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myreen committed Dec 8, 2020
2 parents 7dba4b8 + f764c17 commit 6366cd3
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Showing 8 changed files with 251 additions and 57 deletions.
66 changes: 55 additions & 11 deletions basis/CharProgScript.sml
Expand Up @@ -27,16 +27,60 @@ val _ = trans ">=" stringSyntax.char_ge_tm;
val _ = next_ml_names := ["isSpace"];
val res = translate stringTheory.isSpace_def;

val sigs = module_signatures [

val _ = ml_prog_update (close_module (SOME sigs));
Definition fromByte_def:
fromByte (w:word8) = CHR (w2n w)

val _ = next_ml_names := ["fromByte"];
val res = translate fromByte_def;

Triviality frombyte_side_thm:
frombyte_side v = T
fs [fetch "-" "frombyte_side_def"]
\\ qspec_then ‘v’ assume_tac w2n_lt
\\ fs [dimword_def]

val _ = update_precondition frombyte_side_thm;

Definition some_chars_vector_def:
some_chars_vector = Vector (GENLIST (λn. SOME (CHR n)) 256)

Definition some_char_def:
some_char c = regexp_compiler$sub some_chars_vector (ORD c)

Theorem some_char_thm:
some_char c = SOME c
Cases_on ‘c’
\\ rewrite_tac [some_chars_vector_def,some_char_def,regexp_compilerTheory.sub_def]
\\ full_simp_tac std_ss [ORD_CHR]
\\ full_simp_tac std_ss [GSYM ORD_CHR]
\\ full_simp_tac std_ss [EL_GENLIST]

val _ = ml_prog_update open_local_block;

val res = translate (EVAL “some_chars_vector”);

val _ = ml_prog_update open_local_in_block;

val _ = next_ml_names := ["some"];
val res = translate some_char_def;

Triviality some_char_side_thm:
some_char_side v = T
fs [fetch "-" "some_char_side_def"] \\ EVAL_TAC \\ fs [ORD_BOUND]

val _ = update_precondition some_char_side_thm;

val _ = ml_prog_update close_local_blocks;

val _ = ml_prog_update (close_module NONE);

val _ = export_theory()
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions basis/TextIOProgScript.sml
Expand Up @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ in input0 off len 0 end
val _ = ml_prog_update open_local_in_block;

val _ = (append_prog o process_topdecs)`
fun input1 fd = Some (Char.chr(Word8.toInt(read_byte (get_in fd)))) handle EndOfFile => None`
fun input1 fd = Char.some(Char.fromByte(read_byte (get_in fd))) handle EndOfFile => None`

val _ = ml_prog_update open_local_block;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ val _ = (append_prog o process_topdecs)`
let val readat = (!rref) in
rref := (!rref) + 1;
Some (Char.chr (Word8.toInt (Word8Array.sub surplus readat)))
Char.some (Char.fromByte (Word8Array.sub surplus readat))

val _ = ml_prog_update open_local_in_block;
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions basis/TextIOProofScript.sml
Expand Up @@ -1848,9 +1848,9 @@ Proof
\\ xlet_auto_spec(SOME read_byte_STDIO_spec)
\\ xsimpl \\ simp[bumpFD_0,FD_def] \\ xsimpl
\\ xlet_auto \\ xsimpl
\\ xlet_auto \\ xsimpl
\\ xcon \\ xsimpl
\\ fs[ORD_BOUND,CHR_ORD,std_preludeTheory.OPTION_TYPE_def] )
\\ xapp \\ xsimpl
\\ asm_exists_tac \\ fs [CharProgTheory.some_char_thm]
\\ fs[ORD_BOUND,CHR_ORD,std_preludeTheory.OPTION_TYPE_def,CharProgTheory.fromByte_def])
>- xsimpl
\\ xsimpl
\\ xcases
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2355,16 +2355,16 @@ Proof
\\ rveq \\ xlet_auto >- xsimpl
\\ xlet_auto >- xsimpl
\\ xlet_auto >- (xsimpl \\ fs[instream_buffered_inv_def])
\\ xlet_auto >- xsimpl
\\ xlet_auto >- (xsimpl \\ simp[w2n_lt_256])
\\ xcon \\ `bactive <> []`
by (fs[instream_buffered_inv_def]
\\ fs[DROP_NIL])
\\ xlet_auto >- xsimpl \\ fs [CharProgTheory.fromByte_def]
\\ xapp
\\ `bactive <> []` by (fs[instream_buffered_inv_def] \\ fs[DROP_NIL])
\\ xsimpl
\\ asm_exists_tac \\ fs [CharProgTheory.some_char_thm]
\\ fs[instream_buffered_inv_def, std_preludeTheory.OPTION_TYPE_def] \\ xsimpl
\\ ntac 2 strip_tac \\ fs []
\\ reverse conj_tac
>-(`h::t = (TAKE (w − r) (DROP r bcontent))` by fs[]
\\ `t = DROP 1 (TAKE (w − r) (DROP r bcontent))`
Expand Down
65 changes: 56 additions & 9 deletions compiler/backend/flat_to_closScript.sml
Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,21 @@ val _ = new_theory"flat_to_clos"

val _ = set_grammar_ancestry ["flatLang","closLang","backend_common"];

val _ = patternMatchesLib.ENABLE_PMATCH_CASES();

Definition dest_pat_def:
dest_pat [(Pvar v, h)] = SOME (v:string,h) /\
dest_pat _ = NONE

