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Inventory Manager - User Guide

1. Introduction

Let Inventory Manager do the hard work of managing the shop inventory while you focus on making money.

Inventory Manager aims to tackle the chore of stock taking for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Designed to be easy to use, Inventory Manager gives you control over your business right from your keyboard.

Inventory Manager comes with features to manage the shop inventory such as creating sale orders, purchase orders, generating reports and more. With user authentication put in place, it gives SMEs greater control over users' access to the application too.

Get control over your shop’s inventory now by heading over to Section 3, “Quick Start”. Enjoy!

2. About

This guide introduces you to Inventory Manager, provides set up instructions and gives you an overview of the features available.

This document does not assume any prior technical knowledge, and the glossary explains any technical terms. Please check the FAQ section for frequent user issues.

3. Quick Start

This section will help you get started with Inventory Manager in 4 easy steps:

  1. Ensure you have Java version 9 or later installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest InventoryManager.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Inventory Manager.

  4. Double-click the file to start the application. Inventory Manager should show up on your screen in a couple of seconds.

    Figure 1. The Graphical User Interface on starting up.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up Inventory Manager.

You can now type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.

doc command box
Figure 2. The command box in Inventory Manager.

A good start is entering the command help and pressing Enter, it will open the help window.

As a first time user, you can enter the command login u/admin p/password to login to the Inventory Manager as a super-admin. This super-admin account is a default administrator account.

Below are some other commands you can try after logging into the system:

  • list-item : lists all items available

  • exit : exits the application

You can refer to Section 4, “Features” for details of each available features in Inventory Manager.

4. Features

Each feature has it’s own unique command to be entered into the command box.

Command Format Explained

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. For example add n/NAME. NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/IPhone X.

  • Items in square brackets are optional. For example add n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as add n/IPhone X t/Expensive or as n/IPhone X.

  • Items with ​ after them can be zero or more times. For example add n/NAME [t/TAG]…​ can be used as add n/IPhone X (i.e. 0 times) or add n/IPhone X t/Firmware t/ExpiryDate (i.e. 2 times).

  • Parameters can be in any order. For example, if the command specifies add n/NAME q/QUANTITY, add q/QUANTITY n/NAME is also acceptable.

4.1. General

Below are the general commands available for Inventory Manager.

4.1.1. Viewing help : help

The help command brings up the help screen.
This command is available to any user.

Format: help

4.1.2. Listing entered commands : history

The history command lists all the commands that you have entered, including valid and invalid commands, in reverse chronological order.
This command is available to any user.

Format: history


Pressing the and arrows will display the previous and next input respectively in the command box.

4.1.3. Undoing previous command : undo

The undo command restores Inventory Manager to the state before the previous undoable command was executed.
This command is available to members only.

Format: undo


Supported undoable commands: add-item, delete-item, edit-item and clear.


  • Performing an undo on the delete command.
    delete-item 1

  • Performing an undo on the select command, which will fail as there is no undoable commands executed previously.
    select 1

  • Performing multiple undo commands.
    delete-item 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete-item 1 command)

4.1.4. Redoing the previously undone command : redo

The redo command reverses the most recent undo command.
This command is available to members only.

Format: redo


  • Performing a redo on an undo command.
    delete-item 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)

  • Performing a redo, which will fail as there was no undo command executed previously.
    delete-item 1

  • Performing multiple redo commands.
    delete-item 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the clear command)

4.1.5. Clearing all entries : clear

The clear command clears all entries from Inventory Manager.
This command is available to admin only.

Format: clear

4.1.6. Exiting the program : exit

The exit command exits Inventory Manager.
This command is available to any user.

Format: exit

4.1.7. Saving the data

Inventory Manager data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. No action is required to manually save the data.

4.2. Authentication

Users authenticate their identities prior using any other functions of the applications.

The following commands are only available to any members except login which can be executed by any user.

4.2.1. Log in to the system : login

The login command allows the user to login with given username and password.

Format: login u/USERNAME p/PASSWORD

Example: Login the user with username as admin and password as password.
login u/admin p/password

doc login
Figure 3. The user is required to login before proceeding.

