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A library to be combined with DotNetSeleniumExtras.PageObjects.Core as a way to give you more tools built in when you start your testing with the Page Object Model design pattern.



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A library to be combined with DotNetSeleniumExtras.PageObjects.Core as a way to give you more tools built in when you start your testing with the Page Object Model design pattern.

How to use the BasePage

The BasePage gives you a some handy built in functionality.

Here is an example page inheriting from BasePage. You pass your page in as a generic for some handy Wait functionality.

public class ProjectPage : BasePage<ProjectPage>
	[FindsBy(How.ClassName, "new-project-button")]
	private Button NewProjectButton { get; set; }

	public ProjectPage(IWebDriver webDriver) : base(webDriver)
		WaitForElement(x => x.NewProjectButton, 15);


The constructor will call PageFactor.InitElements to gather all of your elements with FindsBy attributes.


Use the static Load function by just calling ProjectPage.Load(WebDriver);. This will new up a ProjectPage and have it ready for you to continue on with your testing.


Waiting is very important with tests. Your UI needs to be in the state you are expecting for your code to execute correctly. Here are a couple ways you can wait using CSESoftware.Selenium

For elements

On any page inheriting from BasePage, you can call WaitForElement() and pass in an expression pointing at the element you want to wait for. Alternatively, you can pass in a By locator.

Optionally, you can pass in the maximum number of seconds it should wait for the element to appear.

WaitForElement(x => x.NewProjectButton);
WaitForElement(By.ClassName("new-project-button"), 15);

For conditions

Sometimes, you may want to wait for another condition besides an element appearing. You can do so with WaitFor()

WaitFor(x => x.Url.Contains("Home"));

For specific lengths of time

Sometimes, the above waiting functions aren't enough, and you need to just pause for a bit. These waits should be used sparingly as it will increase execution time by a set amount where WaitFor() and WaitForElement() will continue on as soon as the condition is true.


How to create and use elements

The IWebElement is powerful, but it is easy to run into areas where you may want to either expand on its capabilities or even restrict the available options. That is where IWrapsElement comes in.


Here is a simple checkbox element:

public class Checkbox : IWrapsElement
	public Checkbox(IWebElement webElement)
		WrappedElement = webElement;

	public IWebElement WrappedElement { get; private set; }
	public bool Selected => WrappedElement.Selected;

	public void Select(bool value)
		if (Selected == value)


How you use it on a page:

// Rather than using IWebElement
[FindsBy(How.Id, "my-checkbox")]
private IWebElement MyCheckbox { get; set; }

// You can use the Checkbox class
[FindsBy(How.Id, "my-checkbox")]
private Checkbox MyCheckbox { get; set; }

It is the same syntax you are used to with DotNetSeleniumExtras, but now you you can call MyCheckbox.Select(true) to make sure the checkbox is checked without needing to worry about its current state.

Check out some other elements in src/CSESoftware.Selenium/Elements


Occasionally, you will want to encapsulate some logic into an Element, but you need access to the IWebDriver to get the functionality you need. This could be for finding elements that appear to be grouped visually but are actually in very different parts of the DOM or it could be for other IWebDriver functionality.

For this type of Element, just inherit from INeedWebDriver and the WebDriver will be populated via the constructor in BasePage.

CSE Software Inc. is a privately held company founded in 1990. CSE develops software, AR/VR, simulation, mobile, and web technology solutions. The company also offers live, 24x7, global help desk services in 110 languages. All CSE teams are U.S. based with experience in multiple industries, including government, military, healthcare, construction, agriculture, mining, and more. CSE Software is a certified women-owned small business. Visit us online at


A library to be combined with DotNetSeleniumExtras.PageObjects.Core as a way to give you more tools built in when you start your testing with the Page Object Model design pattern.







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