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*  S  E  T  U  P 
Download banker.c and place in a working directory

File was created from a command line terminal, edited with gedit
Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine

Compile using: 

gcc -o banker banker.c

Run using:

./banker config 		(takes any config filename)

*  C  O  N  F  I  G  

Basic config file contains:
2		<-- number of resource types (set up available)
2 2		<-- num of r1, r2 and so on if they were there
3		<-- num of processes
1 2		<-- Maximum need for process 1
2 1		<-- Maximum need for process 2
1 2		<-- Maximum need for process 3
		<-- and so on if needed

//allocated is initialized to all 0 per process
//need is initialized to max
//finish is initialized to all FALSE
//available is initialized by first two lines
//each line is read up to 80 chars

Build your own config to test certain scenarios!

*  O  P  E  R  A  T  I  O  N  

Random chance dictates when/how processes will request resources

At the top, banker.c defines 

#define MAX_RANDOM_WAIT 2 //in seconds
#define RAND_REQUEST 20

MAX_RANDOM_WAIT slows the program so you can watch as you go
RAND_REQUEST is a percentage of the time that a resource is not requested

a main loop in main does the following

// start the main loop 
	int count;			//counts how many processes have yet to finish
 	do {  
 		count = 0; 		//initialize every loop
					// check the number of running processes 
		for( i=0; i<processes; i++ ) {  
			if( Finish[i] == FALSE ) {
				//requests a resource at random
				//this could certainly be multithreaded starting here
				//using createThread in the pthreads library

				//if threaded starting here, you may wait for all 
				//threads to return here before continuing
		if (DEBUG){
			printf("Loop complete, Running:%d processes of %d\n",count, processes);  
 	} while( count != 0 ); 

*  M  O  D  I  F  I  C  A  T  I  O  N

This program can be modified with added threading from PThreads (easiest is from the main loop, cleanest is by creating a new customer class). If this is done, you will need mutex locks for shared data structures. Well implemented ideas will be given partial credit.

The program can also be modified for deadlock detection by doing the following:
- never add provisionally, always add whether safe or not
- run banker's algorithm on current state to see if any safe sequence still exists
- recover by reloading everything (but you may need a new random seed)

The two programs can be submitted separately to avoid confusion. 

Modifications can be massive or minimal, they just need some way of tracking.

Goal is to have fun and learn.


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