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Svelte JSON Form

Svelte package for creating an HTML form that outputs JSON.


$ npm install svelte-json-form

How to use

The Svelte JSON components work like the regualar HTML form input elements. Svelte JSON provides a couple extra wrappers for creating JSON.



Wrapper for a JSON from. Should only have one JSON input as a direct child.
value: The value of the JSON in the form


Input for creating a JSON string.
value: The value of the input
defaultValue: The default value of the input
jsonKey: The key of the element in the JSON


Input for creating a JSON number.
value: The value of the input
defaultValue: The default value of the input
jsonKey: The key of the element in the JSON


Input for creating a JSON boolean.
value: The value of the input
defaultValue: The default value of the input
jsonKey: The key of the element in the JSON


Create a field that is always a JSON null
value: Always null
jsonKey: The key of the element in the JSON


Create a select with options for the JSON field. Can be mixed types.

value: The value of the select. Must be in options
jsonKey: The key of the element in the JSON
options: List of options for the select
defaultValue: The default value of the select. Must be in options
optionProps: Props to be passed into each option element options


Wrapper for JSON inputs where each input must have the jsonKey prop.
jsonKey: The key of the element in the JSON


Wrapper for JSON arrays. Requires 2 named slots:

The value prop has the inputs for each element in the array. Provides 2 let props.
let:index: The index of the element
let:remove: A function that removes the element

The add-button prop is a button to add elements to the array. Provides 1 let prop.
let:add: A function to add an element

jsonKey: The key of the element in the JSON


Json object where the keys are user selected. Requires 2 named slots:

The value prop has the inputs for each element in the map. Provides 3 let props.
let:index: The index of the element
let:remove: A function that removes the element
let:updateKey: A function to be passed into the JsonMapKey on:updateKey event

The add-button prop is a button to add elements to the array. Provides 1 let prop.
let:add: A function to add an element


Key used in the JSON map
value: Value of the key.
on:updateKey: Event that fires then the key changes. Usually used with let:updateKey from the JsonMap component.


JsonDataType: Any JSON data
JsonArrayType: Any JSON array
JsonObjectType: Any JSON object
JsonKeyType: JSON array or object key


<JsonForm bind:value>
			<label for="hello">Hello</label>
			<JsonNumber jsonKey="hello" id="hello" value={1000} />
			<label for="world">World</label>
			<JsonString jsonKey="world" id="world" value="hello" />
			<label for="number">Number</label>
			<JsonSelect jsonKey="number" id="number" value="ahhh" options={['ahhh', 'hello', 0, ':)']} />
			<label for="bool">Boolean</label>
			<JsonBoolean jsonKey="bool" id="bool" value={true} />
		<JsonNull jsonKey="null" />
		<JsonArray jsonKey="arg">
			<div slot="value" let:index let:remove>
				<label for={index + 'hello'}>{index}</label>
				<JsonNumber jsonKey={index} id={index + 'hello'} />
				<button type="button" on:click={remove}>Remove</button>
			<div slot="add-button" let:add>
				<button type="button" on:click={add}>Add</button>
		<JsonMap jsonKey="i_am_the_map">
			<div slot="value" let:remove let:updateKey>
				<JsonMapKey on:updateKey={updateKey} />:
				<JsonString value="hello" />
				<button type="button" on:click={remove}>Remove</button>
			<div slot="add-button" let:add>
				<button type="button" on:click={add}>Add</button>



Feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request.


Svelte package for creating JSON from a form.







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