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Record of Changes

Overview of changes in documentation from previous editions. For changes in software see :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index`.

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Version Edition Segment Change description
2.41 1.3 :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/SystemReqs`, :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/BinsFedora` Added support for RHEL/CentOS 8
  1.2 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Expanded release notes for FRED 2.41.0
    :doc:`/Architecture/SourceCode`, :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/SourceTar` Reorganized source code structure and installation procedure
    :doc:`/EPPReference/CommandStructure/Create/CreateKeyset` Fixed minimum occurences of <keyset:dnskey> element in the EPP command
  1.1 :doc:`/FerdaManual/index` Added Ferda Administration Manual
  1.0 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for FRED 2.41.0
    :doc:`/Architecture/TopLevelComponents/index` Replaced the diagram with clickable SVG
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/SystemReqs` Added support for Fedora 31
    :doc:`/EPPReference/Introduction/index` Added listing of EPP specifications
    :doc:`/RDAPReference/index` Added status mapping reference
2.40 1.1 :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/index` Corrected installation procedures
  1.0 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for FRED 2.40.0
    :doc:`/LegalNotice` Added legal notice for the FRED and the documentation
    :ref:`Object modif. (Communication) <comm-objmodif>`, |br| :ref:`Object update (Poll message types) <epp-poll-type-update>` Added a new communication rule (notify a registrar of a domain about an update in a linked contact of another registrar)
2.39 1.4 :doc:`/EPPReference/CommandStructure/Poll/MessageTypes` Reworked this chapter a little, added more examples
  1.3 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for FRED 2.39.1 and 2.39.2
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/SystemReqs` Upgraded supported Fedora versions
  1.2 :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/BinsUbuntu`, :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/BinsFedora` Updated installation procedures - system registrar required for servers to launch
  1.1 :doc:`/AdminManual/Customization/Web` Added webwhois customization and template reference
  1.0 :doc:`/Architecture/SourceCode` Added libfred component and updated build groups
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/SourceTar` Updated installation procedure with new tools
    :doc:`/AdminManual/AdministrativeTasks/Objects` Contact unblocking together with domain now possible
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Customization/index` Customization reworked for email templates and state-change notifications
2.38 1.4 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for FRED 2.38.{2,3,4,5} and FRED 2.39.0
  1.3 :ref:`system-reqs` Updated supported Fedora versions
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/BinsUbuntu`, :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/BinsFedora` Updated installation procedures
  1.2 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for FRED 2.38.1
  1.1 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Corrected the note in 2.38.0 about the sendauthinfo bugfix
  1.0 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for FRED 2.38.0, 2.37.3 and 2.37.2
    :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/Upgrade-2-38` Added considerations before upgrade
    :ref:`features-gen-billing`, |br| :doc:`/Concepts/Billing`, |br| :doc:`/Concepts/PAIN`, |br| :doc:`/Architecture/BlackboxModel`, |br| :doc:`/Architecture/TopLevelComponents/index`, |br| :doc:`/AdminManual/Configuration`, |br| :ref:`cron-collect-payments`, |br| :ref:`daphne-task-assign-payment` Added or changed according to PAIN Phase 1 (see :doc:`the release notes </ReleaseNotes/index>`)
    :ref:`contact-disclosure`, :ref:`config-contact-disclosure`, :doc:`/EPPReference/PoliciesRules` Changed disclosure policies to configurable
    :ref:`install-dist` Marked more packages as ported to setuptools
    :ref:`FRED-Admin-reginit-zone-ns` Changed syntax of the command
    :ref:`resolve-public-request` Changed the name of the status of new public requests
    :ref:`config-dbparams` Revised configuration of basic :term:`db` parameters
    /AdminManual/Extensions, :doc:`/Architecture/TopLevelComponents/CORBAClients` Removed :term:`CZ-specific` front-end extensions, because they are not released to the public
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/BinsUbuntu` Revised the installation process a tiny bit
2.37 1.6 :ref:`Audit log feature <features-gen-auditlog>`, :doc:`Audit log concept </Concepts/AuditLog>` Added the audit log
  1.5 :doc:`/Concepts/UsersInterfaces` Added an introduction to FRED's users and user interfaces
    :doc:`/Concepts/Communication` Added an overview of FRED's communication (notifications, warnings, etc.)