4.2.2. Change user’s password : change-password

The change-password command updates the user’s password in the system with a given new password.

Format: change-password p/NEW_PASSWORD


  • Change user’s password with a given new password as darrensinglenus.
    change-password p/darrensinglenus.

  • Change user’s password with multiple new passwords provided. Only the final input, which is nussoccat, will be accepted.
    change-password p/password p/nussoccat.

The image below shows a user entering the change-password.

doc change password
Figure 4. A user attempting to change the password.

4.2.3. Logout from the system : logout

The logout command signs out the current users from the system and removes all the commands history.

Format: logout

4.3. User Management

Admin of the system manages the staffs who use this application.

The following commands are only accessible to the admin to manage the users.

4.3.1. Add a user : add-staff

The add-staff command adds a user into the system.

Format: add-staff n/NAME u/USERNAME p/PASSWORD r/ROLE

Remark: ROLE can only be either user, manager or admin.


  • Add staff with username as johnd, password as johndoe1, name as John Doe and role as manager.
    add-staff u/johnd p/johndoe1 n/John Doe r/manager.

  • Add staff with username as damith, password as softengn, name as Damith Rajapakse and role as user.
    add-staff u/damith p/softengn n/Damith Rajapakse r/user.

4.3.2. List all the users : list-staff

The list-staff command displays a list of existing users in the system.

Format: list-staff

The image below shows the application displayed a list of staff.

doc list user
Figure 5. All users in Inventory Manager listed on the screen.

4.3.3. Update a user : edit-staff

The edit-staff command updates a user information into the system with the given username.

Format: edit-staff INDEX [n/NAME] [u/USERNAME] [p/PASSWORD] [r/ROLE]

Remark: ROLE can only be either user, manager or admin.


  • Edit staff with given id, 3 in the list. Change name to Yao Teng Xiong and role as admin.
    edit-staff 3 n/Yao Teng Xiong r/admin.

  • Edit staff with given id, 2 in the list. Change username to zulq8 and password as meowmeowzul.
    edit-staff 2 u/zulq8 p/meowmeowzul.

4.3.4. Delete a user : delete-staff

The delete-staff command deletes a user from the system with the given index as shown in the list.

Format: delete-staff INDEX


  • Delete a user with given index as shown in the list.
    delete-staff 1.

  • Delete a user with an invalid index. The image below shows an expected output.
    delete-staff 999.

doc delete user failed
Figure 6. The error is shown if the provided index is invalid.

4.4. Inventory Management

The following commands are mainly used for you to manage the items stored in your inventory.


An item’s uniqueness is based on its SKU. It can have the same name and other attributes but its SKU must be unique.

4.4.1. Adding an item : add-item

The add-item command allows you to add an item to the inventory manager.
This command is available to members only.

Format: add-item n/NAME p/PRICE q/QUANTITY s/SKU i/IMAGE_LOCATION [t/TAG]…​

An item can have any number of tags (including 0). Therefore, you can add as many tags as you want to the item.


  • add-item n/IPhone X p/1600 q/1000 s/SN-1234 i/docs/images/iphone.jpg t/smartphone t/apple

4.4.2. Listing all items : list-item

The list-item command shows you a list of all items in the inventory manager.
This command is available to members only.

Format: list-item

Upon entering the list-item command into the command box and pressing Enter, you should see a list of all items appearing in the left side panel as can be seen in the screenshot below:

doc list item
Figure 7. All items in Inventory Manager listed on screen.

4.4.3. Listing all items with low quantities : list-low-qty

The list-low-qty command shows you a list of all items in the inventory manager that have low quantities.
This command is available to members only.

Format: list-low-qty

  • An item is considered to have a low quantity if it has a quantity of 10 or less.

  • An item that is on low quantity will have its quantity highlighted in red with a warning sign when selected.

Upon entering the list-low-qty command into the command box and pressing Enter, you should see a list of all items with quantities of 10 or less appearing in the left side panel similar to the list-item command.

4.4.4. Editing an item : edit-item

The edit-item command allows you to edit an existing item in the Inventory Manager.
This command is available to members only.

