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Makan Book - User Guide

By: Team W10-2 Since: Aug 2018 Licence: MIT

1. Introduction

Makan Book is for those who prefer to use a desktop app to search for restaurants within NUS to eat at alone or with friends. More importantly, MakanBook is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). MakanBook also allows users to add and manage friends and groups, start private and public jios and so much more! Interested? Jump to the Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started. Enjoy!

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java version 9 or later installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest makanbook.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Makan Book.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Some example commands you can try:

    • list : lists all restaurants

    • signupu/johnnydoe pwd/pAssw0rd n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ : Sign Up for an account in the Makan Book. Allows you to use Makan Book’s many features

    • exit : exits the app

  7. Refer to Section 3, “Features (Does Not Require Login)” for details of each command.

3. Features (Does Not Require Login)

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/Waa Cow.

  • Items in square brackets are optional e.g n/NAME [u/USERNAME] can be used as n/Waa Cow u/navekom or as n/Waa Cow.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times e.g. [u/USERNAME]…​ can represent u/navekom, u/katespade u/themyth etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies u/USERNAME pwd/PASSWORD, pwd/PASSWORD u/USERNAME is also acceptable.


Makan Book data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.

3.1. Viewing help : help

Format: help

3.2. Listing all restaurants : list

Shows a list of all restaurants in the makan book.
Format: list

3.3. Locating restaurants by name: find

Finds restaurants whose names contain any of the given keywords.

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g Waa Cow will match waa cow

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Cow Waa will match Waa Cow

  • Only the name is searched.

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Cow will not match Co

  • Restaurants matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Waa Lao will return Waa Cow, Lao Ban


  • find Waa Lao
    Returns Waa Cow and Lao Ban

  • find Din Tai Fung
    Returns any restaurant having names Din, Tai, or Fung

3.4. Listing entered commands : history

Lists all the commands that you have entered in reverse chronological order.
Format: history


Pressing the and arrows will display the previous and next input respectively in the command box.

3.5. Selecting a restaurant : selectRestaurant

Selects the restaurant identified by the index number used in the displayed restaurant list. It will display the webpage of the restaurant which contains it’s details, overall rating and reviews written by users
Format: selectRestaurant INDEX

  • Selects the restaurant and loads the restaurant page at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed restaurant list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • list
    selectRestaurant 2
    Selects the 2nd restaurant in the address book.

  • find Hwangs
    selectRestaurant 1
    Selects the 1st restaurant in the results of the find command.

3.6. Selecting a restaurant : selectOther

Selects the item (Friend, Group, Debt, Request, Jio) identified by the index number used in the displayed item list (the second list panel). It will display details of the item which varies based on the item selected (eg. Jio contains name, date, address, people)
Format: selectOther INDEX

  • Selects the item and loads the item page at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed item list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • listJio
    selectOther 2
    Selects the 2nd jio in the address book.

  • listGroups
    selectOther 1
    Selects the 1st group in the address book.

3.7. Signing Up for a Makan Book Account: signup

Allows a User to create an account for use in the Makan Book. Automatic log in upon sign up.


  • signup u/davemyth pwd/pwd123123 n/Dave Batik p/92225822 e/

3.8. Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.
Format: exit

4. Features (Requires Login)

4.1. Log In into an existing Makan Book Account: login

Allows a User to log into an existing account in the Makan Book.
Format: login u/USERNAME pwd/PASSWORD


  • login u/davemyth pwd/pwd123123

4.2. Log Out of an existing Session: logout

Allows a User to log out of an existing session.
Format: logout

4.3. Write Review For Restaurant: writeReview

Allows user to write a review for a specific restaurant.
Format: writeReview INDEX rate/RATING rvw/REVIEW


  • writeReview 3 rate/3 rvw/The food is not the best, but definitely value for money!

4.4. Display User Profile: displayProfile

Allows a user to view his own profile in the Makan Book. The browser panel will then contains the user’s details and the reviews he’s written.
Format: displayProfile

4.5. Adding friends: addFriend

A User will send a friend request to another User who will then have to accept the friend request.
Format: addFriend u/USERNAME


  • addFriend u/meena567

4.6. Accept friend request: acceptFriend

A User can accept a friend request of another User so that the pair of them can become friends.
Format: acceptFriend u/USERNAME


  • acceptFriend u/meena567

4.7. Delete friend request: deleteFriendRequest

A User can delete friend request of another User whom they might not know.
Format: deleteFriendRequest u/USERNAME


  • deleteFriendRequest u/meena567

4.8. Delete friend: deleteFriend

A User can delete friend whom they may no longer want to be friends with.
Format: deleteFriend u/USERNAME


  • deleteFriend u/meena567

4.9. List friend requests: listFriendRequests

A User can list friend requests that they have received. Only the party that did not initiate the friend request will receive the friend request
Format: listFriendRequests

4.10. List friends: listFriends

A User can list their friends.
Format: listFriends

4.11. Adding groups: addGroup

A User will create a group by specifying the group name.
Format: addGroup g/GROUPNAME

  • Every group will automatically add the user creating the group into its list of accepted Users.


