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whelks-chance edited this page Sep 25, 2012 · 8 revisions

A list of some of the projects which Triana has been a part of:

SHIWA : SHaring Interoperable Workflows for large-scale scientific simulations on Available DCIs

The SHIWA project, is a European project supported by the FP7Capacities Programme under contract no. RI- 261585 and led by the LPDS (Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems), MTA SZTAKI (Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences). SHIWA is a collaboration of 8 consortium members and 5 subcontractors and focuses on the interoperability of many different European workflow systems and also provides access to a larger computational power with the interoperability solution between different Distributed Computing Infrastructures.

The SHIWA page lists and describes the software products produced for Triana, for both users and future developers.


The EDGI project.

EDGI will develop middleware that consolidates the results achieved in the EDGeS project concerning the extension of Service Grids with Desktop Grids (DGs) in order to support European Grid Initiative (EGI) and National Grid Initiative user communities that are heavy users of Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCIs) and require an extremely large number of CPUs and cores. EDGI will go beyond existing DCIs that are typically cluster Grids and supercomputer Grids, and will extend them with public and institutional Desktop Grids and Clouds. EDGI will integrate software components of ARC, gLite, Unicore, BOINC, XWHEP, 3G Bridge, and Cloud middleware such as OpenNebula and Eucalyptus into SG-DG-Cloud platforms for service provision and as a result EDGI will extend ARC, gLite and Unicore Grids with volunteer and institutional DG systems.

(more here)

TRIACS:Triana Advanced Clinical Support

Applications in Diabetic Retinopathy The STFC funded TRIACS project will create a first-step pilot for a Web Services-based workflow decision support system to exploit the extensively used service-oriented architecture (SOA) infrastructure undertaken within the Triana Workflow Environment project ( The existing Triana Web Services framework has been used in a number of other international projects (e.g. GridLab, FAEHIM, Catnets) for Web Services composition. TRIACS intends to transfer this knowledge and experience into the retinopathy field, by partnering with the National Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service for Wales (DRSSW), an international centre of excellence in distributed-site retinopathy screening. The resulting prototype will provide a demonstrator that will enable researchers at the Diabetes Research Unit to build decision support applications by using a standard graphical drag and drop user interfaces for wiring retinopathy components together to create diagnostic workflows combining multiple specialised (geographically-distributed) information 'silos'.


EDGeD is an EU FP7 project that is setting up infrastructure and building software to enable the integration of Service Grids, or traditional Grid environments such as clusters and supercomputers, and Desktop Grid systems, like the popular volunteer computing project BIONIC. To this aim, EDGeS is working to build an integrated Grid infrastructure across Europe that seemlessly integrates a variety of Desktop Grids with EGEE type of Service Grids. More information about the EDGeS project can be found under

WHIP (Workflows Hosted In Portals)

The WHIP project will provide a software plugin utility to enable the interaction between workflow environments and portals. The goals follow the myExperiment paradigm (, allowing scientists to share their research in a workflow-centric collaborative and portal-enabled environment.

This proposal is in synergy with existing efforts being undertaken within the myExperiment project, Taverna, Triana, RAVE and PSNC, with the following goals in mind: (i) to create a usable and robust service-based toolkit for exposing workflow environments from within portals; and (ii) to facilitate the composition, editing and community publication of workflow descriptions and their associated semantics.

Specifically, WHIP is building a toolkit for enabling portals or Web sites to execute local applications from within the browser by associating (pairing) applications and workflow environments with bundles that contain applications, data or metadata. When a user click a bundle, the WHIP plug-in launches in order to invoke a local application. WHIP is currently being paired to host Taverna and Triana workflows and is currently being integrated into the myExperiment portal and Gridsphere portals.

For more information: Previous projects

DART: Distributed Audio Retrieval Using Triana

This eight month mini-PIPSS project proposal aims to consolidate existing research undertaken within the Triana Workflow Environment1 with existing Music Information Retrieval (MIR) techniques in order to create a proof of concept distributed MIR system for commercial exploitation through Synchroarts, a cutting-edge audio technology company. The resulting DART system will be made freely available to the public and provide users with an innovative music recommendation system that recommends music based on what audio users actually have on their home computers rather than sales statistics or music charts, limited to a restricted user base. DART will be a springboard for further commercialisation, which will capitalise on DART's user base and advance the software with MIR audio-content analysis algorithms that will be used to make a professional edition of the software for resale.

The proposed Distributed Audio Retrieval using Triana (DART) pro ject will create an MIR system capable of making music recommendations based on statistical analysis using well known collaborative filtering techniques. Existing research at Cardiff is already been undertaken independently in each of these areas and this pro ject converges these activities in order to create a core MIR framework capable of hosting next-generation algorithms for Internet level distributed information retrieval through the analysis of audio content rather than relying on metadata tags currently employed in systems with similar intent. DART has many commercial prospects and to focus this work we will be engaging SynchroArts, a leading audio company to advise and steer the project to help identify the necessary aspects needed in order to proceed to the next level of MIR deployment for commercialisation.

