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CSPGuildBot - The Simple Channel Bot

CSPGuildBot 👉English👈 👉 简体中文👈

❓ Why do the project

There are a lot of bot software on the market, but they all need external support and cumbersome configuration makes it hard to use, this product is to solve this problem.

📞 Contact us

  • Click the link to join our feedback QQ channel Link
  • Please send Issues if you encounter problems and can't give feedback

💻 Installation

  1. Go to Release page to download the latest version
  2. Install LiteLoader
  3. Put the downloaded stuff into the plugins folder
  4. Configure the config file according to the comments
  5. Start BDS

📝 Instructions for use

  1. Type gbot help in BDS to view help
  2. Configure account and password
  id: 123456789 #QQ number
  password: "114514" #password (can be plaintext or MD5)(If you do not fill in the sweeping code to start the login Recommended)
  1. configure guild_id
	- guild_id: "1145141919810" #channel_id(can use `gbot guild to` check)
	  channel_id: "114514" #subchannel id (you can use `gbot channel <guildid>` to see it)
	  type: "console" #You can specify here as console(console) or chat(chat) (more new features will be added later)
  1. configure adminId (you can use gbot member <guildid> to query) (probability of query failure)
  2. If you encounter sliding captcha to enter a ticket, please use gbot ticket "<ticket>" to enter the ticket

🔈 Custom events

#Write it like this
onJoin: #Listener name
  callback: "Player {} entered the server" # Message you want to send (placeholders can be used) (1 is the first argument, "." followed by the index of the parameter)
  type: "chat" #The type of channel to be sent

🎯 Built-in commands

  • run <command> Send the command in the console's channel to run
  • say <content> Send in the chat channel to send a message to the server.
  • query @somebody Send it in the channel to check @somebody's information
  • queryme Send in the channel to check your own information
  • Stay tuned...

🏆 Thanks