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Update CF for fun sem in translator and remove some cheats
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myreen committed May 16, 2018
1 parent d94b93e commit 40742f2
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Showing 4 changed files with 129 additions and 209 deletions.
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions characteristic/Holmakefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
INCLUDES = ../misc ../semantics ../semantics/alt_semantics/proofs ../basis/pure ../translator $(HOLDIR)/examples/machine-code/hoare-triple ../compiler/parsing
INCLUDES = ../misc ../semantics ../basis/pure ../translator $(HOLDIR)/examples/machine-code/hoare-triple ../compiler/parsing

ifdef POLY
Expand All @@ -15,13 +15,11 @@ all: $(TARGETS) $(HOLHEAP)
.PHONY: all

PRE_BARE_THYS1 = astTheory tokensTheory semanticPrimitivesTheory astPP
PRE_BARE_THYS3 = determTheory bigClockTheory

BARE_THYS1 = $(patsubst %,../semantics/%,$(PRE_BARE_THYS1))
BARE_THYS3 = $(patsubst %,../semantics/alt_semantics/proofs/%,$(PRE_BARE_THYS3))

DEPS = $(patsubst %,%.uo,$(BARE_THYS1)) $(patsubst %,%.uo,$(BARE_THYS3)) $(PARENTHEAP)
DEPS = $(patsubst %,%.uo,$(BARE_THYS1)) $(PARENTHEAP)

$(protect $(HOLDIR)/bin/buildheap) -b $(PARENT_HOLHEAP) -o $(HOLHEAP) $(BARE_THYS1) $(BARE_THYS3) $(BARE_THYS2)
$(protect $(HOLDIR)/bin/buildheap) -b $(PARENT_HOLHEAP) -o $(HOLHEAP) $(BARE_THYS1)
124 changes: 40 additions & 84 deletions characteristic/cfAppScript.sml
Expand Up @@ -229,22 +229,7 @@ val app_basic_weaken = Q.store_thm("app_basic_weaken",
app_basic p v v1 x Q)`,
fs [app_basic_def] \\ metis_tac []);

val evaluate_list_SING = Q.prove(
`bigStep$evaluate_list b env st [exp] (st', Rval [v]) <=>
bigStep$evaluate b env st exp (st', Rval v)`,
simp [Once bigStepTheory.evaluate_cases, PULL_EXISTS]
\\ once_rewrite_tac [CONJ_COMM]
\\ simp [Once bigStepTheory.evaluate_cases, PULL_EXISTS]);

val evaluate_list_raise_SING = Q.prove(
`bigStep$evaluate_list b env st [exp] (st', Rerr (Rraise v)) <=>
bigStep$evaluate b env st exp (st', Rerr (Rraise v))`,
simp [Once bigStepTheory.evaluate_cases, PULL_EXISTS]
\\ eq_tac \\ fs [] \\ strip_tac
\\ pop_assum (assume_tac o
SIMP_RULE std_ss [Once bigStepTheory.evaluate_cases])
\\ fs []);

val app_basic_rel = Q.store_thm("app_basic_rel",
`app_basic (p:'ffi ffi_proj) (f: v) (x: v) (H: hprop) (Q: res -> hprop) =
!(h_i: heap) (h_k: heap) (st: 'ffi state).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,6 +260,7 @@ val app_basic_rel = Q.store_thm("app_basic_rel",
(rewrite_tac [CONJ_ASSOC] \\ once_rewrite_tac [CONJ_COMM]
\\ asm_exists_tac \\ fs []
\\ fs [st2heap_def] \\ asm_exists_tac \\ fs []));

(* TODO: move to appropriate locations *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,21 +315,6 @@ open terminationTheory evaluatePropsTheory
val dec_clock_def = evaluateTheory.dec_clock_def
val evaluate_empty_state_IMP = ml_translatorTheory.evaluate_empty_state_IMP

val big_remove_clock = Q.store_thm("big_remove_clock",
`∀c ck env s e s' r.
evaluate ck env s e (s',r) ∧
r ≠ Rerr (Rabort Rtimeout_error)
evaluate F env (s with clock := c) e (s' with clock := c,r)`,
gen_tac \\ reverse Cases
>- (
rw[] \\
imp_res_tac bigClockTheory.big_unclocked \\
`∀s. s = s with clock := s.clock` by simp[state_component_equality] \\
metis_tac[bigClockTheory.big_unclocked] ) \\
rw[bigClockTheory.big_clocked_unclocked_equiv] \\

