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Blast Strike Before starting change the AppEntry.js file in path \ceng-407-408-2023-2024-Blast-Strike\CodeSrc\blaststrike\node_modules\expo\AppEntry.js

to this :

import registerRootComponent from 'expo/build/launch/registerRootComponent';

import App from '../../src/App';


After the npm install part of the project. Change the this releated libary with this functions: Go to CodeSrc -> blaststrike -> node_modules -> expo-location->build->Location.js Then Change the these functions: export async function getHeadingAsync() with: export async function getHeadingAsync() { try { let tries = 0; let resolved = false;

    const promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
        // Declare subscription outside to capture it from watchHeadingAsync
        let subscription = null;

        // Create a function to handle heading updates
        const handleHeadingUpdate = (heading) => {
            if (heading.accuracy > 1 || tries > 5) {
                if (!resolved && subscription) {
                    resolved = true;
                    subscription.remove();  // Clean up the subscription
            } else {
                tries += 1;

        // Start watching the heading
        watchHeadingAsync(handleHeadingUpdate).then(sub => {
            subscription = sub;
        }).catch(error => {
            console.log('Failed to start watching heading:', error);
            resolve(null);  // Resolve with null if we cannot start the watch

    return promise;
} catch (error) {
    console.log('Error in getHeadingAsync:', error);
    return null;  // Return null to signify failure



export async function watchHeadingAsync(callback) with: export async function watchHeadingAsync(callback) { let watchId = null; // Initialize to null for safety

try {
    watchId = HeadingSubscriber.registerCallback(callback);
    await ExpoLocation.watchDeviceHeading(watchId);
} catch (error) {
    console.log('Failed to start watching device heading:', error);
    // Optionally handle the error, e.g., retry, fallback, or alert the user

// Always return an object with a 'remove' function
return {
    remove() {
        if (watchId !== null) { // Only attempt to unregister if watchId is not null


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