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Software Developer Folio ⚡️ GitHub GitHub stars All Contributors Codacy Badge

A clean, beautiful and responsive portfolio template for Developers!

Just change src/porfolio.js to get your personal portfolio . Feel free to use it as-is or customize it as much as you want.

But if you want to contribute and make this much better for other developer have a look at Issues.

If you created something awesome and want to contribute then feel free to open Please don't hesitate to open an pull request.


✔️ Summary and About me
✔️ Skills
✔️ Open Source Projects Connected with Github\github ✔️ Big Projects
✔️ Achievements And Certifications 🏆
✔️ Blogs
✔️ Talks
✔️ Podcast
✔️ Contact me

To view a live example, click here

Getting Started 🚀

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer or use Docker.

node@v10.16.0 or higher
npm@6.9.0 or higher
git@2.17.1 or higher

Docker Commands

1) BUILD IMAGE : docker build -t developerfolio:latest .
2) RUN IMAGE: docker run -p 3000:3000 developerfolio:latest

How To Use 🔧

From your command line, clone and run developerFolio:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd developerFolio

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

Github Setup For Open Source Projects

Genrate a Github personal access token using these Instructions Make sure you don't select any scope just generate a simple token

Copy the token and open Chrome Developer Console to convert your token to base64 so github do not revert your token when you push your token to git

# Open your Chrome Developer Console console paste the token inside btoa

Copy your converted token and paste it in /src/portfolio.js

  const openSource = {
  /* Your Open Source Section to View Your Github Pinned Projects */
  /* To know how to get github key look at */
  githubConvertedToken: "Your Github Converted Token",
  githubUserName: "Your Github Username"

Change and customize every section according to your need.

To Change website content go to /src/portfolio.js and change content according to yours.

/* Change this file to get your Personal Porfolio */

const gretting = {
  /* Your Summary And Gretting Section */
  title: "Hi all 👋 I'm Saad",
  subTitle: "A passionate Full Stack Software Developer 🚀.
  resumeLink: ""

const socialMediaLinks = {
  /* Your Social Media Link */
  github: "",
  linkedin: "",
  gmail: "",
  gitlab: "",
  facebook: ""

const skillsSection = { .... }

const openSource = { .... } 

const bigProjects = { .... }

const achievementSection = { .... }

const blogSection = { .... }

const contactInfo = { .... }

Technologies used 🛠️


Deployment 📦

Once you have done with your setup. You need to put your website online! I highly recommend to use Github Pages to achieve this on the EASIEST WAY

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

For the Future

If you can help us with these. Please don't hesitate to open an pull request.

  • Connect with LinkedIn to get Summary, Skills, Education and Experience

  • Move to Gatsby

  • Add More Sections and Move to Multi Page

  • Add Podcast Section and Video Section

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Rohan Sawant

💻 📖 🎨 🚧

Fawad Ali

🤔 💻

Dasun Navoda


Kartik Choudhary

💻 🎨 🤔

Brian Teeman


Rajkumar S


Slim Coder

💻 📖

Naveen M K



No description, website, or topics provided.







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