Format: edit-item INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PRICE] [q/QUANTITY] [s/SKU] [i/IMAGE_LOCATION] [t/TAG]…​


If the edited item has its SKU changed and it exists in a purchase order, the purchase order will also be edited accordingly based on the edited item’s new SKU.

For the edit-item command, do take note of the following points:

  • Update the item at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed inventory list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values

  • When updating tags, the existing tags of the item will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative

  • You can remove all the item’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it


  • edit-item 5 s/SN-8888
    Updates the SKU and tags of the 5th item to SN-8888.

  • edit-item 1 i/docs/images/iphone.jpg q/999
    Updates the image location and quantity of the 1st item to docs/images/iphone.jpg and 999 respectively.

4.4.5. Locating items by name : find-item

The find-item command allows you to find items that have names containing any of the given keywords.
This command is available to members only.

Format: find-item KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

Multiple keywords are allowed for the find-item command.

For the find-item command, do take note of the following points:

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g iphone will match IPhone

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. X IPhone will match IPhone X

  • Only the name of the item is searched

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. phone will not match IPhone

  • Items matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. an OR search). e.g. Iphone 10 will return IPhone X, Samsung 10

The following screenshot demonstrates entering the find-item command in the command box with the keyword LG, followed by Enter:

doc find item
Figure 8. The item(s) searched for will be displayed on screen.

4.4.6. Locating items by SKU : find-item-sku

The find-item-sku command allows you to find items that have SKUs containing any of the given keywords.
This command is available to members only.

Format: find-item-sku KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

Just like the find-item command, multiple keywords are allowed for the find-item-sku command.

For the find-item-sku command, do take note of the following points:

  • Partial keywords will be matched e.g. SN will match items with SKUs SN-1234 and SN4321

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g sn-1234 will match item(s) containing the SKU SN-1234

  • Only the SKU of the item is searched

  • Items matching at least one keyword will be returned. e.g. iphone sn will return items with SKUs containing the SKUs iphone-s9-9234, SN-1234


  • find-item-sku iphone
    Returns IPhone X and IPhone 10, which contains the SKUs iphone-x and iphone-10 respectively.

4.4.7. Filtering items by price and/or quantity : filter-item

The filter-item command allows you to filter items that have prices and/or quantities within the conditions set in the keywords.
This command is available to members only.

Format: filter-item [p/[<][>]PRICE] [q/[<][>]QUANTITY]

To narrow down the scope, you can combine both conditions or use only one condition to filter your items.

For the filter-item command, do take note of the following points:

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided (i.e. either the q/ field or p/ field must be present)

  • '<' represents less than or equals to. e.g. q/<30 represents quantity less than or equals to 30

  • '>' represents more than or equals to. e.g. p/>500 represents price more than or equals to 500

  • For price, both whole numbers and decimals are allowed

  • For quantity, only whole numbers are allowed


  • filter-item p/>900
    Returns IPhone X and IPhone 10 which both have prices more than or equal to $900.

  • filter-item p/<800 q/<100
    Returns Samsung Note 9 which has a price of less than or equals to $800, and a quantity of less than or equals to 100.

4.4.8. Deleting an item : delete-item

The delete-item command allows you to delete the specified item from the inventory.
This command is available to members only.

Format: delete-item INDEX


All sale orders and purchase orders containing the deleted item will be deleted as well.

For the delete-item command, do take note of the following points:

  • Deletes the item at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed inventory list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • list-item
    delete-item 2
    Deletes the 2nd item in the inventory.

  • find-item IPhone X
    delete-item 1
    Deletes the 1st item in the results of the find-item command.

4.4.9. Selecting an item : select

The select command allows you to select an item identified by the index number used in the displayed inventory list.
This command is available to members only.

Format: select INDEX

For the select command, do take note of the following points:

  • Selects the item and loads up the item’s details at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed item list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • list-item
    select 2
    Selects the 2nd item in the inventory.

  • find-item IPhone X
    select 1
    Selects the 1st item in the results of the find-item command.

4.5. Sale Orders Management

All authenticated users can manage sale orders on the system using the commands below.