val evaluate_refs_length_mono = Q.store_thm("evaluate_refs_length_mono",`
(∀(s:'a state) env e s' r.
evaluate s env e = (s',r) ⇒ LENGTH s.refs ≤ LENGTH s'.refs) ∧
Expand All @@ -357,14 +328,6 @@ val evaluate_refs_length_mono = Q.store_thm("evaluate_refs_length_mono",`
\\ fs[semanticPrimitivesTheory.store_alloc_def,semanticPrimitivesTheory.store_assign_def]
\\ rw[]);

val big_refs_length_mono = Q.store_thm("big_refs_length_mono",
`evaluate ck env s exp (s',r) ⇒ LENGTH s.refs ≤ LENGTH s'.refs`,
\\ rw[funBigStepEquivTheory.functional_evaluate]
\\ fs[bigClockTheory.big_clocked_unclocked_equiv,funBigStepEquivTheory.functional_evaluate]
\\ imp_res_tac evaluate_refs_length_mono
\\ fs[]);

val SPLIT_st2heap_length_leq = Q.store_thm("SPLIT_st2heap_length_leq",
`SPLIT (st2heap p s') (st2heap p s, h_g) ∧
LENGTH s.refs ≤ LENGTH s'.refs ∧ s'.ffi = s.ffi ⇒
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,6 +511,7 @@ val SPLIT_st2heap_ffi = Q.store_thm("SPLIT_st2heap_ffi",
\\ match_mp_tac FILTER_ffi_has_index_in_MEM
\\ fs [] \\ asm_exists_tac \\ fs [])

val SPLIT_st2heap_evaluate_ffi_same = Q.store_thm("SPLIT_st2heap_evaluate_ffi_same",
`evaluate F env st exp (st',Rval res) ∧
SPLIT (st2heap p st') (st2heap p st, h_g) ⇒
Expand All @@ -561,26 +525,7 @@ val SPLIT_st2heap_evaluate_ffi_same = Q.store_thm("SPLIT_st2heap_evaluate_ffi_sa
\\ `LENGTH st.ffi.io_events = LENGTH st'.ffi.io_events`
\\ metis_tac [IS_PREFIX_LENGTH_ANTI]);

val evaluate_imp_evaluate_empty_state = Q.store_thm("evaluate_imp_evaluate_empty_state",
`evaluate F env s es (s',Rval r) ∧ s.refs ≼ s'.refs ∧ s'.ffi = s.ffi ∧ s.ffi.final_event = NONE
t = empty_state with <| refs := s.refs |> ∧
t' = empty_state with <| refs := s'.refs |>
evaluate F env t es (t',Rval r)`,
rw[Once bigClockTheory.big_clocked_unclocked_equiv]
\\ fs[funBigStepEquivTheory.functional_evaluate]
CONJUNCT1 evaluate_ffi_intro)))
\\ simp[]
\\ disch_then(qspec_then`empty_state with <| clock := c; refs := s.refs |>`mp_tac)
\\ simp[] \\ strip_tac
\\ `Rval [r] = list_result ((Rval r):(v,v) result)` by EVAL_TAC
\\ pop_assum SUBST_ALL_TAC
\\ fs[GSYM funBigStepEquivTheory.functional_evaluate]
\\ simp[bigClockTheory.big_clocked_unclocked_equiv]
\\ asm_exists_tac \\ fs[]);

val Arrow_IMP_app_basic = Q.store_thm("Arrow_IMP_app_basic",
`(Arrow a b) f v ==>
Expand All @@ -589,16 +534,13 @@ val Arrow_IMP_app_basic = Q.store_thm("Arrow_IMP_app_basic",
app_basic (p:'ffi ffi_proj) v v1 emp (POSTv v. &b (f x) v)`,
fs [app_basic_def,emp_def,cfHeapsBaseTheory.SPLIT_emp1,
\\ fs [evaluate_ck_def, funBigStepEquivTheory.functional_evaluate_list]
\\ rw []
\\ fs [evaluate_ck_def] \\ rw []
\\ first_x_assum drule \\ strip_tac
\\ first_x_assum (qspec_then`st.refs`strip_assume_tac)
\\ instantiate
\\ simp [Once bigStepTheory.evaluate_cases, PULL_EXISTS]
\\ simp [Once (CONJUNCT2 bigStepTheory.evaluate_cases)]
\\ drule evaluate_empty_state_IMP \\ strip_tac
\\ fs [bigClockTheory.big_clocked_unclocked_equiv]
\\ rename1 `evaluate _ _ (st with clock := ck) _ _`
\\ fs [ml_progTheory.eval_rel_def]
\\ rename1 `evaluate (st with clock := ck) _ _ = _`
\\ simp[POSTv_cond,PULL_EXISTS]
\\ instantiate
\\ fs[st2heap_clock]
Expand All @@ -619,25 +561,39 @@ val Arrow_IMP_app_basic = Q.store_thm("Arrow_IMP_app_basic",
\\ decide_tac);

