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Change Log

Devi Prasad edited this page Mar 11, 2016 · 5 revisions

Want to know more which version suits, or which version does your work just fine or just want to know. You'll find here every thing about the changes we have made. How to understand version. Ex: 3.1.0 (TimeOn!), 3 is the major version, 1 is the minor update, and 0 represents the revision of the minor update. And the (TimeOn!) is the major version name. To know about the changes we are about to make in the next version, go to Milestones

v5.0.1 (HangingTime!)

  • Bug fix #13

v5.0.0 (HangingTime!)

  • Events on dates of the previous or next months that is emptydates
  • Bug fixes

v4.1.0 (FrozenTime!)

  • Minor Bug Fixes

v4.0.0 (FrozenTime!)

  • Change of format, change in processing technique. Full jQuery style format! This helped us to reduce the file size by 20%.
  • Recurring events removed, wait, I meant they have gone through a change. No more uncertainty. Definite start date to definite end date.
  • TODAY event deprecated, and removed. Strict format rules to be enforced.
  • Plus side, new values added. [{content: "An event", url: 'http://etc', allDay: true, repeat: 'YEARLY', note: 'Busy day', category: 'work', endDate: '12-30-2056'}]
  • Recurring events repeat: 'YEARLY', repeat: 'MONTHLY', repeat: 'INTERVAL', repeat: 'MON, TUE, SUN'
  • finish.calendar.calendario triggered when all calendario objects have been initialized.
  • No need to keep a tab of all the instances, not need to even access them. Everything is automatic.
  • No need to wrap content, it will be done by Calendario, i.e., either <span> or <a>.

v3.2.0 (TimeOn!)

  • newday.calendar.trigger, this is triggered when today is over and we come to the next day. If you are in the current month or if the new day is in the next month it auto updates the day.
  • Time support for 10-DD-YYYY and 10-DD-1996 like dates.
  • Pre-process caldata and fix certain errors and our data, you won't have to deal with, because we will. Stop execution, and thrown an error. Example : Content is missing in date 10-20-2014.
  • onDay + event function returned three things, $el, $content, dateProperties. Now they return $el, data, dateProperties. data is an object containing keys content, allDay, startTime, endTime, all arrays. This removes lot of clutter. Note : allDay contains booleans, startTime and endTime contains Date objects.
  • New option function. Use, instance.option('startIn'); will return the value, instance.option('startIn', 3); sets the value.
  • setData has a new parameter. If you want to add new events to the existing one, use it like this instance.setData(data); and if you want to completely remove the data and set it with new, then, instance.setData(data, true);
  • Calendario now uses no data loss safe techniques to remove clutter from events.
  • If startTime is less than endTime then the endTime is automatically update to the next day.

v3.0.0 (TimeOn!)

  • Support for jQuery 1.9+
  • Support for Multiple Events on the same day. Thanks to @olyckne
  • Support for all mouse events. [mouseup, mouseenter, mouseover, mouseleave, etc..] {hover is supported below jQuery 1.9}. Ex: Pass events to events separated by commas. events: 'click, mouseenter'. Then you can use access them by following the Calendario name convention i.e. 'onDay' + event name(first letter capital) -> onDayMouseup
  • Fill empty cells with dates of previous months. An optional choice. Turn this feature off by setting fillEmpty : false.
  • isValideDate removed as it was not being used anywhere.
  • fc-future class added to future dates. And fc-emptydate to empty cell dates.
  • Faster processing and less size.

v2.0.0 (More!)

  • Recurring events introduced.
  • TODAY : '<span>Today is the day</span>'
  • 10-15-YYYY : <span>I'm a yearly event</span>
  • MM-10-1996 : '<span>I\'m a monthly event occurring every month on 10th and only in the year 1996</span>
  • MM-10-YYYY : '<span>I\'m a monthly event occurring every month on 10th and every year</span>
  • 10-DD-1996 : '<span>I\'m a daily event occurring in 10th month and in year 1996</span>
  • 10-DD-YYYY : '<span>I\'m a daily event occurring in 10th month and every year</span>

v1.0.0 (Sweet!)

Nothing explains better than the codrops article

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