    :doc:`/Features/PublicIF/index` Added a list of Public interface features
  1.4 :doc:`/Concepts/EPPClientWorkflow` Added a description of a general EPP client workflow
    :doc:`/RDAPReference/index` Added an RDAP reference guide
    :doc:`/Architecture/Deployment` Added an example of distributed deployment
  1.3 :ref:`config-contact-reminder` Added a configurable database table
    :doc:`/Concepts/Billing` Added a very general description of handling money in the FRED
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Appendixes/EmailParameters` Reviewed mail template parameters
  1.2 :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/SystemReqs` Discontinued support for Ubuntu 14
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/BinsUbuntu` Updated the installation script and its description
  1.1 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for the version 2.37.1
    :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/Upgrade-2-37` Added considerations before upgrading
    :doc:`/Concepts/ContactMerger` Corrected the definition of identical contacts
    :ref:`cronjob-contact-merger` Added a cronjob
  1.0 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for FRED 2.37.0
    :doc:`/Features/General/index` Added GDPR compliance as a new FRED feature
    :doc:`/EPPReference/PoliciesRules` Added a new chapter
    :doc:`/EPPReference/CommandStructure/Create/CreateContact`, :doc:`/EPPReference/CommandStructure/Update/UpdateContact`, :doc:`/EPPReference/CommandStructure/Info/InfoContact` Improved explanations about information disclosure
    :ref:`epp-poll-type-update` Added a poll-message type about contact update
    :doc:`/AdminManual/AdministrativeTasks/Objects` Added a new public-request type
    :ref:`cronjob-public-requests` Added a cronjob to process public requests for personal information
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Appendixes/EmailParameters` Added a new email template for sending personal information
2.36 1.2 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for the version 2.36.1; upgraded to a newer Sphinx
  1.1 :doc:`/AdminManual/Installation/SourceTar` Upgraded installation procedure to use source from GitHub, new signing key for secure apt
  1.0 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for FRED 2.36
    :doc:`/Concepts/index` Extracted to a separate publication
    :doc:`/Concepts/LifeCycle/index` Added object life cycle
    :doc:`/Concepts/Contacts` Added contacts
2.35 1.0 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes for FRED 2.35
    :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/Upgrade-2-35` An ad-hoc guide to database upgrade specifics in this release
    :doc:`System requirements </AdminManual/Installation/SystemReqs>` Increased minimum version of PostgreSQL
    :doc:`Customization </AdminManual/Customization/Email>`, :doc:`Email Params </AdminManual/Appendixes/EmailParameters>` Changed email template database table name
    :doc:`Features </Features/General/RecordStatements>`, :doc:`Features </Features/AdminIF/WebAdmin>`, :doc:`Components </Architecture/TopLevelComponents/index>`, :ref:`Components <FRED-Arch-servers-rsif>`, :ref:`Task <generate-rs>` Generation of historical record statements in Daphne
    :doc:`Features admin </Features/AdminIF/CLIAdmin>` New administration feature to manage objects
    :doc:`Source code </Architecture/SourceCode>` Added list of GitHub repositories
    :ref:`ORB parameters <config-servers-omni>` Added minimum omniORB settings for FRED servers
2.34 1.1 :doc:`/Concepts/ContactMerger` and :ref:`contact-merge` Criteria of destination contact selection in an automatic merger, some minor rephrasing
    :doc:`/EPPReference/CommandStructure/Update/UpdateDomain` Mention of nsset and keyset unlinking with empty elements
  1.0 :doc:`/ReleaseNotes/index` Added release notes
    :doc:`Diagram of FRED components </Architecture/TopLevelComponents/index>` Removed dependency on fred-logd from fred-pifd
    :ref:`cronjob-regular` and :ref:`cronjob-object-deletion` Procedures accept object types by name, new argument, removed dependency on fred-rifd
2.33 1.2 :doc:`/EPPReference/ManagedObjects/index` Added divergence from the standards of object mapping in FRED EPP
    :doc:`/Concepts/Teccheck` Expanded on the concept of technical checks
  1.1 :doc:`/Features/General/index` Added record statements feature, component and email template
  1.0 :doc:`/EPPReference/index` Added mailing address extension of contacts
    :doc:`/EPPReference/Appendixes/ErrorReasons` New texts of EPP error reasons
2.32   :ref:`config-handles` Added configurable handle format validation
    :ref:`config-dn` Added configurable domain name format validation
2.31   :doc:`/Concepts/AKM` Added :term:`AKM` concept, components, task and email templates
2.30   :doc:`/Concepts/ContactMerger` Added contact merger concept, tasks and email template
    :doc:`/AdminManual/Appendixes/EmailParameters` Added a new CS parameter
older   :doc:`/AdminManual/Appendixes/EmailParameters` Added more email templates