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Configuring the Development Server

  1. If biol300_2017 is running, log in and shut it down:

    sudo shutdown -h now
  2. If biol300dev_2016 is running, shut it down as well:

    sudo shutdown -h now
  3. Using VirtualBox, take a snapshot of the current state of biol300_2017. Name it "Last shared state between biol300 and biol300dev".

  4. In VirtualBox, create a clone of biol300_2017 by selecting the virtual machine and Machine > Clone, and choosing the following settings:

    • New machine name
      • Name: biol300dev_2017
      • Do NOT check "Reinitialize the MAC address of all network cards"
    • Clone type
      • Full clone
    • Snapshots
      • Current machine state

    Drag-and-drop the new virtual machine into the "2017" group under "BIOL 300".

  5. In VirtualBox, select biol300dev_2017 and choose Settings > Network. Verify that the "Attached to" setting is set to "Bridged Adapter". Under Advanced, change the MAC address to match BIOL300Dev's (see :ref:`mac-addresses-lookup` for instructions).

  6. Restart biol300_2017. Start biol300dev_2017 for the first time and log in:

    ssh-keygen -R
  7. Change the name that the development server uses to identify itself to the network:

    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname biol300dev
  8. You should now be able to access it in a browser:

  9. .. todo::
        Make the backup script that lives on DynamicsHJC and the cron job list

    Log into the vbox account on DynamicsHJC:


    Create a script that remotely executes the backup script on the development virtual machine and moves the archive to the backup drive. Create the file

    mkdir -p /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017
    vim /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/

    and fill it with the following:

    #REMOTESSH="ssh -p 8015"
    REMOTESCP="scp -q"
    #REMOTESCP="scp -q -P 8015"
    REMOTEFILE=biol300dev-backup-`date +'%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z'`.tar.bz2
    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    $REMOTESSH backup-wiki -q backup $REMOTEFILE
    chmod go= $LOCALFILE
  10. Make the script executable:

    chmod u+x /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/
  11. In the vbox account on DynamicsHJC, create a backup schedule. Create the file

    vim /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/crontab

    and fill it with the following:

    #                                  BIOL300DEV                                  #
    # Make hourly backups on the odd-numbered hours (except 1 AM and 3 AM)
    0 5,9,13,17,21  * * * /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ hourA.tar.bz2
    0 7,11,15,19,23 * * * /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ hourB.tar.bz2
    # Make daily backups at 1 AM
    0 1 * * 0 /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ sunday.tar.bz2
    0 1 * * 1 /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ monday.tar.bz2
    0 1 * * 2 /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ tuesday.tar.bz2
    0 1 * * 3 /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ wednesday.tar.bz2
    0 1 * * 4 /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ thursday.tar.bz2
    0 1 * * 5 /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ friday.tar.bz2
    0 1 * * 6 /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ saturday.tar.bz2
    # Make weekly backups at 3 AM on the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd of the month
    0 3 1  * * /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ `date +'\%Y-\%m'`.tar.bz2
    0 3 8  * * /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ 8th.tar.bz2
    0 3 15 * * /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ 15th.tar.bz2
    0 3 22 * * /Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/ 22nd.tar.bz2
  12. Schedule the backups. In the vbox account on DynamicsHJC, dump the existing scheduled jobs to a temporary file:

    crontab -l > /tmp/crontab.old

    Edit the temporary file, and delete the backup jobs for last year's BIOL300Dev. You can use Shift+v in Vim to enter Visual Line mode, the up and down arrow keys to select a block of lines, and d to delete them all at once.

    vim /tmp/crontab.old

    Now append the new jobs to the old and schedule them:

    cat {/tmp/crontab.old,/Volumes/CHIELWIKI/backups/biol300dev/2017/crontab} | crontab

    Verify that the backup jobs for this year's BIOL300Dev are properly scheduled, and that backup jobs for last year's BIOL300Dev are absent:

    crontab -l
  13. Fix SSH authentication into BIOL300Dev from the vbox account. You will be asked to accept the unrecognized fingerprint of the virtual machine --- this is expected --- but you should NOT need to enter your password. The IP address is the static IP for, obtained using host

    ssh-keygen -R -R

    If this works without you needing to enter a password, automatic authentication is properly configured. You should logout to return to the vbox account on DynamicsHJC, and logout again to return to the virtual machine.

  14. Shut down the development virtual machine:

    sudo shutdown -h now
  15. Using VirtualBox, take a snapshot of the current state of biol300dev_2017. Name it "biol300dev configured".

  16. Restart biol300dev_2017.