The Triana workflow programming environment is used or has been used within a number of projects and research groups, this list is a selection of those projects.


GridOneD is based around the Triana software and is focused on creating open source middleware components for use within Triana and other applications wishing to become grid enabled. GridOneD also extends Triana to supply services for integrating Gravitational Wave search codes. It is using the GAP/GAT and various Gridlab services to implement a production scenario for Grid computing for searching for inspiral binaries and for data mining applications. The second phase of GridOneD is about to start and involves a collaboration between Cardiff University and Manchester University Jodrell Bank Observatory applying existing signal processing techniques in Triana to radio astronomy.

For more information:

GEO 600

GEO 600 is the main customer for GridOneD. The GEO 600 project aims at the direct detection of gravitational waves by means of a laser interferometer of 600m arm length. Gravitational waves are extremely small ripples in the structure of space-time caused by astrophysical events like supernovae or coalescing binaries.

For more information:


BiodiversityWorld is a joint collaboration between the Universities of Cardiff, Reading and Southampton, and the Natural History Museum. BiodiversityWorld is a three-year e-Science Pilot Project funded by the BBSRC to create a GRID-based problem solving environment. This PSE is planned for collaborative exploration and analysis of global biodiversity patterns. Example applications would be modeling species distributions against climate change, conservation prioritising and linking evolutionary changes to past climates. The PSE uses Triana to choreograph custom web services into applications.

For more information:


Environment for Industrial Design Optimisation (DIPSO) is a proof-of-concept demonstrator to grid-enable and link, two stand-alone software packages (the Modeller and the Optimiser) for modelling and solving complex multi-variate problems in, for example, engineering design or financial services. Integration is achieved through the use of Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) and a Globus-enabled Problem Solving Environment (PSE), Triana. The PSE allows annotation and sharing of results.

For more information:


The aim of the FAEHIM (Federated Analysis Environment for Heterogeneous Intelligent Mining) project is to present a data mining toolkit that makes use of Web services composition, with the widely deployed Triana workflow environment.

For more information:


Grid-Enabled Medical Simulation Services (GEMMS) demonstrates how Grid technologies can be used to transform healthcare and enable Europe to lead that transformation. The GEMSS test-bed renders accessible a multitude of medical computing and resource services in a clinical environment. It provides access to new tools for improved diagnosis, operative planning and surgical procedures in order to create a new way for improved health care. Triana has been used as a workflow tool within the test bed.

For more information:

Data streaming between Web Services using Inferno

Environmental scientists work with very large datasets on the terabyte scale. It is necessary to handle these datasets in an efficient manner. We are creating a system in which workflows can be composed and run from any Web Service-based workflow engine (e.g. Triana). In these workflows, data are streamed directly from one remote service to another, avoiding the overhead of caching intermediate results on disk. We use the Inferno operating system as a lightweight middleware layer to handle the data streaming. The system also allows us to monitor changes in the state (e.g. the progress) of the remote services.

For more information:

GENIUS Grid portal

Grid Enabled web eNvironment for site Independent User job Submission (GENIUS} provides Grid Portal functionalities for the EGEE project. GENIUS is examining the use of Triana to provide workflow generation and editing functionality.

For more information:

The Louisiana Center for Arts and Technology, Louisiana State University (LCAT, LSU)

The DART project (Distributed Audio Rendering using Triana) explores the potential uses of Grid-computing technologies towards sound computation and music synthesis. Our team of researchers is using Triana to control a cluster of 24 Apple Xserve computers in order to demonstrate the potential of distributed audio rendering over a gigabit network. We are developing software objects that will function much like unit generators, software instruments or effects processors that can run simultaneously or in parallel on different machines across a common network. Ultimately, we envision a Web-services or peer-to-peer virtual sound design engine or synthesizer to which anyone on the Web can subscribe, utilize and provide component parts.

For more information:

Scalable Robust Self-organizing Sensor Network Project (SRSS), NRL

The Scalable Robust Self-organizing Sensor (SRSS) network project is conducting research of communication protocols applicable to creating networks of distributed and self-organizing sensor devices. The have been researching in lightweight discovery mechanisms for sensor networks and have been using software created by Cardiff to simulate P2P systems within the NS2 framework. The system is built on top of Agentj, which provides the ability to simulate real-world Java applications within NS2. The P2P software incorporated on top of this is P2PS, which is a lightweight peer-to-peer infrastructure which can be used to develop peer-to-peer style applications, Triana's main GAP P2P binding (

For more information:

Data-Mining Grid

The Data Mining Tools and Services for Grid Computing Environments (DataMiningGrid) Consortium is developing tools and services for deploying data mining applications on the grid. They aim to provide mechanisms that allow users to identify (locate), access, integrate and interface distributed data sources and data-mining programs in a flexible way. Triana is being used within this project as a workflow editor/manager to facilitate the composition, execution and management of data-mining workflows in grid computing environments.

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