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WLTT Clinic

This is a simple clinic system for BACS2063 Data Structures and Algorithm.

TAY CHAI BOON @Caiwen612
Task: SortedListDoublyLinkList and Doctor Module
Task: ArrayQueue and Counter Module
LEE CHUN KAI @BananaKing123
Task: ArrayStack and Payment Module
WILSON YAU KAI CHUN @wilsonyau02
Task: ArrayList and Pharmacy Module
##System requirement Minimum: Java SDK17
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA

##Package Description
adt = Abstract data type specification and implementation
client = Client program that handle the module
driver = Combine whole client program become a system
entity = Entity of each object
utility = validation feature and font color feature

##ADT that use in this program
Instructions: Read the java interface files for understand the method to manipulate each adt
ArrayList = ListInterface
ArrayQueue =
ArrayStack =
SortedListDoublyLinkList =

##How to use our program
Note: you can use Dummy Data to play on our program. ##Main Menu
Note: If the room is empty, you can go counter module to add patient
Press 1 for Counter Module
Press 2 for Doctor Module
Press 3 for Pharmacy Module
Press 4 for Payment Module
Press 5 for End program
##Counter Module
Press 1 for Search the previous patient and choose whether need to add into the room queue
Press 2 for Add new patient and choose whether need to add into the room queue
Press 3 for Edit the patient details by input the ic number
Press 4 for Delete the patient details by input the ic number and remove the patient from room queue
Press 5 for Display queue status of clinic
Press 6 for go back previous menu which is main menu

##Doctor Module
Note: If the queue did not have patient, the current patient will be empty and only show certain menu
Press 1 for Check patient history
Press 2 for Add new Patient record and medical cart
Press 3 for Edit patient record
Press 4 for Add the appointment to this patient
Press 5 for Appointment Management
Press 6 for Release the patient from doctor room and the patient will automatically add into pharmacy queue and call next patient if exist
Press 7 for go back previous menu
##Doctor Module(Appointment Management)
Press 1 for Search the appointment at certain date
Press 2 for Display all the appointment
Press 3 for Update the appointment
Press 4 for Delete the appointment
Press 5 for go back previous menu

##Pharmacy Module
Note: If the queue did not have patient, the current patient will be empty.
Press 1 for Allocate the medicine to patient and reduce the stock of pharmacy
Press 2 for Release the patient from pharmacy slide and the patient will automatically add into payment queue and handle next patient if exist
Press 3 for Medicine stock menu
Press 4 for Medicine menu
Press 5 for View Summary report of medicine
Press 6 for go back previous menu

##Pharmacy Module(Medicine Stock Management)
Press 1 for Search the medicine
Press 2 for Sort the medicine based on dosage quantity
Press 3 for Add the stock for medicine
Press 4 for pharmacy menu

##Pharmacy Module(Medicine Menu Management)
Press 1 for Add new medicine
Press 2 for Update the cost and price of medicine
Press 3 for Delete the medicine
Press 4 for pharmacy menu

##Payment Module
Note: If the queue did not have patient, the current patient will be empty
Press 1 for Print invoice for patient
Press 2 for Transaction menu
Press 3 for Record the payment from customer
Press 4 for Release the patient from payment queue and call next patient if exist
Press 0 for go back previous menu

##Payment Module(Transaction Menu)
Note: If the queue did not have patient, the current patient will be empty
Press 1 for Check the latest transaction
Press 2 for Search the transaction
Press 3 for Sort the transaction based on date
Press 4 for Check Summary report to see profit
Press 0 for go back previous menu


simple dsa project






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