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Neural Style Transfer Website

Users are able to upload a picture to our web app which is processed and an output image is provided of the given picture that is rendered in the painting styles that are chosen. These styles will be chosen by the user, either by selecting from a bank of different artistic renditions or potentially by listing mood keywords that match the desired outcome. The users will then be able to save the picture or have the option to share it on social media.

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Technical Architecture
  3. Installation and Usage
  4. Group members and their roles
  5. License
  6. Acknowledgements

About the Project

User uploads a content image (base image) and a style image (containing the style to convert base image). Our deployed neural style transfer model draws out the stylized image to a canvas from which the user can then download it as a image. Users can repeat this process to add multiple stylizations to a list where they can view previous outputs. Users can also scroll through some brief information on Neural Networks and Deep Learning throughout the page.


The most prominent part of our application is that it allows users to upload arbitrary content and style images without the need to retrain the model each time it is run. There does exist alternative software that also performs arbitrary style transfer on user-uploaded images in the browser; however, there doesn’t yet exist a full-scale application that utilizes fast arbitrary style transfer directly on the front-end via a React.js program. This dynamic allows us to perform asynchronous tensorflow operations via the frontend, which will significantly improve the efficiency of tensor operations when rerendering components on the screen. Furthermore, our deployment of the model in tandem with the React javascript library allows us to utilize its improved state control and various libraries alongside our model’s API.

Technical Architecture

React JavaScript TensorFlowJs

Our project utilizes React with JavaScript frontend, Express as a backend, and TensorFlowJS for the model.




Express Server

We utilize an Express.js backend to run our server-side functionality which statically serves the model from our local machines to the backend API, which is to be fetched later from our frontend application. Having this backend is necessary for our application because unfortunately React does not support the traditional inclusion of tensorflow js via vanilla JS script tags, so our workaround is to deploy the model JSON onto a server and access it from there.

Main Contributors: Jacob S.

Style Transfer Model

Used tensorflowjs_converter to convert Google’s arbitrary image stylization model from a Keras model to tensorflow.js. After model is successfully loaded, it can be called by the user by selecting images to actually perform a stylization. Once it is called, the content and style images are passed into the model as tensors, and after the process is executed, the output image is drawn onto a canvas to be displayed in our ImageList component.

Main Contributors: Jacob S.


Image Uploaders

Allows users to upload an image for it to be displayed in a preview. Uploaded images are then available for selection in a dropdown menu. Uploaders are used for both content and style images.

Main Contributors: Daniel Ku

Image List

List of all stored stylized images. Extends down as more images are added to list. Items are indexed and available for download via download button.

Main Contributors: Daniel Ku

Social Navigation Bar

Uses the React-Share Library. Role of the navigation bar is to allow users to easily share the website with other people via social media (Twitter, Facebook, Email). Does not directly interact with other components of the application, but it does keep track of the website url which it incorporates into a default message.

Main Contributors: Jacob K.

Download Button

Uses the standard ReactJS library for its implementation. The role of the button is to allow the user to easily download the stylized image. The download button interacts with canvas element containing the stylized image to convert it to a downloadable png image.

Main Contributors: Jacob K, Jacob S.

Navigation Bar

Using multiple components the Nav Bar was made to allow easy traversal of the website with a static bar. Using React's built in Routing feature and some CSS to make the scrolling smooth, clicking each button on the nav bar seamlessly scrolls you to the selected portion of the page.

Main Contributors: Ritul Soni

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone
  2. Change directory into the web-app folder:

    cd web-app
  3. In the web-app directory, install npm dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Open another terminal and move to the server directory.

    cd server
  5. In the server directory, install the server npm dependencies:

    npm install
  6. Start the express server once in the server folder.

    node .
  7. Switch back to the terminal window In the web-app directory and start the React app:

    npm start
  8. In your browser, go to http://localhost:3000 to see the website locally.

Group Members and Their Roles

Jacob Shalabi worked with creating a backend server to host our tensorflow model that applies the styles onto the image. He converted the model from Python to Javascript and deployed it to our backend API via Express. Jacob also worked on many crucial functions such as canvas element download functionality and asynchronous image loading.

Ritul K. Soni created the Nav Bar that redirects users to portions of the single page website. He also worked with Parallax implementing aesthetic features for the website. He worked primarily on the frontend creating the style of the website.

Jacob Ko created the react share button where users can share the images they created with the style transfer to social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and also Email. Also helped to implement the button used to download the stylized image.

Daniel Ku created the frontend structure of the Neural Style Transfer app, which included the image and style upload functionalities as well as the stylized image listing framework. He also worked on connecting backend functionality with the frontend framework to allow for the stylization to properly function.


Thank you to TensorFlow for the model we used for our app to work.

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