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CustomInterceptors Element

Alexei Stryker edited this page Jun 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

Cauldron Interception default folder for its custom/scripted interceptors is the "Interceptors" folder, which is located in the projects root directory. With the "CustomInterceptors" element it is also possible to define a custom location for the interceptors.

  • Multiple paths are possible - Each path should be separated with a line feed.
  • The following placeholders can be used: $(SolutionPath) and $(ProjectDir)
  • The paths are interpreted as search pattern (see Directory.GetFiles)


<Weavers VerifyAssembly="True">
<Weavers VerifyAssembly="True">
  <Cauldron.Interception CustomInterceptors="$(SolutionPath)MyInterceptors\Logger*.csx, $(SolutionPath)MyInterceptors\*.dll, D:\CoolInterceptors\*.csx"/>