4.5.1. Creating a sale order : add-sale

The add-sale command is only available to the Member group. It allows the user to add a new sale order into Inventory Manager. Adding a new sale order will deduct the item quantity automatically. User will need to ensure that the entered item SKU and sold quantity is valid.

If an invalid SKU or quantity is entered, Inventory Manager will display an error on screen. The screenshot below is an example of an error when an invalid SKU is entered.

doc add sale failed
Figure 9. Error shown on screen when creating a sale order with invalid SKU.

Format: add-sale s/SKU q/QTY


  • User sold 5 quantity of a product with SKU 0123.
    add-sale s/0123 q/5

4.5.2. Deleting a sale order : delete-sale

The delete-sale command is only available to the Member group. It allows the user to delete a specific sale order in Inventory Manager. Deleting a sale order will restore the inventory quantity deducted automatically. User will need to ensure that the entered sale ID is valid.

If a sale ID that cannot be found is entered, Inventory Manager will display an error on screen. The screenshot below is an example of an error when an invalid sale ID is entered.

doc delete sale failed
Figure 10. Error shown on screen when deleting a sale order that cannot be found.

Format: delete-sale SALE-ID


  • User wishes to delete sale ID 12.
    delete-sale 12

4.5.3. Listing sale orders : list-sale

The list-sale command is only available to the Member group. It allows the user to list all sale orders in Inventory Manager.

The screenshot below shows the result after the list-sale command has been entered.

doc list sale
Figure 11. All sales in Inventory Manager listed on screen.

Format: list-sale


  • User wishes to list all sale orders.

4.6. Purchase Orders Management

The following commands are used to manage purchase order.

4.6.1. Listing all purchase order : list-po

The list-po command is only available to the Member group.
It allows the user to list all purchase orders in Inventory Manager.

The screenshot below shows the result after the list-po command is entered.

doc list po
Figure 12. All purchase orders in Inventory Manager listed on screen.

Format: list-po

4.6.2. Adding a purchase order : add-po

The add-po command is only available to the Member group.
It allows the user to add a purchase order for an item based on it’s sku.
The added purchase order comes with a default status of 'PENDING' as shown in the figure below.

doc add po
Figure 13. A newly added purchase order that comes with a default 'PENDING' status._



  • add-po s/apple-iphone-xr q/1000 d/2018-12-12 sp/Apple Inc

  • add-po s/samsung-s9 q/12 d/2101-12-12 sp/Samsung

4.6.3. Approving a purchase order : approve-po

The approve-po command is only available to the Manager.
It allows the manager to approve the specified purchase order from the purchase order list.
Upon approving, the quantity stated in the purchase order will be added to the designated item.

Format: approve-po INDEX

For the approve-po command, do take note of the following points:

  • Approves the purchase order at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed inventory list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • The command can only be applied to purchase order with 'PENDING' status.


  • list-po
    approve-po 1
    Approves the first purchase order in the purchase order list.

4.6.4. Rejecting a purchase order : reject-po

The reject-po command is only available to the Manager.
It allows the manager to reject the specified purchase order from the purchase order list.

Format: reject-po INDEX

For the reject-po command, do take note of the following points:

  • Rejects the purchase order at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed inventory list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • The command can only be applied to purchase order with 'PENDING' status.


  • list-po
    reject-po 1
    Rejects the first purchase order in the purchase order list.

4.6.5. Editing a purchase order : edit-po

The edit-po command is only available to the Member group.
It allows the user to edit the specified purchase order from the purchase order list.


For the edit-po command, do take note of the following points:

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

  • Item’s SKU in the purchase order list is uneditable.

  • The command can only be applied to purchase order with 'PENDING' status.


  • edit-po 1 q/999 d/2018-12-12
    Updates the quantity and required date of the 1st purchase order to 999 and 2018-12-12 respectively.

4.6.6. Deleting a purchase order : delete-po

The delete-po command is only available to the Member group.
It allows the user to delete the specified purchase order from the purchase order list.

Format: delete-po INDEX

For the delete-po command, do take note of the following points:

  • Deletes the purchase order at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed purchase order list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • list-po
    delete-po 5
    Deletes the 5th purchase order in the inventory.

