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Alex Gian edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 20 revisions


├── app.js                - The main application
├──       - Very Important! - Instruction for proper GitHub usage
├──             - README
├── apidoc.js             - The config settings for apidocjs inline doc generator
├── apidoc_header.js      - The header file apidocjs looks at to generate header
├── gulpfile.js           - Automation scripts for build, deploy, testing, 
|                           auto-documentation generation
├── karma.config.js       - Config settings for karama
├── newrelic.js           - New Relic settings for app health monitoring
├── package.json          - App dependencies 
├── public/               - Public static files 
├── config/               - Configuration files 
├── test/                 - Karma Tests 
├── auth/                 - Authentication library
├── view/                 - Hogan views
└── routes/               - App routing for web api, mobile api, and mobile pages

Routing Structure

├── app.js              - Simply requires('./routes') to get all routes
└── routes              - Folder containing routes
    ├── index.js        - Requires all routes from the webapp and api folder
    ├── webapp          - Routes for web app
    │   ├── business    
    │   ├── checkin     
    │   ├── signature   
    │   └── auth        
    ├── webapi          - Routes for the web app API
    └── api             - Routes for REST API
        ├── auth        
        ├── form        
        └── appointment 

An example component in routes/api or routes/webapi

├── index.js                - Routes
└── business.controller.js  - Controller for business routes
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