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Releases: Capstone-Projects-2023-Spring/project-virtual-pet

Study Buddy 1.0.0

02 May 02:26
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Release notes - Study Buddy Virtual Pet - Study Buddy 1.0.0


Run Instructions

  • Please navigate to our app by clicking this link. (NOTE: DNS propagation takes a long time with Temple University so the link to the site will not work when using the school's wi-fi - tusecurewireless. Please connect from another network). Once there, you can create an account, select a pet, and explore the site.
  • Study Buddy is a Progressive Web App (PWA). This means it's a web site that you can use in your browser, or it can be downloaded to your device and used like an app.
    • On iOS: Open Safari and navigate to the site. Press the "Share" button and select "Add to Home Screen" from the popup. Lastly, tap "Add" in the top right corner to finish installing the PWA. It will now be on your home screen.
    • On Android: Open Chrome and navigate to the site. Press the "three dot" icon in the upper right to open the menu. Select "Add to Home screen." Press the "Add" button in the popup. The PWA is now installed and available on your home screen.
      Study buddy pwa instructions!

Local Build Instructions


  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • pip3 22 or higher
  • npm 8 or higher

A secret key and a gmail password will be required in backend .env file for the project to run correctly. If you are an approved developer on this project, reach out to your team lead to receive the requisite credentials. Modification of the backend code source code will be required in order to send email verifications on user registration. Our team is happy to assist in guiding you through this process.

Set Up

  1. Download the zip file in the release and open. Open a terminal, then navigate to the project directory.

  2. Insert your development keys to <your-path>/project-virtual-pet/pocs-capstone/backend/backend/.env

  1. Navigate to the backend:
cd <your-path>/project-virtual-pet/pocs-capstone/backend
  1. Activate a Python virtual environment and install dependencies:


source tutorial-env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Activate the backend with the following instructions:
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
python3 runserver
  1. Now, open a new terminal and from the project directory, navigate to the frontend:
cd <your-path>/project-virtual-pet/pocs-capstone/frontend
  1. Build the frontend as follows. Dependencies will be downloaded and compiled for you:
npm install 
npm run build 
nmp start
  1. In your browser, navigate in the search bar to http://localhost:3000.


SB-24 Notification system for reminders

SB-80 Reorder/sort task list items frontend

SB-102 Tags for filtering tasks

SB-137 Tutorial

SB-154 Mobile Register/Login

SB-157 Mobile Account/Settings

SB-167 Create pet animation for onClick event

SB-169 Tasks can't be checked off as complete right away

SB-170 Update EXP bar

SB-172 Mobile CSS Fixes & Tweaks

SB-173 Implement mood descriptors

SB-176 Milestone Demo Rehearsal Deliverable - A

SB-178 Update Canvas Mobile Instructions

SB-180 Create OneSignal account

SB-182 Test Report - Acceptance Tests

SB-183 Make final release

SB-184 Revise/update past documentation

SB-185 Create mock Canvas data

SB-186 Replace Canvas course ID with name

SB-188 Easter egg: pet weight

SB-192 Create level up animation

SB-195 Reorder/sort task list items backend

SB-196 Scale pet up every 10 levels

SB-197 Pet rock pixel art

SB-198 Display pet mood in pet profile page

SB-199 Milestone Demo Rehearsal Deliverable - C

SB-200 Milestone Demo Rehearsal Deliverable - M

SB-201 Milestone Demo Rehearsal Deliverable - H

SB-203 Milestone Demo Rehearsal Deliverable - K

SB-208 Remove Docusaurus Tutorial

SB-209 Practice final demo -K

SB-210 Practice final demo -M

SB-211 Test Report - Integration

SB-212 Test Report - Unit

SB-190 Canvas button does not appear on first redirect (fixed bug)

SB-191 Update page display tabs to respect 'safe area' of devices

Known Bugs

SB-139 Timeout error

SB-146 Tab selection does not persist through screen width change

SB-160 Login after signup saves username which can't be used for login

SB-168 If task is due same day, the mood is negatively influenced

SB-204 Caching + Space Issue for VM/deployment

Study Buddy 0.8.0

12 Apr 03:16
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Release notes - Study Buddy Virtual Pet - Study Buddy 0.8.0


