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Video Processing Project:
The aim of the Video Processing Project is to create atomic video processing tools such as image croppers, scalers, colour converters and video coding utilties that provide a readable software implementation, whilst retaining fast implementations. These tools are targetted both at the Windows and Linux platforms and have been implemented in C++. The source code is freely available under a BSD licence. 

Another goal of the project is to establish a framework in within which faster video processing algorithms and implementations can be developed and tested by the open source community.

Related tools have been grouped together as libraries, which can then be integrated to create plug-ins for multimedia frameworks such as DirectShow and GStreamer. 

Base classes and interfaces that have been developed during the course of the project to simplify certain aspects of DirectShow filter development and have also been released under the BSD license.

- ImageUtils - a library containing various video processing utilities
- DirectShow - DirectShow utility classes
- CodecUtils - Encoding/decoding related classes
- H264v2     - H264 codec implementation

Released multimedia plug-ins:

DirectShow filters:
- Audio mixing filter
- Crop filter
- Framerate display
- Frame skipping 
- H264 decoder (baseline)
- H264 encoder (baseline)
- H264 source filter
- Pic in pic filter
- RGB to YUV420 Planar color converter
- Rotate filter
- RTSP source filter (8/16 bit PCM, AMR, MP3, AAC, MP4A-LATM, H264)
- RTSP sink filter
- Scale filter
- Skewing filter
- Stereo to mono
- Tee
- Timestamp logger
- Video mixing filter
- Virtual Mic
- YUV420 Planar to RGB color converter
- YUV444 Planar to RGB color converter (Contributed by Thomas Houtekier)
- YUV source

Installation (NEW):
There is no more msi file as the VS Express Edition is now used to compile the project.
Instead the download consists of a zip file with batch files that register the DirectShow filters.

Installation (OLD):
Use Setup.msi to install all filters. In GraphEdit/GraphStudio the filters will appear under the "CSIR VPP" prefix.

You can also download the filters individually. In that case you'll have to register them with regsvr32. If you experience
registration problems, it is likely that you need the Visual C runtimes for VS2013. This should not be an issue if you use the 
installer. Currently the redistributable is available at
If this changes, you can search for "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86)". 

Filter configuration: 
- Use the property pages to configure the crop, scale or RTSP source filter from graph edit.
The RTSP source filter can be tested using the GraphEdit like GraphStudio tool which has the ability to open a URL source address. 
- Use the COM interface ISettingsInterface to configure the filters programmatically.




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