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User Guide


Do you have so many tasks to do every day that you simply cannot keep track of them anymore? Don't you wish that there was an easier way to stay on top of your daily tasks without feeling stressed out?

Taskle is here to help you with all of that! It is a task management application with a single text box for all your commands. Coupled with its simplicity, managing your tasks has never been this easy!

Reorganize your life now by using Taskle!

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java version 1.8.0_60 or later installed in your computer.

    Having any Java 8 version is not enough.
    This application will not work with earlier versions of Java 8.

  2. Download the latest Taskle.jar from the releases tab.

  3. Copy the file to the folder where you want to use Taskle.

  4. Double-click on the file to start the application. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) should appear in a few seconds.

    Figure 1: GUI of Taskle
  5. Type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.

    Example: Typing help and pressing Enter will open up the help window.

  6. Some commands that you can try:

    • add Buy Milk : Adds a "Buy Milk" task into Taskle.
    • add Submit Proposal by 7 Nov : Adds a "Submit Proposal" task which is to be completed by 7 Nov.
    • remove 5 : Removes the task with index 5 from the current list.
    • clear: Clears all tasks from Taskle.
    • exit : Exits from Taskle.
  7. Refer to the Features section for details of each command.


Taskle makes managing your tasks both simple and elegant as all of its features can be accessed with a single line of command!

Note that the following conventions are used for all command formats:

  • BOLDED words are parameters.
  • Items in [SQUARE_BRACKETS] are optional.
  • The order of parameters is fixed.

Add a Task / Event: add

Adds a task / event into Taskle (with its respective deadline or start-date and end-date.)

add task_name [remind date time]
add task_name by date [time] [remind date time]
add task_name from date [time] to date [time] [remind date time]

Things to Note

  • You may enter the date and time in any format that you desire, and Taskle will still be able to recognise it.
  • Example: "add Do Homework by tmr" adds a task with the name "Do Homework" with the deadline to be set to tomorrow (tmr is recognised as tomorrow).
  • Only the words after the last by or from in your input will be accepted as the date and time. This allows you to continue using by and from as part of your task name as long as you enter the date and times last.
  • Example: "add Gardens by the Bay from 9am to 9pm today" adds a task with the name "Gardens by the Bay" with the date and time to be set to "today, 9am to 9pm".
  • Should the entered name be too long, it will appear truncated with ellipses on the application. However, you can still view the full name by clicking and holding down your mouse button.
  • A reminder time can be set for your tasks / events.
  • The time parameter is optional.


  • add Pay Phone Bills
  • add Do CS2101 Assignment by 12 Oct
  • add Business Trip from 4 Oct to 5 Oct remind 3 Oct 2pm

Figure 2: Adds a task with the name "Pay Phone Bills" into Taskle

Edit a Task: rename; reschedule; remind

Edits an existing task in Taskle. There are three types of possible edits: Rename, Reschedule and Remind. You are required to input the task_number (as indicated in the ID column of Figure 3) in order for Taskle to identify the task that you wish to edit.

Type Format
Rename rename task_number new_task_name
Reschedule reschedule task_number date [time] [to date time]
Remind remind task_number date [time]

Things to Note

  • A task can only have one reminder. The date and time that were specified in the "remind" command will replace any existing reminder.
  • If no time was specified for the reminder, Taskle will automatically assign 00:00 of the specified reminder date to it.
  • To remove a reminder or deadline / event date from a task, you will have to type "clear" after typing the task number. For example:
  • remind 2 clear
  • reschedule 2 clear


  • rename 8 Pay Abel for Chicken Rice

Figure 3: Renames Task 8 to "Pay Abel for Chicken Rice" (Before)

Figure 4: Renames Task 8 to "Pay Abel for Chicken Rice" (After)

  • reschedule 2 9th November 2pm

Figure 5: Reschedules Task 2 to "9th November 2pm" (Before)

Figure 6: Reschedules Task 2 to "9th November 2pm" (After)

  • remind 2 8th November 7pm

Figure 7: Sets a Reminder for Task 2 on "8th November 7pm" (Before)

Figure 8: Sets a Reminder for Task 2 on "8th November 7pm" (After)

Remove a Task: remove

Removes a task from Taskle permanently.

remove task_number


  • remove 8

Figure 9: Removes Task 8 from Taskle

Find Tasks : find

Finds all the tasks in Taskle that match the list of keywords and specified statuses.