  • addGroup g/CS2103

4.12. Adding members: addMembers

A User already in the group can add members to a particular group by specifying the group name and the usernames of the users they wish to add to that group.
Format: addMembers g/GROUPNAME [Users u/USERNAMES]…​


  • addMembers g/CS2103 u/chelchia u/evanmok2401 u/katenhy u/yewwoei

4.13. Accepting group requests: acceptGroup

A User can accept the invitation to join a group.
Format: acceptGroup g/GROUPNAME


  • acceptGroup g/CS2103

4.14. Deleting group requests: deleteGroupRequest

A User can choose to delete the group request should they not want to join the group.
Format: deleteGroupRequest g/GROUPNAME


  • deleteGroupRequest g/CS2103

4.15. Deleting groups: deleteGroup

A User can leave a group and they will be removed from the group.
Format: deleteGroup g/GROUPNAME


  • deleteGroup g/CS2103

4.16. List group requests: listGroupRequests

A User can list group requests that they have received.
Format: listGroupRequests

4.17. List groups: listGroups

A User can list groups that they are a part of.
Format: listGroups

4.18. Finding people to eat with: createJio

Users can find other users to eat with through inviting users. “createJio” creates a jio that is added to the global list of jios.
Format: createJio n/NAME w/WEEK d/DAY h/TIME a/PLACE [g/GROUP NAME]

  • Jio — an invitation to hang out.

  • Name, date, time, place must be provided. The other parameters are optional.

  • All users will be able to view the list of jios.

  • If group name is present, all group members are automatically added to jio. Jio is still visible to all.


  • createJio n/MALA w/1 d/mon h/1200 a/FineFood

  • createJio n/saporeFriends w/1 d/mon h/1800 a/Sapore g/2103

4.19. Joining an existing jio: joinJio


Users can join an existing jio to find people to eat with, without having to create one of their own.
Format: joinJio n/NAME

  • User has to indicate the name of the jio.


  • joinJio n/MALA

4.20. Deleting old jios: deleteJio

Users can specify a jio to delete. Only the creator of a jio can delete the jio.
Format: deleteJio n/NAME


  • deleteJio n/MALA

4.21. List jios: listJio

Lists all jios created by all users, so that user can see which one to join. Format: listJio

4.22. Sent add debt request: addDebt

User(Creditor) send a debt request to another user with specific amount. Record will be created between two users with a Pending status.
Format: addDebt u/USERNAME amt/AMOUNT


  • addDebt u/katespades amt/4.30

4.23. Sent add debt request to a group addGroupDebt

User(Creditor) send a debt request to all other users in the group with specific amount. with amount will split equally to everyone in the group. Record will be created between with a Pending status.
Format: addGroupDebt g/GROUP amt/AMOUNT


  • addGroupDebt g/CS2103 amt/4.30

4.24. Sent clear debt request: clearDebt

User(Creditor) clear amount between users. If the amount is equal to the debt, the status will change to Cleared. Otherwise, the amount will be balanced off from the debt.
Format: clearDebt u/NAME amt/AMOUNT


  • clearDebt u/katespades amt/4.30

4.25. Accept debt request: acceptDebtRequest

Unique ID is generate for each debt, even though the input parameters are the same. This is to ensure that mutiple debts can be recorded and differentiated.

User(Debtor) accept request from another user(Creditor). The debt status will change from Pending to Accepted. If there are any other accepted debt between this two users, the debt will balanced off as one debt record.
Format: acceptDebtRequest u/NAME amt/AMOUNT id/ID
ID is unique and should copy from the Debt Card in UI when you test it


  • acceptDebtRequest u/katespades amt/4.30 id/18103013460314(copy from UI)

4.26. Delete debt request: deleteDebtRequest

User(Debtor) delete/reject request send by other user if it is a wrong request.
Format: deleteDebtRequest u/USERNAME amt/AMOUNT id/ID
ID is unique and should copy from the Debt Card in UI when you test it


  • deleteDebtRequest u/Kate123 amt/4.30 id/18103013460314(copy from UI)

4.27. List all login user’s creditor listCreditor

List all creditor of the login user in list panel.
Format: listCreditor

4.28. List all login user’s debtor listDebtor

List all debtor of the login user in list panel.
Format: listDebtor

4.29. List all login user’s debt request received listDebtRequestReceived

List all debt request received by login user from other user in list panel.
Format: listDebtRequestReceived

4.30. List all login user’s debt request sent listDebtRequestSent

List all debt request sent by login user to other user in list panel.
Format: listDebtRequestSent