4.7. Reporting Module

The following commands are mainly used to export and import data for report analysis.
All the commands in this section are available to admin only.

4.7.1. Exporting data to CSV: export-csv

  • This command exports the data to the file specified by FILEPATH.

  • FILEPATH must end with an extension of .csv.

  • FILEPATH can be a relative path and the data will be exported to a location relative to the Inventory Manager installation directory.

  • Existing data file at FILEPATH will be overwritten.

  • The parent directories will be created if they do not exist.

  • A table view of the exported data will appear.

  • CSV files can be opened and edited by Excel.

Exporting sales report to CSV: export-csv-sales

The export-csv-sales command exports the sales report in CSV format to the file path given.

Format: export-csv-sales f/FILEPATH

Example: export-csv-sales f/E:/out/sales.csv

Exporting list of items to CSV : export-csv-items

The export-csv-items command exports the list of items in CSV format to the file path given.

Format: export-csv-items f/FILEPATH

Example: export-csv-items f/E:/out/items.csv

Following screenshot showcases what will happen when you enter the correct export-csv-items command:

doc export csv items
Figure 14. Export successful prompt will be shown upon completion of export.
Exporting list of users to CSV: export-csv-staffs

The export-csv-staffs command exports the list of users in CSV format to the file path given.

Format: export-csv-staffs f/FILEPATH

Example: export-csv-staffs f/E:/out/staffs.csv

Exporting list of purchase orders to CSV: export-csv-orders

The export-csv-orders command exports the list of purchase orders in CSV format to the filepath given.

Format: export-csv-orders f/FILEPATH

Example: export-csv-orders f/E:/out/orders.csv

4.7.2. Exporting entire data to .im file: export-im

(coming in v2.0)

The export-im command exports the entire data to the .im file specified by FILEPATH to quickly transfer the data between two Inventory Manager applications.

Format: export-im f/FILEPATH

Example: export-im f/E:/out/

  • The .im is a format that the Inventory Manager uses to transfer the entire data.

  • FILEPATH must end with an extension of .im.

  • FILEPATH can be a relative path and the data will be exported to a location relative to the Inventory Manager installation directory.

  • Existing data file at FILEPATH will be overwritten.

  • The parent directories will be created if they do not exist.

4.7.3. Importing data from CSV: import-csv

  • This command imports the data from the file specified by FILEPATH.

  • FILEPATH must end with an extension of .csv.

  • FILEPATH can be a relative path and the data will be imported from a location relative to the Inventory Manager installation directory.

  • Original data in Inventory Manager will be overwritten.

  • Data in the CSV file must be recognizable by Inventory Manager.

Importing sales report from CSV: import-csv-sales

The import-csv-sales command imports the sales report in CSV format from the file path given.

Format: import-csv-sales f/FILEPATH

Example: import-csv-sales f/E:/in/sales.csv

Following screenshot showcases what will happen when you enter the correct import-csv-sales command:

doc import csv sales
Figure 15. Import successful prompt will be shown upon completion of import.
Importing list of items from CSV : import-csv-items

The import-csv-items command imports the list of items in CSV format from the file path given.

Format: import-csv-items f/FILEPATH

Example: import-csv-items f/E:/in/items.csv

Importing list of users from CSV: import-csv-staffs

The import-csv-staffs command imports the list of users in CSV format from the file path given.

Format: import-csv-staffs f/FILEPATH

Example: import-csv-staffs f/E:/in/staffs.csv

Importing list of purchase orders from CSV: import-csv-orders

The import-csv-orders command imports the list of purchase orders in CSV format from the file path given.

Format: import-csv-orders f/FILEPATH

Example: import-csv-orders f/E:/in/orders.csv

4.7.4. Importing entire data from .im file: import-im

(coming in v2.0)

The import-im command imports the entire data from the .im file specified by FILEPATH to quickly transfer the data between two Inventory Manager applications.

Format: import-im f/FILEPATH

Example: import-im f/E:/in/

  • The .im is a format that the Inventory Manager uses to transfer the entire data.