find keywords [-status]

Things to Note

  • The following statuses are available:
  • -all: All the tasks in Taskle.
  • -pending: Pending tasks.
  • -done: Tasks that have been marked as done.
  • -overdue: Tasks that are overdue (only applicable to deadlines.)
  • All the tasks that match the list of keywords and specified statuses will be displayed.
  • You must specify at least one keyword when using find.
  • It is optional to specify the status. If no status was specified, the default tasks (pending and overdue) will be displayed.
  • You may specify more than one status. All tasks that fulfill any of these statuses will be displayed.
  • Example: "find meeting task -pending -overdue"


  • find project

Figure 10: Finds "pending and overdue" tasks that have "project" in their names

  • find project -all

Figure 11: Finds all tasks that have "project" in their names

List Tasks: list

Lists tasks according to specified statuses (done, overdue, or pending).

list [-status]

Things to Note

  • The following statuses are available:
  • -all: All the tasks in Taskle.
  • -pending: Pending tasks.
  • -done: Tasks that have been marked as done.
  • -overdue: Tasks that are overdue (only applicable to deadlines.)
  • It is optional to specify the status. If no status was specified, the default tasks (pending and overdue) will be displayed.
  • You may specify more than one status. All tasks that fulfill any of these statuses will be displayed.
  • Example: "list -pending -overdue"


  • list -all

Mark a Task as Done: done

Marks a task as done (when it is completed).

done task_number


  • done 5

Figure 12: Marks Task 5 as done

Undo a Recent Command: undo

Undoes a previous command. It can be called multiple times to return Taskle to a previous state.


Redo a Undo: redo

Redoes a previous command. This command is used when you wish to revert a wrongly issued undo command.


Clear all Tasks: clear

Clears all tasks from Taskle.


Change Save Directory: save

Changes the save directory of Taskle's data file.

save directory_path

Thing to Note

  • You are also able to change your save directory from the menu option.


  • save C:\Users\W14-C3\Dropbox

Figure 13: Changes the Save Directory of Taskle's data file

Open Data File: open

Opens a Taskle data file.

open file_path

Thing to Note

  • You are also able to open your file from the menu option.


  • open C:\Users\W14-C3\Dropbox\Taskle.xml

Figure 14: Opens a Taskle data file

View Help: help

Displays a list of available commands.


Things to Note

  • Help is also shown if you enter an incorrect command.
  • Example: "abcd"
  • A list of available commands is shown in a separate window so that you can refer to it while using Taskle.

Figure 15: Help Window

Exit Taskle: exit

Exits and closes Taskle.



Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: You can install Taskle in the other computer and overwrite its empty data file with the file that was created in your previous Taskle folder. You can also use Taskle's save and open features to transfer your data.

Q: I can't seem to key in a date!
A: You may have forgotten to include the keywords from or by!

Q: My task name is too long and I cannot view it on Taskle!
A: You can click and hold your mouse button down to view the whole task name.

Q: The reminder notification is getting too annoying; can I increase the interval at which it pops up?
A: We have fixed the interval for the pop up at 1 minute. However, if you find it too annoying, you can dismiss the reminders (which removes them from Taskle) by right-clicking the icon in the bottom right tray.

Q: Am I able the customize the colours on Taskle?
A: No, the colour scheme is fixed.

Q: How are you able to intelligently recognize the date and time in any format?
A: Thankfully, there are third party libraries that provide this sort of functionality for free! The one we used for Taskle is called "Natty".

Command Summary

The table below shows the overall list of commands used in the application.

Note that the following conventions are used for all command formats:

  • BOLDED words are parameters.
  • Items in [SQUARE_BRACKETS] are optional.
  • The order of parameters is fixed.

Command Shortcut Format
Add a add task_name [remind date time]
add task_name by date [time] [remind date time]
add task_name from date [time] to date [time] [remind date time]
Rename rn rename task_number new_task_name
Reschedule rs reschedule task_number date [time] [to date time] [remind date time]
Reschedule reschedule task_number clear
Remind rmd remind task_number date [time]
Remind remind task_number clear
Remove rm remove task_number
Find f find keywords [-status]
List l list [-status]
Mark as Done d done task_number
Undo u undo
Redo r redo
Clear clear
Change Directory s save
Open Data File o open
View Help h help
Exit exit