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trx2junit (.NET Core global tool)

Helper for converting trx-Testresults (dotnet test --logger "trx") to a JUnit-based XML file.

Can be used for CI-scenarios, like CircleCi or GitLab, where as test results JUnit is expected.


trx to junit

When installed as .NET Core Global Tool: trx2junit {trxFile} where trxFile is the path to the trx-file.

You can pass more than one trx file, each will create it's own junit xml file.

# handle two files
$ trx2junit a.trx b.trx
Converting 2 trx file(s) to JUnit-xml...
Converting 'a.trx' to 'a.xml'
Converting 'b.trx' to 'b.xml'
done in 0.1234567 seconds. bye.

# for shells that handle wildcard expansion:
$ trx2junit results/*.trx
Converting 1 trx file(s) to JUnit-xml...
Converting 'example.trx' to 'example.xml'
done in 0.1234567 seconds. bye.

If the shell won't handle wildcard expansion, trx2junit handles the expansion of files in the same directory.

A different location for the JUnit-output can be specified:

# specify different output location
$ trx2junit a.trx --output ../results

# or
$ trx2junit --output results a.trx ../tests/b.trx

junit to trx

With option --junit2trx a conversion from junit to trx can be performed.

If a given xml-file is not a junit-file, a message will be logged to stderr and the exit-code is set to 1. A junit-file is considered valid if it either conforms to junit.xsd or jenkins-junit.xsd.


dotnet tool install -g trx2junit

For CI-scenarios execute before usage:

export PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"

Check also the documentation of your CI-system on how to persist the PATH between steps, etc. E.g. in CircleCI you need to run

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"' >> "$BASH_ENV"


.NET Core SDK 2.1 onwards.

Development channel

To get packages from the development channel use a nuget.config similar to this one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <add key="gfoidl-public" value="" />


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