Node 12.14.1 (LTS) installed. Recommended, use nvm to manage node versions.

  • clone the repo
  • cd to the top directory
  • run npm install
  • run npm run setup
  • run npm start
  • verify that it worked by going to the logged url


  • In IntelliJ, search settings for "ESLint" and enable automatic configuration.
  • Before commiting, code will need to pass an automated linting check.


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