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Lifelines 0.7.0

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@CamDavidsonPilon CamDavidsonPilon released this 01 Mar 22:31
· 1642 commits to master since this release


  • allow for multiple fitters to be passed into k_fold_cross_validation.
  • statistical tests in lifelines.statstics. now return a StatisticalResult object with properties like p_value, test_results, and summary.
  • fixed a bug in how log-rank statistical tests are performed. The covariance matrix was not being correctly calculated. This resulted in slightly different p-values.
  • WeibullFitter, ExponentialFitter, KaplanMeierFitter and BreslowFlemingHarringtonFitter all have a conditional_time_to_event_ property that measures the median duration remaining until the death event, given survival up until time t.