SB-116 validation for empty name on Pet Selection page

SB-129 Task deadline sometimes inaccurate

SB-138 Entering empty name at Pet Selection causes no redirect

SB-140 Changing name/bio and dragging and dropping a candy resets the name/bio

SB-141 Refreshing and being in the wrong account

SB-145 XP bar does not update after every feed

SB-150 No Server Response

SB-165 Pet starts with half a progress bar


SB-24 Notification system for reminders

SB-25 Calendar page React template - Desktop view

SB-36 Level System

SB-46 Mobile Calendar

SB-115 Update readme for QA use

SB-117 Canvas Task main page updating

SB-118 Route traffic through HTTPS

SB-119 Mood State

SB-123 Change InventoryPage Drag to 'Hold'

SB-125 Investigate gifs for pet animation

SB-126 Create 2 more pixel cat color palettes

SB-127 Remove 'Populate Inv' and 'Delete All' Buttons from InventoryPage

SB-128 Fix invalid login bug

SB-130 Landing page

SB-144 Create Production Database

SB-148 Update Global Context

SB-151 Mobile Main page

SB-152 Mobile PetDisplay

SB-153 Mobile PetSelection

SB-155 Mobile PageDisplay

SB-158 Mobile TaskPage

SB-159 Mobile Inventory

SB-161 Mobile Application Design

SB-162 Integrate new pet palettes with app

SB-163 Improve pet interactivity with more complex animations

SB-164 Rework canvas integration page

SB-166 Create new release

README for project run instructions - click here

Study Buddy Virtual Pet 0.4.0

28 Mar 19:59
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Release notes - Study Buddy Virtual Pet - Study Buddy 4.0.0


SB-101 Valid emails and passwords are marked invalid on signup page

SB-107 Cat Logo link to pet profile page/login causes blank page

SB-112 Canvas Instructions too small on mobile

SB-113 Error checking for Canvas integration

SB-114 remove non working jira report button on readme

SB-138 Entering empty name at Pet Selection causes no redirect

SB-139 Timeout error

SB-141 Refreshing and being in the wrong account

SB-149 Minor nitpick, I can create a task without a due date, maybe a warning message would be helpful? I assume most people would want a task end date if they are putting it into Study Buddy

SB-150 No Server Response

SB-160 Login after signup saves username which can't be used for login


SB-18 New users need access to an account creation form

SB-29 Log out feature.

SB-30 Task Creation - Update

SB-33 Inventory page React template

SB-34 Display canvas assignments as tasks

SB-45 Account Profile & Pet Profile Pages

SB-47 Pet management & progress bar

SB-65 Software Development Plan Revision 1 Feedback - Tasks

SB-87 Update use cases/sequence diagram (Task Completion)

SB-88 Create Milestone Demo 2 Release

SB-89 GH Actions CI/CD

SB-90 Create pixel art of different candies

SB-91 Investigate SVG graphics and animation layers

SB-92 Inventory updated with task completion

SB-96 Canvas Task Refresh

SB-97 Interactive inventory

SB-98 Setup useContext for main states (inventory, task, etc))

SB-99 GH Actions CI/CD

SB-104 PWA Compatibility Main Page

SB-105 PWA Compatibility Pet Selection Page

SB-106 PWA Service Worker & Maskable Icon

SB-108 Inventory page React template

SB-109 Create function to evaluate pet state

SB-110 Update pet information using evaluated pet state

SB-111 Replace current pet image with sprite sheet

SB-115 Update readme for QA use

README for project run instructions - click here

Study Buddy Virtual Pet 0.2.0

14 Mar 21:07
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Release notes - Study Buddy Virtual Pet - Study Buddy Virtual Pet


SB-26 Profile - Log In Page React template

SB-35 Account Creation Page React template

SB-40 Describe Project Algorithms - Progression System

SB-61 Describe Project Algorithms - Pet Mood

SB-72 Testing Document - Back End Unit Tests

SB-73 Canvas Integration POC

SB-74 Serializers and Views

SB-75 Send Email to activate new user.

SB-76 Create task list for user.

SB-77 Task-List component react

SB-78 Canvas Integration page

SB-79 Implement Queryset sorting for tasks on the backend

SB-81 Testing Document - Front End Unit Test 1

SB-82 Testing Document - Front End Unit Test 2

SB-83 Testing Document - Front End Unit Test 3

SB-84 Testing Document - Integration Testing

SB-85 Testing Document - Acceptance Testing

SB-86 Canvas Integration - store access key