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Upgrade from version 2 to 3

Martin DONADIEU edited this page Jun 8, 2022 · 9 revisions

This documentation will explain how to upgrade to the version 3 of auto-update.

First migrate to the last tooling:

npm remove -g capgo
npm remove capacitor-updater

npm i @capgo/cli
npm i @capgo/capacitor-updater
npx cap sync

Remove all your previous config:

  CapacitorUpdater: {
      autoUpdateURL: "https...",

to only let this:

  CapacitorUpdater: {
      autoUpdate: true,

⚠️ If you were using your own server, with autoUpdateURL, I will upgrade this guide soon for you. Meanwhile, have a look at the new upload option external who allow you to send only the link of your zip, not the code in Capgo cloud. This has been made for companies with strict privacy policy. In external mode, the code will never land to Capgo server, we just store the URL and send it to device, they will direct download it. In the standard way, the code is zipped and stored in our server, but we will never open it or use it either.

What change

All configuration become server side for auto-update, to give you more control on how you send an update to users.

That will allow us to revert, AB test, partial deploy or even deploy just to one user! These settings are added back to the web interface:

  • disable revert under native
  • disable update above major

⚠️ They will become true by default for all channel

This will also remove the need to update often the plugin, most update will be done server side, and you will get it without any change in your side.

⚠️ Reset when update become default, so if you prefer not to remove all download version when update from the store, do this:

  CapacitorUpdater: {
      autoUpdate: true,
      resetWhenUpdate: false,

Update your code

Lastly, update all your import in JS from:

import { CapacitorUpdater } from 'capacitor-updater'


import { CapacitorUpdater } from '@capgo/capacitor-updater'

Then build your code again npm run build and copy assets again npx cap copy.

You should be able now to test the last auto-update system

Send your version with:

npx @capgo/cli@latest upload

instead of

npx capgo upload

Future evolution

For now only the first public channel is in use, in the future public will change to something related to AB test, if more than one is set.

Common problems:

  • Build problem after upgrade: if you have already opened the source code of the plugin in Android studio or Xcode, sometimes the sync don't remove them, that the cause of the issue. Open the native IDE and remove capacitor-updater by hands and do npx cap sync this should solve