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Appendix A: Validators

Robert Silverton edited this page Jul 7, 2014 · 4 revisions

This tutorial will not build any more functionality into your extension. In the previous tutorial we used a ContextValidator to ensure that a particular type of Context was available when our CommandHandler was executed. But how do validators in general work?

Firstly, all validators implement the interface. Secondly, most validators extends extends the class.


	[Event(name="stateChanged", type="")]
	public class AbstractValidator extends EventDispatcher implements IValidator
		protected var _state		:Boolean = false;
		private var firstSet		:Boolean = false;
		public function AbstractValidator()

		public function dispose():void {}
		public function get state():Boolean { return _state; }
		protected function setState( value:Boolean ):void
			if ( value == _state && !firstSet ) return;
			firstSet = true;
			_state = value;
			dispatchEvent( new ValidatorEvent( ValidatorEvent.STATE_CHANGED, _state ) );

AbstractValidator has a read-only 'state' property, and dispatches an 'stageChanged' event when this changes. Broadly speaking, a Validator wraps up a Boolean value. It usually takes one or more managers as input (usually in its constructor) and some sort of matching criteria. In the case of ContextValidator, it takes an instance of a ContextManager to monitor, and a type of Context to match to. Internally it will set its 'state' parameter to true when the ContextManager owns a Context matching the type. And false if not.

The CoreApp framework contains a number of generic Validators such as the CollectionValidator. This is a particularly useful validator.

var collectionValidator:CollectionValidator = new CollectionValidator( myCollection );
collectionValidator.validType = String;
collectionValidator.min = 1;
collectionValidator.max = 10;

In this example we are telling the CollectionValidator to monitor myCollection (an ArrayCollection). The validator's state will be true only if it contains between 1 and 10 items (inclusive) that are of the type validType.

There is also a ContextSelectionValidator which combines the functionality of a ContextValidator and a CollectionValidator to validate if a particular type of Context has a certain selection. This is a validator you will use frequently when building extensions.

Compound Validators

Also in is the CompoundValidator class. This allows you to combine multiple Validators together using logical operators like AND, OR and XOR.

var compoundValidator:CompoundValidator = new CompoundValidator();
compoundValidator.addValidator( new CollectionValidator( myCollectionA, String, 1, 5 ) );
compoundValidator.addValidator( new CollectionValidator( myCollectionB, Number, 1, 1 ) );
compoundValidator.operation = CompoundValidator.XOR;

In this example our CompoundValidator's state will be true only if myCollectionA has between 1-5 Strings or myCollectionB has 1 Number, but will be false if they are both true or both false (as we are using XOR, exclusive OR - one or the other, but not both).

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