  • FILEPATH must end with an extension of .im.

  • FILEPATH can be a relative path and the data will be imported from a location relative to the Inventory Manager installation directory.

  • Original data in Inventory Manager will be overwritten.

  • Data in the .im file must be recognizable by Inventory Manager.

5. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer ?
A: Install Inventory Manager in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Inventory Manager folder.
A: Export the data in your current Inventory Manager first. Then, install the Inventory Manager in the other computer and import the data back.

Q: How do I save my data ?
A: There is no need to save manually because the state of the database is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.

Q: How can I report a bug or suggest improvements to this application ?
A: You can open an issue here.

Q: I forgot my password, how do I reset ?
A: Please contact your administrator to assist you in resetting your password.

6. Command Summary

The following table summarises commands available in Inventory Manager, along with examples:

Table 1. Command summary
Command Format Example Available for

























login u/user111 p/password11


Change Password

change-password p/NEW_PASSWORD

change-password p/newpassword






Users Management

Add User


add-staff n/Zulqarnain u/zulq9 p/zulcomel r/admin


List User




Update User

edit-staff INDEX [n/NAME] [u/USERNAME] [p/PASSWORD] [r/ROLE]

edit-staff 2 n/Muhammad Zulqarnain u/zulq9 p/zulsenpai r/admin


Remove User

delete-staff INDEX

delete-staff 3


Inventory Management

Add Item


add-item n/iPhone XR p/1500.00 q/70 s/apple-iphone-xr i/docs/images/iphone.jpg t/apple t/smartphone


Delete Item

delete-item INDEX

delete-item 3


Edit Existing Item

edit-item INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PRICE] [q/QUANTITY] [s/SKU] [i/IMAGE_PATH] [t/TAG]…​

edit-item 2 p/1600 q/300


Find Existing Item


find-item iPhone Samsung


List All Items




Select Item

select INDEX

select 2


Sale Orders Management

Add Sale Order

add-sale s/SKU q/QTY

add-sale s/0123 q/1


Delete Sale Order

delete-sale SALE-ID

delete-sale 1


List Sale Orders




Purchase Orders Management

List all Purchase Orders




Add Purchase Order


add-po s/apple-iphone-xr q/1000 d/12-12-2018 sp/Apple Inc.


Approve Purchase Order


approve-po 2


Reject Purchase Order


reject-po 3


Edit Purchase Order


edit-po 3 q/100


Delete Purchase Order


delete-po 1


Reports Management

Export Sales Report to CSV

export-csv-sales f/FILEPATH

export-csv-sales f/E:/out/sales.csv


Export List of Items to CSV

export-csv-items f/FILEPATH

export-csv-items f/E:/out/items.csv


Export List of Users to CSV

export-csv-staffs f/FILEPATH

export-csv-staffs f/E:/out/staffs.csv


Export List of Purchase Orders to CSV

export-csv-orders f/FILEPATH

export-csv-orders f/E:/out/orders.csv


Export Entire Data to .im File

export-im f/FILEPATH

export-im f/E:/out/


Import Sales Report from CSV

import-csv-sales f/FILEPATH

import-csv-sales f/E:/in/sales.csv


Import List of Items from CSV

import-csv-items f/FILEPATH

import-csv-items f/E:/in/items.csv


Import List of Users from CSV

import-csv-staffs f/FILEPATH

import-csv-staffs f/E:/in/staffs.csv


Import List of Purchase Orders from CSV

import-csv-orders f/FILEPATH

import-csv-orders f/E:/in/orders.csv


Import Entire Data From .im File

import-im f/FILEPATH

import-im f/E:/in/


7. Glossary

CLI (Command Line Interface)

A command line interface (CLI) is an interface where you can input commands to interact with the software.

CSV (Comma Separated Values)

A Comma Separated Values file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. The file can be open using an Excel software.

GUI (Graphical User Interface)

A graphical user interface (GUI) is an interface through which a user interacts with the software.


This refers to the user role Admin, Staff and Manager.

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

A Stock Keeping Unit is a product identification code assigned to a product.


This refers to everyone that uses Inventory Manager, which includes the Members and non-logged in users.