4.31. List all login user’s debt history listDebtor

List all debt history(regardless of status) of the login user in list panel. Format: listDebtor

4.32. Block unavailable timeslot manually: blockDate

Blocks out that timeslot in the user’s schedule to signify that he is busy and not available to eat. Weeks only range from 1-6, recess, 7-13, reading, 15, 16
Format: blockDate w/WEEKNUMBER d/DAY h/HHHH


  • blockDate w/5 d/tue h/1800

4.33. Free timeslot manually: freeDate

Frees up that timeslot in the user’s schedule to signify that he is free and available to eat.
Format: freeDate w/recess d/DAY h/HHHH


  • freeDate w/5 d/wed h/1800

4.34. See free Time: listScheduleForWeek

Views the list of free time to eat on a NUS week according to your calendar. Format: listScheduleForWeek w/WEEK_NUMBER


  • listScheduleForWeek w/5

4.35. Find common group meeting times: findDates

Views the available times to meet in your group. You must be a part of a group and the group name stated must exist.
Format: findDates g/GROUP_NAME w/WEEK_NUMBER


  • findDates g/2103 w/5

5. Administrator Level Features


Adds a restaurant to the address book
Format: add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]…​

A restaurant can have any number of tags (including 0)


  • add n/Macdonalds p/6231 8837 a/Engineering Block Eg 4

  • add n/Japanese Delights t/Halal a/Engineering Canteen EG5 #02-01 t/Japanese

5.2. Deleting a restaurant : delete [DEPRECIATED, DO NOT USE, ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATORS]

Deletes the specified restaurant from the address book.
Format: delete INDEX

  • Deletes the restaurant at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed restaurant list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • list
    delete 2
    Deletes the 2nd restaurant in the address book.

  • find Hwangs
    delete 1
    Deletes the 1st restaurant in the results of the find command.

5.3. Editing a restaurant : edit [DEPRECIATED, DO NOT USE, ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATORS]

Edits an existing restaurant in the address book.
Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​

  • Edits the restaurant at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed restaurant list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the restaurant will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.

  • You can remove all the restaurant’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.


  • edit 1 p/91234567 e/
    Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st restaurant to be 91234567 and respectively.

  • edit 2 n/Hwangs t/
    Edits the name of the 2nd restaurant to be Hwangs and clears all existing tags.

5.4. Clearing all entries : clear [DEPRECIATED, DO NOT USE, ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATORS]

Clears all entries from the address book.
Format: clear

5.5. Undoing previous command : undo [DEPRECIATED, DO NOT USE, ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATORS]

Restores the address book to the state before the previous undoable command was executed.
Format: undo


Undoable commands: those commands that modify the address book’s content (add, delete, edit and clear).


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)

  • selectRestaurant 1
    The undo command fails as there are no undoable commands executed previously.

  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)

5.6. Redoing the previously undone command : redo [DEPRECIATED, DO NOT USE, ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATORS]

Reverses the most recent undo command.
Format: redo


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)

  • delete 1
    The redo command fails as there are no undo commands executed previously.

  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the clear command)

6. Changes coming in v2.0

6.1. Restriction of Privileges to Makan Book

Currently, all users are can add, delete, edit and make changes to restaurants in the makan book even if the User Guide says otherwise. This can affect all other users.

6.1.1. Creation of Administrator Account

To prevent this, administrator accounts will be created. Only administrators will have the ability to call commands that modify the restaurants in Makan book.

6.1.2. Allowing Users to suggest restaurants to be added into Makan Book

To allow users to suggest restaurants outside of NUS to be included to the Makan Book. This would be sent to the administrators for review. Administrators can choose to add these restaurants for all users in the Makan Book.

6.2. New Features in v2.0

6.2.1. List Visited Restaurant: listVisitedRestaurants

Lists the restaurants a user has visited.
Format: listVisitedRestaurants

6.2.2. Add Visited Restaurant: addVisitedRestaurants

Allows user to add a restaurant into his visited restaurant list with date, price, rating/score and meal consumed.


  • addVisitedRestaurants 3 t/2011-11-11 p/3.70 r/4 rvw/Value for money indeed m/Lemon Chicken Rice

6.2.3. Add Favourites: addFavourite

Allows User to add a restaurant into his account’s favourites.
Format: addFavourite INDEX


  • addFavourite 3

6.2.4. List Favourites: listFavourites

Allows User to list the restaurants he has entered into his favourites.
Format: listFavourites

6.2.5. Find common timeslots with friends: findTime

Find common eating timeslots with a list of friends.
Format: findTime [w/week number] [u/USERNAME]…

6.3. Find jios that fit a user’s timetable for a given NUS academic week: findJio

Views the list of free time to eat on those dates.
Format: findJio w/WEEKNUMBER


  • findJio w/8

6.3.1. Add NUSMODS schedule to block out calendar: addNUSMODS

Block out schedules on the timetable using a NUSMODS link.


