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Releases: CameronBxxk/unconditionalTherapy

unconditionalTherapy v1.0 (beta)

05 Aug 19:56
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Do you find that it is hard to open a notebook, stare at a big blank white page and try to record your thoughts with no motivation or idea with what to start with? I do. If you feel the same then this application was made with you in mind. Therapy is expensive and time consuming. Not to mention it can be hard to look someone in the eyes and talk about yourself or your issues! unconditionalTherapy is just an application; tell it whatever you like- no judgement- no expectation- no risk.

Sometimes all you need you do is get it out... unconditonalTherapy will listen.

unconditionalTherapy is an .exe meant to help with journaling as it keeps track of all your responses and mental health history in a "MMddyy" dated .txt file that will be generated wherever the application is stored on your PC.

Questions and responses are personalized to YOUR NAME and it will ask you the following questions (these questions and responses are paraphrased)

  1. What is your name?
  2. How would you say you're feeling today? x/10
  3. Are you feeling suicidal?
    3.1. If answered "yes, yeah, yup" then unconditionalTherapy will ask you to elaborate.
    3.2. If answered anything other than yes- a motivational message pops up :)
  4. Are you feeling anxious or panicked at all?
    4.1. If answered "yes, yeah, yup" then unconditionalTherapy will ask you to elaborate.
    4.2. If answered anything other than yes- a motivational message pops up :)
  5. Time to rant!! rant!! rant!! Anything else on your mind?

How to use:

  1. Download and store the .exe on your PC
  2. Extract to wherever youd like
  3. Double click to open
    !! The first time you run, windows will ask if you're sure- it is 100% safe to continue !!
  4. Enter your name (this will be referenced in questions and responses)
  5. Answer a x/10 rating
  6. Answer questions, it is important to answer either YES or NO to yes/no type of questions
  7. A dated .txt will be generated with your responses. Once the .exe is closed- store the .txt where you like
  8. ^Esc::ExitApp (ctrl+esc to exit)

Open feedback is welcomed and appreciated!
unconditionalTherapy is an ongoing project. Changes will be made over time.
Thank you!