Theorem dest_pat_pmatch:
dest_pat x =
case x of [(Pvar v, h)] => SOME (v:string,h) | _ => NONE
\\ every_case_tac \\ fs [dest_pat_def]

Theorem dest_pat_thm:
dest_pat pes = SOME (p_1,p_2) <=> pes = [(Pvar p_1, p_2)]
Expand All @@ -35,14 +45,30 @@ End

Definition arg1_def:
arg1 xs f =
case xs of [x] => f x | _ => closLang$Let None xs (Var None 0)
dtcase xs of [x] => f x | _ => closLang$Let None xs (Var None 0)

Theorem arg1_pmatch:
arg1 xs f =
case xs of [x] => f x | _ => closLang$Let None xs (Var None 0)
\\ every_case_tac \\ fs [arg1_def]

Definition arg2_def:
arg2 xs f =
case xs of [x; y] => f x y | _ => closLang$Let None xs (Var None 0)
dtcase xs of [x; y] => f x y | _ => closLang$Let None xs (Var None 0)

Theorem arg2_pmatch:
arg2 xs f =
case xs of [x; y] => f x y | _ => closLang$Let None xs (Var None 0)
\\ every_case_tac \\ fs [arg2_def]

Definition AllocGlobals_def:
AllocGlobals t n =
if n = 0 then Op t (Cons 0) [] else
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +103,7 @@ End

Definition compile_op_def:
compile_op t op xs =
case op of
dtcase op of
| Opapp => arg2 xs (\x f. closLang$App t NONE f [x])
| TagLenEq tag n => closLang$Op t (TagLenEq tag n) xs
| LenEq n => closLang$Op t (LenEq n) xs
Expand All @@ -88,15 +114,15 @@ Definition compile_op_def:
(If t (Op t Less [Var t 0; Op None (Const 255) []])
(Raise t (Op t (Cons chr_tag) []))
(Var t 0)))
| Chopb chop => Op t (case chop of
| Chopb chop => Op t (dtcase chop of
| Lt => Less
| Gt => Greater
| Leq => LessEq
| Geq => GreaterEq) xs
| Opassign => arg2 xs (\x y. Op t Update [x; Op None (Const 0) []; y])
| Opref => Op t Ref xs
| ConfigGC => Op t ConfigGC xs
| Opb l => Op t (case l of
| Opb l => Op t (dtcase l of
| Lt => Less
| Gt => Greater
| Leq => LessEq
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,17 +201,37 @@ Definition join_strings_def:
else mlstring$concat [x; mlstring$strlit "_"; y]

Definition dest_nop_def:
dest_nop op e =
dtcase op of
| WordFromInt W8 => (dtcase e of [App _ Ord [x]] => SOME x | _ => NONE)
| Chr => (dtcase e of [App _ (WordToInt W8) [x]] => SOME x | _ => NONE)
| _ => NONE

Theorem dest_nop_thm:
dest_nop op es = SOME x ⇔
(∃t. op = WordFromInt W8 ∧ es = [App t Ord [x]]) ∨
(∃t. op = Chr ∧ es = [App t (WordToInt W8) [x]])
Cases_on ‘op’ \\ fs [dest_nop_def] \\ every_case_tac \\ fs []

Definition compile_def:
(compile m [] = []) /\
(compile m (x::y::xs) = compile m [x] ++ compile m (y::xs)) /\
(compile m [flatLang$Raise t e] = [closLang$Raise t (HD (compile m [e]))]) /\
(compile m [Lit t l] = [compile_lit t l]) /\
(compile m [Var_local t v] = [Var t (findi (SOME v) m)]) /\
(compile m [Con t n es] =
let tag = (case n of SOME (t,_) => t | _ => 0) in
let tag = (dtcase n of SOME (t,_) => t | _ => 0) in
[Op t (Cons tag) (compile m (REVERSE es))]) /\
(compile m [App t op es] = [compile_op t op (compile m (REVERSE es))]) /\
(compile m [Fun t v e] = [Fn (mlstring$implode t) NONE NONE 1 (HD (compile (SOME v::m) [e]))]) /\
(compile m [App t op es] =
dtcase dest_nop op es of
| SOME e => compile m [e]
| NONE => [compile_op t op (compile m (REVERSE es))]) /\
(compile m [Fun t v e] =
[Fn (mlstring$implode t) NONE NONE 1 (HD (compile (SOME v::m) [e]))]) /\
(compile m [If t x1 x2 x3] =
[If t (HD (compile m [x1]))
(HD (compile m [x2]))
Expand All @@ -194,7 +240,7 @@ Definition compile_def:
[Let t (compile m [e1]) (HD (compile (vo::m) [e2]))]) /\
(compile m [Mat t e pes] = [Op t (Const 0) []]) /\
(compile m [Handle t e pes] =
case dest_pat pes of
dtcase dest_pat pes of
| SOME (v,h) => [Handle t (HD (compile m [e])) (HD (compile (SOME v::m) [h]))]
| _ => compile m [e]) /\
(compile m [Letrec t funs e] =
Expand All @@ -207,6 +253,7 @@ Termination
\\ `!funs f v x. MEM (f,v,x) funs ==> exp_size x < flatLang$exp1_size funs` by
(Induct \\ fs [] \\ rw [] \\ fs [flatLangTheory.exp_size_def] \\ res_tac \\ fs [])
\\ res_tac \\ fs [dest_pat_thm] \\ fs [flatLangTheory.exp_size_def]
\\ gvs [dest_nop_thm] \\ fs [flatLangTheory.exp_size_def]

Definition compile_decs_def:
Expand Down

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