  • addCalendar

6.3.2. Add Google Calendar schedule to block out calendar: addCalendar

Block out schedules on the timetable using a google account.
Format: addCalendar USERNAME PASSWORD


7. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Makan Book folder.

8. Command Summary

8.1. Commands that do not require log in of User

    e.g. find Waa Lao

  • List : list

  • List Jio : listJio
    e.g. listJio

  • Help : help

  • selectRestaurant : selectRestaurant INDEX
    e.g.selectRestaurant 2

  • History : history

    e.g. signup u/johnnydoe pwd/pAssw0rd n/John Doe p/98765432 e/

  • Login : login u/USERNAME pwd/PASSWORD
    e.g. login u/navekom pwd/pwwd123

8.2. Commands that require log in of User

  • Logout : logout

  • Write a Review : writeReview INDEX rate/RATING rvw/WRITTEN_REVIEW
    e.g. writeReview 2 rate/5 rvw/I tried the Salmon Mentaiko Chirashi and it was amazing.

  • Display User Profile: displayProfile

  • selectOther : selectOther INDEX
    e.g.selectOther 2

  • Add Friend : addFriend u/USERNAME
    e.g. addFriend u/meena567

  • Accept Friend Request : acceptFriend u/USERNAME
    e.g. acceptFriend u/meena567

  • Delete Friend Request : deleteFriendRequest u/USERNAME
    e.g. deleteFriendRequest u/meena567

  • Delete Friend : deleteFriend u/USERNAME
    e.g. deleteFriend u/meena567

  • List Friend Requests : listFriendRequests

  • List Friends : listFriends

  • Add Group : addGroup g/GROUP_NAME
    e.g. addGroup g/CS2103

  • Add Members : addMembers g/GROUP_NAME [u/USERNAME]…​
    e.g. addMembers g/CS2103 u/thejrlinguist u/meena567

  • Accept Group : acceptGroup g/GROUP_NAME
    e.g. acceptGroup g/CS2103

  • Delete Group Request : deleteGroupRequest g/GROUP_NAME
    e.g. deleteGroupRequest g/CS2103

  • Delete Group : deleteGroup g/GROUP_NAME
    e.g. deleteGroup g/CS2103

  • List Group Requests : listGroupRequests

  • List Groups : listGroups

  • Create Jio : createJio
    e.g. createJio n/MALA w/1 d/mon h/1200 a/FineFood
    e.g. createJio n/saporeFriends w/1 d/mon h/1800 a/Sapore g/mygroup

  • Join Jio : joinJio
    e.g. joinJio n/MALA

  • Delete Jio : deleteJio
    e.g. deleteJio n/MALA

  • Add Debt : addDebt u/USERNAME amt/AMOUNT
    e.g. addDebt u/katespades amt/2.3

  • Add Group Debt : addGroupDebt g/GROUP_NAME amt/AMOUNT
    e.g. addGroupDebt g/2103 amt/27

  • Clear Debt : clearDebt u/USERNAME amt/AMOUNT
    e.g. clearDebt u/katespades amt/1.3

  • Accept Debt Request : acceptDebtRequest u/USERNAME amt/AMOUNT id/DEBTID
    e.g. acceptDebtRequest u/katespades amt/7.9 id/181030224951280

  • Delete Debt Request : deleteDebtRequest u/USERNAME amt/AMOUNT id/DEBTID
    e.g. deleteDebtRequest u/katespades amt/7.9 id/181030224951280

  • List Creditor : listCreditor

  • List Debtor : listDebtor

  • List Debt Request Received : listDebtRequestReceived

  • List Debt Request Sent : listDebtRequestSent

  • List Debt History : listDebtHistory

  • Block Date : blockDate w/WEEKNUMBER d/DAY h/HHHH
    e.g. blockDate w/reading d/thu h/1800

  • Free Date : freeDate w/WEEK_NUMBER d/DAY h/HHHH
    e.g. freeDate w/11 d/tue h/0600

  • List User’s Free Timeslots for a Week : listScheduleForWeek w/WEEK_NUMBER
    e.g. listScheduleForWeek w/6

  • List free timeslots for your group for a week : findDates g/GROUP_NAME w/WEEK_NUMBER
    e.g. findDates g/2103 w/reading

8.3. Depreciated Commands

    e.g. add n/Macdonalds p/6231 8837 a/Engineering Block Eg 4 t/FastFood t/Halal

  • Clear : clear

  • Delete : delete INDEX
    e.g. delete 3

  • Edit : edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​
    e.g. edit 2 n/James Lee e/

  • Undo : undo

  • Redo : redo