val app_basic_IMP_Arrow = Q.store_thm("app_basic_IMP_Arrow",
`(∀x v1. a x v1 ⇒ app_basic p v v1 emp (POSTv v. cond (b (f x) v))) ⇒ Arrow a b f v`,
rw[app_basic_def,ml_translatorTheory.Arrow_def,ml_translatorTheory.AppReturns_def,emp_def,SPLIT_emp1] \\
first_x_assum drule \\
fs[evaluate_ck_def,funBigStepEquivTheory.functional_evaluate_list] \\
fs[POSTv_cond,SPLIT3_emp1,PULL_EXISTS] \\
disch_then( qspec_then`ARB with <| refs := refs; ffi := <| final_event := NONE |> |>` mp_tac) \\
rw[] \\ instantiate \\
fs[Once (CONJUNCT2 bigStepTheory.evaluate_cases)] \\
fs[Once (CONJUNCT2 bigStepTheory.evaluate_cases)] \\ rw[] \\
drule big_remove_clock \\ rw[] \\
first_x_assum(qspec_then`0`strip_assume_tac) \\
drule SPLIT_st2heap_evaluate_ffi_same \\
fs[st2heap_clock] \\ strip_tac \\
drule SPLIT_st2heap_length_leq \\ simp[] \\
imp_res_tac big_refs_length_mono \\ fs[] \\
qexists_tac`l` \\
match_mp_tac (INST_TYPE[alpha|->beta](GEN_ALL evaluate_imp_evaluate_empty_state)) \\
`(∀x v1. a x v1 ⇒ app_basic p v v1 emp (POSTv v. cond (b (f x) v))) ⇒
Arrow a b f v`,
\\ first_x_assum drule
\\ fs[evaluate_ck_def]
\\ fs[POSTv_cond,SPLIT3_emp1,PULL_EXISTS]
\\ disch_then( qspec_then`ARB with
<| refs := refs; ffi := <| final_event := NONE |> |>` mp_tac)
\\ rw [] \\ instantiate
\\ rename1 `SPLIT (st2heap p st1) _`
\\ drule (CONJUNCT1 evaluate_ffi_intro |> INST_TYPE [beta|->``:unit``]) \\ fs []
\\ disch_then (qspec_then
`empty_state with <| clock := ck ;refs := refs |>` mp_tac) \\ fs []
\\ qsuff_tac `?refs1. st1.refs = refs ++ refs1 /\
st1.ffi = <|final_event := NONE|>`
(fs [ml_progTheory.eval_rel_def] \\ rw []
\\ qexists_tac `refs1`
\\ qexists_tac `ck` \\ fs [state_component_equality])
\\ imp_res_tac evaluate_refs_length_mono \\ fs []
\\ imp_res_tac evaluate_io_events_mono_imp
\\ fs[io_events_mono_def]
\\ conj_asm2_tac
THEN1 (drule SPLIT_st2heap_length_leq \\ fs [IS_PREFIX_APPEND])
\\ imp_res_tac SPLIT_st2heap_ffi \\ fs []
\\ Cases_on`st1.ffi.final_event` \\ fs[] \\ rfs []
\\ qmatch_assum_rename_tac `!n. FILTER (ffi_has_index_in [n]) _ =
FILTER (ffi_has_index_in [n]) st2.io_events`
\\ `LENGTH st1.ffi.io_events = LENGTH st2.io_events`
\\ metis_tac [IS_PREFIX_LENGTH_ANTI]);

val Arrow_eq_app_basic = Q.store_thm("Arrow_eq_app_basic",
`Arrow a b f fv ⇔ (∀x xv. a x xv ⇒ app_basic p fv xv emp (POSTv v'. &b (f x) v'))`,
Expand Down

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