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A ROS 2 package for Modbus with TCP

Keywords: ROS 2, Modbus, Modbus TCP


The source code is released under a MIT license.




cd ros2_workspace/src
git clone -b main --recursive
cd ..
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select ros_modbus_msgs ros_modbus




The package provides a C++ node: ros2 run ros_modbus modbus_node

While continuously updating the state of the Modbus device's IOs, the node may publish two types of messages:

  • The IO's state (on timer or on event depending on the configuration file)
  • The node state (indicating wether published data should be considered valid or not, and a debug code)

Published Topics

  • state ([ros_modbus_msgs/State])

    Publishes the node state in a custom message, the state will be published on timer and on event:

      std_msgs/Header header            # header info
      bool state                        # Data validity
      uint8 error 					  # error number
  • report_timer ([ros_modbus_msgs/Modbus])

    Publishes in a custom message the IO values on timer callback for IOs configured as such in the configuration file:

      std_msgs/Header header            # header info
      string[] in_out                   # name of each I/O
      uint16[] values                   # value of each I/O
  • report_event ([ros_modbus_msgs/Modbus])

    Publishes in a custom message the IO values on event callback for IOs configured as such in the configuration file:

      std_msgs/Header header            # header info
      string[] in_out                   # name of each I/O
      uint16[] values                   # value of each I/O

Subscribed Topics

  • command ([ros_modbus_msgs/Modbus])

    Subscribes to commands, write the received values on the associated outputs of the device:

      std_msgs/Header header            # header info
      string[] in_out                   # name of each I/O
      uint16[] values                   # value of each I/O


  • sub_queue_size
    • Type: integer
    • Description: Queue size for subscribers
    • Default value: 10
  • pub_queue_size
    • Type: integer
    • Description: Queue size for publisher
    • Default value: 5
  • name
    • Type: string
    • Description: Name of the device, must be the same in the configuration file
    • Default value: test_device
  • YAML_config_file
    • Type: string
    • Description: File containing the configuration to be loaded
    • Default value: FULL/PATH/TO/YOUR/config_file.yaml

Configuration file

A configuration file example can be found in ros_modbus/config as configuration.yaml